Yep. im more curious how boys will be boys is it
aka how vulgar and off topic does it get - there is a reason I dont join gaming groups easily
Yeah - I was a bit vague in my description of my problem - it managed sort sort itself out eventually.
I was referring to the Android app as well as the Desktop version; was attempting to reset my password.
so our IT saga continues… we found an e-mail form our prestigious IT people in May last year wherein they advised us that there needs to be an update/patch done on our server in order to ensure we dont get any ransomwhere etc. we confirmed for them to go ahead and they billed us R10k to do that. so now my question is what patches and updates and shit did they then do on our server for R10k?!
Ek swop jou dai drama vir drama met boss wat insist office outlook MOET elke keer full screen oop gaan …
En dan breek hy elke ander freaken program op sy laptop - ek reinstall al heel middag
wel kom ons add dan by al daai drama die feit that anal retentive baas my al 1 invoice 12 keer maak verander het… elke keer add hy iets nuut of vat iets weg wat hy op a vorige keer bygesit het. nou moes ek die invoice in 2 split met die gevolg dat ek dien rand /dollar conversion op die 2de invoice verkeerd het… die invoice gaan Taiwan toe en daai mense is nog meer anal as die baas…fml
ek sal gladly goed oor install op a laptop
bwahahaha - janee kyk ek het dai laas week gedoen met minutes - dont ya just love being office admin?
ja ne, ek was amper lus en se vir hom stop changing die kodes op ons accounts program want wat is due use as hy inelkgeval insit net watever hy wil. die kodes was veronderstel om als vinniger te maak…
Jup, presies dai een - ek het voet neer gesit toe hulle begin karring aan my systems - toe gooi ek my toys uit die kot en skel almal uit.
hulle raak nie meer aan my invoicing system nie en gee my net die details dat ek dit doen
well then apparently they did a shit job, ask them for a itemized bill of what they did i’m super curious
Watching campaign gameplay of Call of Duty WWII - I am intrigued and surprised by the story so far…
Mornin’ all
Hope you all have an awesome day!
Morning peoples!
Thanks, you too!
nah, our group will be tightly moderated. The telegram group admin tools are awesome. whatsapp has no bloody administrative tools.
Morning everyone.
Morning all
Good morning everyone.
Morning everyone
I know right… Drives me crazy
Then I wont mind, I can always leave if i need too