Did 10km on Saturday but only 5km yesterday. All sorts of muscles are sore.
Seems like the jogging is not an issue for you.
And the exercises?
I am also quite sore
Squats I did 50 - 25 - 25 I thought I would be better there.
Pushups I struggled with when I started. Apparently I was breathing wrong or not breathing. My face went bright red.
Crunches I have to still attempt.
Thats not too bad at all.
How were you breathing? Out when going down and in when going up? =D
Easy way to remember, you need oxygen in your muscles BEFORE you contract a muscle.
So breathe in on the eccentric phase and out on the concentric phase.
I will be starting today. After work.
Keep us posted
Afterwards, yes.
What is the eccentric phase?
Concentric= when the muscle contracts
Eccentric= when the muscle is relaxed (or rather the negative part of the rep, usually going down)
Okay so you need to breath the other way around.
The Best exercise to use an example to get the hang of it is a crunch.
When you go up and the muscle contracts, you breath out. When you go down and the muscle relaxes you breath in to get the oxygen back in the muscle before it has to contract again.
Oh man I’m unfit. I’m also pretty sore this morning. Glad I finally started again however.
Also pretty sore this morning. Gonna keep going with the walk/waddling but I’m thinking its probably best to take a days break from the other stuff.
Also took a break yesterday which I really did not want to do!
This would probably kill me.
Typing that sentence made me sad. I’m so unfit.
Challenge accepted! Except I’ll divide everything by 10 and work my way up
I started Friday - just don’t have the time to fit a run in so I chased my daughter around whilst she was on her plastic scooter.
I need to work hard for push ups, battled since I injured my shoulder in rugby - its probably a mental issue though
Warm up your shoulders properly before the time. Especially your rotator cuff
good idea, stretching is flippen good even if you are not going to exercise that muscle group - imho