Outriders - A Co-op RPG

But how? You’re getting it as a Game Pass subscriber right? I just can’t figure out how to get the preload started.

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I also struggled with that but I found a post on reddit that worked for me.

On your phone use the Xbox app (not the game pass app) and search for the game then it will allow you to download to your console.


Thank you!! Just spent 15 minutes trawling through the Xbox screens thinking I must be stupid :smiley: Why the heck does it work so easily from a phone app, but you can’t get a damn thing done on the actual console itself?! Stupid Xbox!

Any idea why mine is 60GB while yours is only 47GB?

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Yeah I was also very confused that it works so easily with the phone but not the console itself.

Which console do you have? I think it’s 60GB on Xbox One and 47GB on Series consoles. That doesn’t seem to make sense to me but that’s also according to Reddit posts.


Ahh, that must be it. I have a One.

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I’ll start playing this over the weekend if all goes well. First got to finish Desperado’s 3.


Started playing a bit, and as a major solo player, I chose the Technomancer class for the fact that it is a support and healer class, and it suits my general play style. The only class that can heal by simply attacking enemies. I figured this would be the easier option for a solo experience, boy was I wrong. I found it rather boring and actually challenging, I was dying at almost every encounter and even dropping the world tier (difficulty) to lower levels.

I subsequently created a new character with the Devestator class and man, this is now infinitely more enjoyable and I feel like I am powerful and owning the battlefield. Would still like to try another class, perhaps Pyromancer.

Will play more tonight and look forward to playing co-op with others, and the fact that it is completely cross play from what I understand.


Technomancer for me. In the demo I found that NOT hiding in cover worked better for it and every other class. Charge, freeze, duck, turrets, shoot in face. Next. Love it.

Second class the devestator, man that is SO much fun.

I seriously will have a toss up on these 2. Ironically these 2 classes are the least meta currently. I seem to pick the fun ones that cannot perform well at end game, in every game I play. I don’t care, as long as I can experiment and have fun :wink:

Waiting for the PC release to play play play!

PS: I doubt that support is going to have much of a place in the game to be honest, especially since end game progression is all time trial based. Again, I don’t care, I will heal my friends!


I just couldn’t find heals playing with it. Perhaps might have something to do with playing with controller :man_shrugging:

Yeah, this I am enjoying immensely.

We seem to have a very similar play style or even approach to games.

What platform you on, I don’t think I has you as a friend. Regardless, it has cross-play.


Oh shooosh all of you :stuck_out_tongue:

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The heals come later I think, there is a group wide heal with a massive range. There are also mods for guns that allow you to heal party members based on the DOT damage you do.

Steam, Boerewors is my steam name. Looking forward to playing with you :wink:


Aplogies, by your initial comment I thought you were on a console. Regardless, will add you. :slight_smile:

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I can already see one big problem with the game: peer to peer game hosting. It is not hosted on a server so if there is any connection issue with the player host there will be rubberbanding.

It also means, playing at (at best 200ms) with someone in another country is going to be uncomfortable if not unplayable.

The only other game of a similar nature that I have played a lot that has peer-to-peer grouping was Warframe and that actually handled it pretty well, it all depends on the netcode. I seem to remember reading somewhere that warframe took a long while to polish up the netcode to handle issues like this.

Will have to see if Outriders gets it right out of the box. I played with a UK friend in the demo and it was really bad in places.
I am quite happy to play solo though.


They had mentioned or addressed the reasoning for this in their earlier pre-release videos. I think they unestimated their user base and that’s why they opted for peer-to-peer over server based. Not to mention the hassles and struggles that are associated with server based hosting come release days and connectivity issues.

I think this was one of many concerns given the demo “testing”, though unsure if anything came of it. When @Wlad (both SA based) and I played together over the demo period we experienced some lag and banding issues but nothing that was game-breaking.


Now to decide if I am going to start from scratch or use my characters from demo. Choices choices.


Start a new character and skip the prologue.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed this. The whole night last night I was setting it higher and lower trying to find the sweet-spot. Can’t put my finger on it, just feels “off”.

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