Primordial Juice (the image guessing game that nobody asked for but everybody wants)

I think I know what that might be, it’s definitely not hair.

But now I can’t remember if we reward for wrong answers and if so it’s a closeup of a shoe lace. If you want the correct answer lemme know…

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Ok, I will trial run it like this: There will be a prize for both correct and best “creative” answer

This will be the rule until decided otherwise (or until it becomes too much effort)

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It keeps the doctor away…

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My initial reaction was an old mouldy cigar.

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Definitely think it should be a wrong answers only thing :smiley: Much more fun that way.

I still need to know what yesterdays’ weird head piece thing was.

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Very well. The wrong answers have it. First correct answer will get an honorable mention

first prototype portable TV (Murfle got it)


This is the stem?

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No, that was our previous anthem

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It’s a sandworm that eats too much sugar and never brushes his teeth.


Even in my sleep deprived state do I know what this is.

So during the ancient times of civilizations, earth was visited by multiple aliens species. These outer space visitors helped out with multiple built projects around the world. Most famously the pyramids, the stones of Baalbek, Puma Punku and the Nazca lines.

These sites are far from each other, and it’s very difficult for these ancient aliens to find the different locations they’ve been working at. Ask any No Man’s Sky player, if you want to revisit a previously found site, you better drop down a beacon. And this is where we find this item.

When the ancient travelers followed their version of the Atlas path (side note, that’s why we call a book of the world an Atlas, because aliens), they left their beacons here to revisit those site listed. But 2000 years is a long time and wind, oxygen and water vapour erodes many elements. This picture is of one such cable found by Dr. Eric Von Daniken, founder of the now popularized, well documented and ategorically proven Ancient Alien theory. This picture proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the existence of aliens.


As a card carrying member of I Believe Inc., I concur with the esteemed gentleman’s analysis.


That is an easy cop out


What a Journey it has been! From between the coach cushions to the perpendicular ring of Zabrehiri-Prime. And here we are now, at our first pitstop. So let’s get the formalities out of the way.

I have consulted the Hive and we have come to a mutual agreement that for showing pure, unadulterated procrastination at work (and just plain showing off), this first victory will go to… @DieGrootHammer

Here is your very special, one of a kind, never to be replicated, first winner of all time trophy

And the first “ok ok you have smart brain worms we get it” award goes to @Wyvern. Beating out @DarthMol on a technicality. It was in fact the stem of an apple.

Here’s your thing


it was in fact my penis (yes past tense, im aware)

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Round 2: FIGHT


Furnace filter

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The fluff from a belly button

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It’s a closeup of Mr Popo’s pubes.


The real answer:

It is a closeup of some paper or filter paper

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Mycelial network?