Primordial Juice (the image guessing game that nobody asked for but everybody wants)

that is nothing but a visual representation of the route i take going from 1 main story mission to another main story mission in GTA5, including all the deviations for side quests.


Have you ever seen elephants and baboons trip balls when they eat marulas that’s fallen from trees and left in the sun to become too overripe? Well, did you know there are other animals a d insects that also suffer from the same affliction?

The Trichonephila Inaurata, also known as the red-legged golden orb-weaver spider, build massive webs than span from bush to bush. This is to catch larger flying insects and even smaller birds.

Unfortunately for these spiders, sometimes these overripe marulas land in their webs, effectively poinoning the spider with a real Savanah Dry. These spiders still try to spin webs, and the picture is the result of such careless behavior.

Remember kids, don’t drink and spin…


Here’s the Canadian version

Aaaand it’s done. I hope you are all proud of yourselves. The Hive has taken note of select individuals and you will be monitored from here on out. Please pay the blinking red light in your bathroom no mind, it’s merely an optical illusion…

Anyhooooo, Let’s get to the winner(s)

The most outstanding better than the rest of you award goes to… @MetalSoup!
Fun Fact: Popo pubes as considered an aphrodisiac in Trump Tower

Here is your trophy*:
*Please note, the trophy is not edible (but it is delicious)

Now the smartiepants poopie award… The Hive has deliberated about this for almost 2 seconds (which in Hive time is like 2 years, because as we all know The Hive spends most of their waking hours in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber) and have decided that even half a correct answer deserves half a reward.

So the “honor” goes once again to @Wyvern. It was in fact a tea bag. Therefore Wyvern will only receive half the prize money.



We demand to see the new picture!!


The Hive will never cave to your mere mortal “demands”.

Now here is the next puzzle produced by The Hive out of their own volition and free will, and not because any human demanded it…


That is the primordial growth of some kind of alien fungus that can be found on the outside of the iss they don’t want us to know about it…

Ironically it really is a sea sponge of some kind which can be an alien growth…


I’m going to go with honeycomb. I mean, I doubt honeycomb is made up of little microscopic honeycombs, but I’m gonna go with it regardless.


Its candy floss.


The Matrix Evolved.

Or probably just a sponge


That grows out of my ears!

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Easy, the dry crusts on the outside of my snotty kid’s nose.


That’s the soft side of my shower loofah.

Which just begs the follow up question: How the heck did you get into my shower?!


In the theoretical physics laboratories of UC Berkley, there is an astounding machine, called the electron microscope. It is a machine that let’s us see the fundamental elements of the universe, inffintecimaly small particles calls atoms. Using this machine, the smartest people in the world would be able to find anything and everything.

There are multiple types of electron microscope, each with a distinct method of creating an image of such resolution that it could visually display the atom. The TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) is the initial design and uses a high voltage electron beam to illuminate the speciment and produce an image. The STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope) rasters a focused incident probe across a specimen that (as with the TEM) has been thinned to facilitate detection of electrons scattered through the specimen. A SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) produces images by probing the specimen with a focused electron beam that is scanned across a rectangular area of the specimen. In the REM (Reflection Electron Microscope) as in the TEM, an electron beam is incident on a surface but instead of using the transmission (TEM) or secondary electrons (SEM), the reflected beam of elastically scattered electrons is detected. And lastly, the STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope) is a conductive tip held at a voltage is brought near a surface, and a profile can be obtained based on the tunneling probability of an electron from the tip to the sample since it is a function of distance.

The picture described is not produced using these marvels of modern engineering however, and has nothing to do with electron microscopes. As it is a modern art picture created by AI when it is fed information about how a bee hive looks like.

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That was almost as much fun, as a vigorous manhandling. Let’s see who won.

In a state of both discuss and intrigue, the decision was made that this round will go to @Mottamort.
A Hive approved mycologist will be in contact to discuss further investigation.

In the meantime, here’s your prize:

As for the Smort Award, in a shocking reversal that would make The Undertaker proud, @DarthMol beats Wyvern on a technicality. It was in fact a (kitchen) sponge. Enjoy your revenge and this prize:


i won, i won!


The Hive feels there is a need to dial up the difficulty…


Are those maybe a weird bunch of skin tags that was found in a very dodgy nether region?

No idea yet what they really are they remind me of seeds, maybe be tomato or a pepper of some kind?

They’re the off-centre pleasure region of the elusive Dopefish! Located at the base of its “back” (so think of where you’d scratch the top base part of a cats tail and apply it to a massive green cartoon fish with a single tooth), if anything touches it it causes it to giggle and eventually burp.


The doctor was NOT supposed to release pictures of my growth to the public!