Project Zomboid

And done:

Hello GregRedd
We’ve issued the refund to your Steam wallet. The funds will be shown now as pending and will become available to spend within 7 days.



OK, so WHEN are we doing this?


such difficult questions!


I’ve got the gift pack, thank you. How would you prefer payment? Can do as a R60 Steam Gift, or R55 as an EFT/PayPal to your local account.


I’ll get back to you on Monday with that.

Would the R60 be wallet funds or a game gift?


Um, don’t be shocked if the payment reference is your name. @Wyvern knows what I’m talking about.


I’ve downloaded the dedicated server, so that’s how far I’ve gotten :upside_down_face:


R60 would be Steam Wallet credit. It’s the lowest amount you can get a Steam Gift Card for. Still cheaper than what the standalone game costs, so I’m happy to do that.


Played around with some server setup and it seems to be working. I’m probably going to set it up on a spare PC at home and see if people can start joining and messing around.

Would you guys want a “mess around” server so long to get to grips with the game, those of you that are new to PZ? I could set it to be newbie friendly, high health, few zombies, lots of gear, etc.
Then maybe we can look at a “for reals” server by next weekend.

I’ll be hosting on i7-6700, 16GB RAM, SSD. Fast storage and lots of RAM and decent internet connection seems to be the most important factors. Only thing I’m lacking is loadshedding countermeasures.
If anyone has anything better, please shout.


Absolutely, yes please. And hopefully loadshedding this week won’t make getting on as difficult as our recent V Rising efforts.


That sounds like a fab idea.

Is the server or gameplay asynchronous and persistent on the server? i.e. can people drop in/out and their impact will affect and persist in the world?


As far as I understand it, it should be.


Yes, server is persistent. If you get turned into a zombie, your zombie body will shamble around the map indefinitely, with all your gear.
I’m looking into server configs, it looks like I can set the spawn points as well, so we can all start off in some bar and work at transforming it into safehouse, true movie style. Saves everyone from having to find their own way.


So is it like hardcore where you die and that’s it, or can you log back in and start a new character, with the possibility of killing your old self?


It’s hardcore in the sense that all your experience and loot stays with your character, if you die you can rejoin as a new starting character. loot is easy enough to come by, but it’s the exp that’s the killer.

Here’s the settings I’m going with for now, tuned a few things to make it easier.
I like having the virus transmission set to “saliva only” as opposed to “blood + saliva” which to me means you can only get infected from a bite. I believe it’s hardcoded to be 75% chance on bite to be infected.
I’ve also made it that you can live up to a week while infected.

But please, let me know you you guys think, everyone has a different take on how zombies and the virus should behave.

   ZombieLore = {
        -- Controls the zombie movement rate. Default=Fast Shamblers
        -- 1 = Sprinters
        -- 2 = Fast Shamblers
        -- 3 = Shamblers
        Speed = 3,
        -- Controls the damage zombies inflict per attack. Default=Normal
        -- 1 = Superhuman
        -- 2 = Normal
        -- 3 = Weak
        Strength = 2,
        -- Controls the difficulty to kill zombies. Default=Normal
        -- 1 = Tough
        -- 2 = Normal
        -- 3 = Fragile
        Toughness = 2,
        -- Controls how the zombie virus spreads. Default=Blood + Saliva
        -- 1 = Blood + Saliva
        -- 2 = Saliva Only
        -- 3 = Everyone's Infected
        Transmission = 2,
        -- Controls how quickly the infection takes effect. Default=2-3 Days
        -- 1 = Instant
        -- 2 = 0-30 Seconds
        -- 3 = 0-1 Minutes
        -- 4 = 0-12 Hours
        -- 5 = 2-3 Days
        -- 6 = 1-2 Weeks
        Mortality = 6,
        -- Controls how quickly corpses rise as zombies. Default=0-1 Minutes
        -- 1 = Instant
        -- 2 = 0-30 Seconds
        -- 3 = 0-1 Minutes
        -- 4 = 0-12 Hours
        -- 5 = 2-3 Days
        Reanimate = 2,
        -- Controls zombie intelligence. Default=Basic Navigation
        -- 1 = Navigate + Use Doors
        -- 2 = Navigate
        -- 3 = Basic Navigation
        Cognition = 3,
        -- Controls which zombies can crawl under vehicles. Default=Often
        -- 1 = Crawlers Only
        -- 2 = Extremely Rare
        -- 3 = Rare
        -- 4 = Sometimes
        -- 5 = Often
        -- 6 = Very Often
        CrawlUnderVehicle = 5,
        -- Controls how long zombies remember players after seeing or hearing. Default=Normal
        -- 1 = Long
        -- 2 = Normal
        -- 3 = Short
        Memory = 3,
        -- Controls the effects of decomposition over time. Default=Slows + Weakens
        -- 1 = Slows + Weakens
        -- 2 = Slows
        -- 3 = Weakens
        Decomp = 1,
        -- Controls zombie vision radius. Default=Normal
        -- 1 = Eagle
        -- 2 = Normal
        Sight = 2,
        -- Controls zombie hearing radius. Default=Normal
        -- 1 = Pinpoint
        -- 2 = Normal
        Hearing = 2,
        -- Zombies that have not seen/heard player can attack doors and constructions while roaming.
        ThumpNoChasing = false,
        -- Governs whether or not zombies can destroy player constructions and defences.
        ThumpOnConstruction = true,
        -- Governs whether zombies are more active during the day, or whether they act more nocturnally.  Active zombies will use the speed set in the "Speed" setting. Inactive zombies will be slower, and tend not to give chase. Default=Both
        -- 1 = Both
        -- 2 = Night
        ActiveOnly = 1,
        -- Allows zombies to trigger house alarms when breaking through windows and doors.
        TriggerHouseAlarm = false,
        -- When enabled if multiple zombies are attacking they can drag you down to feed. Dependent on zombie strength.
        ZombiesDragDown = true,
        -- When enabled zombies will have a chance to lunge after climbing over a fence if you're too close.
        ZombiesFenceLunge = true,

I like the “mess around” server with a common spawn point. We can then organise raids in teams and build the spawn into a safe house! Already amped!

Similar to Zombieland’s rules, we should set up our own rules.

#1 - buddy up!


Those settings look perfect!

I also have a spare PC I can set up as a server for us. And I have fibre at home so the connection should be fine. Let me know if you need more resources!


Yeah, I’m down for a common spawn as well.


#2 - Cardio - definitely applies in PZ :grin:


Dang, I gotta stop licking random things.

Regarding mortality, is there a cure? like I’m not sure I’d want to play 1-2 weeks with a character that is doomed… Would rather start a new character…

CrawlUnderVehicle - I’d say dial it back to 4… For some reason, I don’t think zombies should be smart enough to realize they can crawl unless they have no legs, for example… Just my 2 cents

TriggerHouseAlarm - Wait, are zombies good at bypassing security? I’d think that should be true…

ZombiesFenceLunge - Kinda feel like this should only be true if speed is 1 or 2, but I prefer shambler (3) zombies.