Random News Snippets & Articles


Wow! This guy made a Windows 11 install that:

  • is only 6gb System files
  • does not have the normal Windows 11 hardware limitations
  • can run with 2gb of RAM
  • can install with local accounts

See the detail of Tiny11 here:


No reduction for South Africa :frowning:

Netflix cuts prices by up to 60% in over 100 countries (mybroadband.co.za)


That’s unfortunate, I might have given them another chance if that were the case.


Yeah, they should take into consideration that for 8 hours a day most people in SA cannot watch Netflix…


Explosive news from Daily Maverick backing up everything de Ruyter said in the interview.

They don’t name any names but the implication is clear:

Finally, as De Ruyter also made clear in the eNCA interview, there was another Cabinet minister named in the intelligence reports — and we can now reveal that he also appeared in the organogram on the same (topmost) level as the “territorial ruler”.

As the political instability increases and President Ramaphosa continues to delay the announcement of his new Cabinet, which is expected to remove South Africa’s deputy president, the country hovers on the edge of the abyss.


The responses, denials, knee jerk accusations and challenges that flew from the ANC immediately after the interview were more telling than anything else. Any communications manager would have told them to shut their mouthsTwitter fingers up but they are so blatantly arrogant and confident in their corruption.

The challenge now is to get the National Prosecuting Authority to actually man up and formulate charges. But we know how that’s going to go.


A bit lengthy but some great insights on the Microsoft ABK acquisition:

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How to get me to not care about your cause at all.

  1. Try to remove a child on advanced life support from an ambulance.

Mission accomplished. I now care nothing for your cause or reason you strike, nor am I willing to even engage in any discussion on what could possibly be done to help resolve your situation. You are now not low on my list, but removed completely.


The same bastards tried to close my wife’s hospital as well. Luckily they started too late in the morning, so she got in and was working as they were being menacing elsewhere.

One of the protesters, however, broke the glass window of the blood lab, and cut himself in the process. He sauntered over to the casualties, where he was promptly ignored by the people he was threatening mere minutes before :smiley: (he did eventually receive assistance when his blood loss became a concern.)


hahahaha sorry, not a laughing matter but I don’t feel sorry nor have time for idiots.


:headstone: RIP Lance Reddick

Movies, television, games - the man was an amazing actor. What a loss.

o7 Commander Zavala.


Yeah I read earlier this morning. Destiny 2 won’t be the same again. Queue another Vanguard kill-off to the tune of Cayde-6.


Rip, was a brilliant actor


They’re using a cringey billionaire to ruin a cringey millionaire.


Anyone still running Windows 7 or 8 or 8.1 on their gaming machine with Steam games? You have until the end of the year to make a plan.

As of January 1 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems.

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Upgrade to steamos!


20 studios on the books and growing even bigger. We’d hate for Sony to grow too big and become an anti-competitive behemoth…


It fascinates (and frightens) me that US law makers will spend so much of their time focussed on the imaginary damage that the transgender, the queer, and the drag artists may cause to their children, and yet will still refuse to acknowledge the very real damage semi-automatic rifles and guns have on their children.

I mean, they’re okay with classifying drag artists as sexual predators for reading books to children and sentencing them to death. They’re okay with a 10-year-old rape victim not being able to get an abortion. They’re okay with 12-year-old girls getting married off. But do anything to try and reduce the number of school and mass shootings by restricting access to AR15’s and putting regulations in place to ensure firearms are only available to people competent enough to handle them safely and correctly - oh hell no! SMH.