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That’s what I said!

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RIP Professor Dumbledore

Seeing notes of gaming company staff layoffs happening at Epic Games, Blizzard, and Ubisoft this morning (in the US). Expect lots of news reports to confirm tomorrow morning (here in SA).

Forever immortalised on the Top Gear track :wink:


Quite an interesting piece.

How to design climate-friendly emails

Sustainable email design


Sorry. not sure why it’s not loading the link preview.

It’s conserving energy :smile:

I’m doing my part at least with running dark mode wherever I can

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Not sure if anybody has been following this. I’m not connected to any of it, but even I’m getting emotional just reading the news or watching reports about this. I’ve never been an emotional person, but I guess it is true when they say that becoming a father increases your emotional range since I’m instantly viewing any violence against children through the lens of it being mine.



Yeah, I’ve never been one to follow Gareth Cliff or his views but he makes some interesting points here.

Gareth has since been getting death threats as a result of this post.


I agree that he is a bit of a douche sometimes, but I also agree with him 100% this time!


I think I’ve agreed with Gareth Cliff about something once before and this would be the second time. I can’t remember what the first thing was about (was long ago, maybe something about our government), but in both instances I find myself very surprised to be agreeing with him (this being the second).

The brutality of this is just insane though. It makes Putin’s warcrimes look like a fart in a tornado. Speaking of Putin, here’s some irony:

Putin calls for Israeli-Palestinian talks

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday called for negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian forces and hoped the war, which has already killed thousands over the last five days, would not expand.

“It is necessary to avoid the expansion of the conflict at all cost, because if it happens it will have an impact on the international situation,” Putin said, adding that parties “need to return to a negotiation process that should be acceptable to all sides, including to the Palestinians.”


Quoted from

For some quick background on Hamas (for those interested):


For me personally, this summarises this conflict very well. War is never one sided.


The problem with the 2nd last note about the bombing of civilians is that Hamas purposefully launches military strikes from residential areas so that when Israel is forced to retaliate, they ensure maximum civilian casualties that they can then feed to their propaganda machine and show the world how “bad” Israel is. I’ve seen videos from the previous major attack from people literally in their houses on cellphones, taking videos of Hamas launching missiles from the street next to their building. Hamas is effectively set up to use their “own” people as human shields and as far as I know, their one base of operations is located under a hospital. So while the bombing of civilians is definitely bad, it is unfortunately how the playing field was purposefully set up by Hamas. I do understand Israel’s position, that when the other’s side sole purpose is to remove your whole nation from existence, doing nothing is not an option, but I don’t know enough about war or the specific circumstances to know if there are better ways to do retaliate to lessen casualties.

I don’t know enough about the last note to really comment on it and any information about the topic is extremely biased. However there is nothing that anyone can do that is so bad, that can justify what is being done now to innocent women and children. If there ever existed any sympathy for Hamas or their cause, it is gone now. Although, part of Hamas’s cause is not much different from Hitler’s (it is even in their original charter), so for that part there was never any sympathy to begin with.

It should also be noted though that there were various attempts at peace deals before so that everyone can just live together in peace (two-state solution, although I don’t know the details, not unbiased anyway), but it seems that any proposal that allowed Jews to have their own state in Israel, has always been rejected (and always will be according to Hamas’s charter). Jews have always resided in one form or another in Israel since 1200BC, so them sharing a portion of Israel doesn’t seem that unreasonable.


…and Godwin’s Law prevails.


Well, this is literally the same action on the same group of people, so this is probably the one time that a comparison is warranted.
P.S. I do agree though that comparison to Nazi’s are way overused and misused.


Hadn’t heard of that one before now.

Also disagree with that last note on the zapiro cartoon.

It was really meant to be tongue in the cheek. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I didn’t know… I had to look it up :slight_smile:

Godwin’s law, short for Godwin’s law of Nazi analogies, is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison to Nazis or Adolf Hitler approaches 1.

Thanks Google :smiley:

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Good bot. Oh, nevermind. :stuck_out_tongue:

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