If it please the powers that be here is a thread for flogging your secondhand stuff , laptops, GPU’s whatever is obviously appropriate.
@Murph has something, and I will update this later with some things I might be releasing into the wild.
If it please the powers that be here is a thread for flogging your secondhand stuff , laptops, GPU’s whatever is obviously appropriate.
@Murph has something, and I will update this later with some things I might be releasing into the wild.
I’m looking for some Ram. 16gb in total
and maybe a GPU
@Murph is wanting to sell a GTX 660
not better than what I currently have unfortunately
What do you have and what are you looking for?
FINE then !
But yeah, the 660 is there in case anyone is interested
dont buy ram 2nd hand, thats one pc component i always buy new.
I have some Chromebox’s (Samsung XE300M22), white or black
and some old laptops anybody interested.
what kinda laptops and prices
will get you the exact specs tonight and conditions , nothing fancy , if i recall correctly they are
toshiba’s with core 2 duo between 2-4g ram and I think 250g hdd.
I currently have a 7870XT. just looking foe something that will give me a considerable performance increase. But it seems 1060 is what I’ll have to look at in order to achieve that
Ah I also had one of those, really decent card! Yeah 1060 will be a great step up. Will you be selling that 7870XT? May be in the market for a card for a family member’s pc.
I have a printer that I am giving away: HP Deskjet 1050a
You’d have to put in new cartridges though.
most definitely, soon as I can find an affordable replacement
ok so @DohcWP
toshiba (sat pro l450-13l)
core 2 duo
4g ram
250g hdd
toshiba (sat pro l500-1W)
core 2 duo
3g ram
250g hdd
thanks, prices and where are you situated, i might have a potential buyer
What’s your ballpark?
around 2k-3k perhaps. I’m a poor man…
But I think I have to prioritize RAM first for now. seems to be a bigger problem at the moment
I meant for the 7870, why the RAM first? How much do you currently have?
Oh, no haven’t even thought about that.
I’m on 8gb now and lately I’ve been running out