Sony PlayStation 5

Exactly this reason why I will go with the digital version. I do not a single physical game any longer.

Pre-orders are now available at Takealot:


I see you don’t have to make payment until November 17th.

So tempting to pre-order, just in case a bag full of money lands in my garden.



It looks like this product is no longer available.

Oh no…


Yeah apparently the PS5 and PS5 Digital pre-orders are sold out.

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By that logic we would all still game on NES consoles. You upgrade because the games look better and and become better.


moot point… Demon’s Souls is reason enough to be this console seller.


CUD - Constant Upgrade Disorder! I suffer from it and consider it quite the achievement not buying a next gen console. Now I just need to get the new 3080 RTX and some extra RAM. And maybe a new monitor. And definitely a new mouse.


Best games is subjective. Demon’s Souls is more than good enough to justify the jump for me, but I won’t get one anytime soon. Final Fantasy 16 will be a huge console seller as well, especially in Japan.

I am glad Spider-Man and Horizon are coming to PS4 though.

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Wonder if the same will be true of Xbox pre-orders today?

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I have a feeling it will.

I am just loving the bitching and moaning from guys who missed out on the preorders.

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People made fun of how big the Launch Xbox one console was but this is just ridiculous.

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It looks great. I loved my Phat PS3 and I love the look of this one. It will be a while before I have own though.

I still want to see what Nintendo does before I jump to next-gen. Wherever I can play Monolith Soft games is where my money will go.

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Beats me, all Sony has to win people is a “100x faster SSD” and a handful of exclusives.


I think what the past few days have shown me is that I don’t like Playstation. Not because of the ulgy console, but the fans. Sony Ponies are so utterly intolerable, and everything anyone else does is just the worst. I’d like to play Playstation games one day or even own a PS5, but I’d be so ashamed of doing so.


Sony is doing exactly what they’ve done with the PS4 launch and the PS3 launch and the PS2 launch.

The game plan can be summed up as :

Secure a bunch of exclusives from a few studios and claim the console is better in every way possible.

This is fine, but I think they’re missing the point completely as industry sentiments have shifted and the lure of “exclusives” have been proven as weak. Take EGS as an example of why exclusives don’t work. Steam made more money from one title (Fall Guys) in a month than what EGS made for the entire 2019.

Now with MS effectively taking away ZeniMax and all related franchises from Sony and with services like GamePass being available on both PC and XBOX, where does that leave the future of the PS5?


the final design most likely comes from the cooling issues they had and im sure their claim that the console is art is total BS. they knew the console was going to be Massive and they’re trying to justify the size by claiming its art/sculpture BS.


He really makes some valid points…

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Did you see some of the fanboys at MyBroadband? It’s really bad. Puts me off of getting a Playstation too.

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