Star Citizen

It will, at least for the next few patches. Full persistence is planned longer term, at which point they will stop wiping progress between patches and start running the game more like a live environment.

However, 3.7 now includes ship rentals, and that’s actually a much more affordable prospect if you’re looking to try a more expensive ship. A Cutlass Black for example normally costs around 1.5 mil to buy ingame, but you can rent it for a day for less than 30k.

Ok cool, yeah I was thinking of using rentals as a means to make money easier in order to actually buy a better ship. But first I need that 30k lol, so mining and doing small odd jobs in my Aurora has to suffice.

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That would be the plan, yes. If you can earn enough to rent a Cutlass for one day, you can use it to run lots of cargo, which will earn you enough money to afford to rent it some more, etc. Same goes with renting a Prospector, which will allow you to mine for profit. If you rent a proper fighter, you can chase bounties for cash.

FPS mining apparently pays really well, so that might be a good place to start. Other than that, a few high-paying delivery missions will get you there as well.


Ah, the view never gets old…

My new “look” for 3.7.


Yay got my Multitool :smiley:
Also, Area18 is confusing as hell… ran in all sorts of directions until I finally found a shop, but it was a Dumpers, then ran some more, finally saw a Casaba, but luckily next to it was some Ammo shop, and there was the Multitool.

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I’m pretty sure there is a map somewhere as you get off the tram; a basic floor layout like you get in shopping malls.

Either way, the place isn’t all that big, so you quickly learn to find your way around.

Did you remember to buy the mining attachment? If you manage to get some FPS mining done, give a shout about how it works, the payout, etc. That’s one 3.7 feature I haven’t gotten to yet.

Yeah I got the Rucksack at Olisar, was the one thing I could get there.
I will definitely try it out soon. Won’t have time tonight. But definitely tomorrow. Game runs so good now, I only have slight drops, and just some weird animations.

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It does feel pretty smooth, yeah. The weird animations are very evident when you look at other players, and that will only be solved by the ongoing server optimization work. I cannot wait for server-side OCS and all the server-to-client improvements to go live.

I also did some missions. The PI wanted one, and then did two missions where I had to pick up items at two rest stops that are on my way to Area18 and drop them off at the Mining Facility on Wela (ka pela). So now I have a nice 14k aUEC. And the Multitool was super cheap.


Really good overview of where Star Citizen is at at the moment from Digital Foundry. Well worth a watch:


Awesome video. Really impressive overview of (some of) the core tech of the game. I love the bullet in a barrel example!

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So my game bugged out last night, my weapons didn’t want to show up, and this when I finally got to a place where I “think” I can FPS mine. After trying multiple things to be able to pull out my gun/multitool. I for no apparent reason got into my ships bed, tried to get up but clicked some other random inner thought. My game proceeded to quit to the menu…
This is when I did some googling and discovered a “new” feature… ship beds “save” your progress? OMG! Wish I knew this before XD
Well, I will find out tonight if that is true.

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Bed logout has been around for ages! (Bonus points for anyone who can guess what inspired this idea). At least a year, I think. It’s just not always that reliable, and if the server crashes at any point while you are away, you wake up back at the last major port you visited and then have to reclaim your ship. When it does work however, it’s pretty cool.
A while back I had to interrupt my quantum journey from Crusader to Hurston. I’d already flown about 18 out of the 24 million km, so I powered down my ship, got into the bed, and logged out. When I logged back in later that evening, I was indeed still floating in the middle of nowhere, 6 million km away from Hurston, with nothing but empty space in all directions. It’s a pretty awesome feeling. :smile:

Edit: Wow, it goes all the way back to Alpha 3.1.x. Here is the video I made at the time.

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pffft, wish I knew this those nights where I want to travel to a planet and then I can’t go to bed or have to quit the game and try another time if I started too late lol.

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Now you do! Like I said, it doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a shot if you were planning to quit anyways.

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Multiplayer fun, now with caves.

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The moment of wonder and discovery.

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Lol. Did you lot ever find your missing client?

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Indeed we did! I hadn’t yet managed it playing solo, but fortunately my squad mates are experts at dark and maze-like FPS games. The cave is way bigger and deeper than I imagined, and it requires a pretty good sense of direction to navigate.

We also tested the mission share feature, and it works perfectly. Once we found the poor subject, the reward was divided equally between us.

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Flying around Hurston is just magical.