Currently tagging is open to all registered users, but the creation of new tags is limited to certain trust levels.
To ensure we maintain a logical taxonomy of tags and categories, I think we should adopt processes similar to those used by Wikipedia and similar community projects.
If you have an idea for a tag or category, hit the share button and click new topic. This will create a new topic with this one as the parent.
Title the post “Tag suggestion: Add {tag name}” or “Category suggestion: Add {category name}” and put it in the Site Feedback category.
Make your case for the new tag, suggesting on which types of topics it might be used and mention why an existing tag or category can’t be used.
Similarly, if you would like to suggest that a tag or category be removed, simply replace “Add” with “Remove” in the subject line.
Once there has been a reasonable time for discussion (exact period TBD), a public poll will be created on whether the tag or category should be added or removed.
To re-iterate: Discussion about the process goes here. Suggestions go in their own child topics by using the “New topic” button located under the share button within this topic.
Gaming News - news stories, articles and interesting news related posts
Gaming Discussions - normal discussion about different games or gaming elements
Gaming Hardware - PC’s, Xbox’s PS4 Switch and the likes, but only hardware related posts
Amine - Anime news, discussions and question posts
Cosplay - cosplay tips, discussions, requests and feedback
Comic Books - discussions and questions about comic books and different comic book posts
Marketplace - trade requests, sales or buying different geek related items
Official Threads - any thread that transcends merely from its original content to become the wiki of all info
Off Topic - Any other related posts
The idea is that we add different tags not just related to gaming content, as a lot of discussions have been about expanding the focus of the site to all geek culture.
Oh…I have made a terrible mistake. I’ve completely missed the difference between categories and tags, so to build on my above post, here is what I propose:
So, posting here again to get some visibility on this subject. We seem to be gaining some posting momentum, and before the floodgates (hopefully) open and even more posts are made, perhaps get can get some feedback as to which categories and tags you’d like to see. At the end of the day the site will have more structure and be much easier to navigate.
I’m going to comment here again and spread the word about tagging and categories again. This is the initial post from @SIGSTART:
Currently tagging is open to all registered users, but the creation of new tags is limited to certain trust levels.
To ensure we maintain a logical taxonomy of tags and categories, I think we should adopt processes similar to those used by Wikipedia and similar community projects.
If you have an idea for a tag or category, hit the share button and click new topic. This will create a new topic with this one as the parent.
Title the post “Tag suggestion: Add {tag name}” or “Category suggestion: Add {category name}” and put it in the Site Feedback category.
Make your case for the new tag, suggesting on which types of topics it might be used and mention why an existing tag or category can’t be used.
Similarly, if you would like to suggest that a tag or category be removed, simply replace “Add” with “Remove” in the subject line.
Once there has been a reasonable time for discussion (exact period TBD), a public poll will be created on whether the tag or category should be added or removed.
To re-iterate: Discussion about the process goes here. Suggestions go in their own child topics by using the “New topic” button located under the share button within this topic.
Many people are creating threads, and that’s AWESOME!!! Please don’t stop, just tag and categorise the thread when you create them. Helps to add some structure to the site, and makes it easy to find older threads again.