Yeah, for a mechanical drive to have no packaging support is just disgusting practice on their part. Write a complaint, even if to protect future customers.
Spinning rust drives are sturdy. The heads are parked. I’ve dropped drives on concrete before, and they still lasted, till I ran out of diskspace, rather than failure. By all means, write a karen email, but it’ll be fine
This sums up my feelings very, very well. You just misspoke a bit, spinning rust drives aren’t sturdy, it’s when they’re not spinning that they can take a bump
I ran a SMART scan, the drive is formatted and holding data, so all is good. That said, the mail will go out, shipping an HDD like that is just domastrand.
I get the opposite, I ordered a flash drive and it arrived in a shoe box filled with brown paper. I had to search for the small flash drive in there!
What public DNS servers do you use?
I am familiar with the Google ones:
And I use the Afrihost one since I am on Afrihost. - 4
But our office ISP is too small to use their own, and for some reason the Google ones appear super slow.
Any other local public DNS servers?
If you don’t care about privacy, use Cloudflare:,
If you do, DNS.Watch:,
If you really want to be paranoid about DNS look at enabling DNS over HTTPS.
That looks like something you’d find growing in a dank cavern.
someone lets their pets up on their desk. tsk tsk
You hope its their pet…
Nope, it’s mine, wondered where all my hair went, still busy cleaning, will post a picture once I am done, but have to do some remote work now, so I am using a spare USB keyboard right now XD
That’s the most icky keyboard I’ve ever seen. It’s beyond saving. Straight to the bin. Then to be set on fire.
hahaha, honestly contemplated it, but there are no more keyboards like mine available so I want to keep it as long as possible, plus all the stuff was dry so it just fell out without a problem.
5 hours, 4 minutes and10 seconds later. As well as hand cramps, hurting fingers and me being high as a kite from the smell of methylated spirits, I am done.
Looks brand new! Good job
Nice job. Now stop shaving at your desk
Webo splash!
What’s in between the hair? Crumbs? Insect eggs?