I’ll be honest you can send me anything you please, I don’t really enjoy posting about my interests in this regard, because it comes off as " Hey! I’d actually wanted this instead of that" and then what’s the point of giving some one a gift if the receiver has a basic idea of what it is. It spoils the fun of being a surprise. If you send me coal I’ll frame, just please no glitter that stuff is a nightmare is to clean.
However, since I was summoned, I’ll do my best to part take in the festivities.
I do like Gaming, why else would I be here? I would say that I enjoy first person shooters and online shooters the most. Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege and Insurgency have giving me 100’s of hours of fun. With BFV coming in November, I am going to spend a stupid amount of time playing. I’ll dabble in ARPG’s and Strategy games every now and then, when I feel like I have had enough.
Anime, I will watch anything and everything. It all deserves a chance. Sports? I might not watch live sports of play but i sure do enjoy anime about it. Action? EXPLOSIONS!? Romance? Total sucker for it. Sci-Fi, I’m bowing down to our robot overlords as we speak.
I recently finished My Hero Acadamia, Chihayafuru and Prison School . Check out my https://anilist.co/user/Glordit/ for more soul crushing statistics and ratings on my favorites.
Running man I make a habit of trying to run daily in order to stay fit and have some fun. It helps clear my mind and gives me a good reason to get away from everything for a good couple of minutes a day. I go through a lot of socks though, for some reason. wink wink
Gill 2 in 1 shampoo is amazing btw, if anyone has any dry scalp problems, just give it a try. FYI you should never use dandruff shampoo constantly, always try use it in conjunction with others, otherwise you might become dependent on it.
I can’t think of anything else really, I live a fairly mundane life what some may call, “average” life I have a few special people in it that keep it really interesting for me and I am so very glad to have them around. If you reading this, which you probably are thank-you for all you have done.