I have words I cant use here…
But freedom?
And I’m back from medicals.
Awesome dude. My shoes have seen better days. Will post when the light is good.
We, in Witbank, are doing our part by not having any power since 16:30. You’re welcome.
Morning people of the palace
Can i get more sleep please
Good morning everyone.
Also I had to do another bloody covid test yesterday. Because Gauteng is now a ‘hotspot’.
Also just thinking I see a lot of digging for fibre again. @SIGSTART what happened to telkoms plan to remove copper lines? They where going to cut everyone off and move them to fibre in November last year. Have they started but are going suburb by suburb instead of disconnecting everyone at once.
Something changed at Openserve and they decided to be less aggressive about digging up the copper in areas where it still works and doesn’t get stolen.
Instead, they decided to offer naked DSL and now you can get 40Mbps DSL via Openserve for cheaper than 10Mbps from Vumatel (if you have the choice in your area)!
Has anyone made us of this ChatBack (https://www.chatback.co.za/) service for renewing your vehicle license?
I see a lot of concerns over it on news sites, but those dat back to last year. Hello Peter reviews seems to very positive to my surprise.
Can anyone weigh in here, perhaps @sigstart has some insight to share?
I used FNB last year. It was quite a bit more expensive but when I wanted to do it myself the queues were so long and with COVID and everything it was totally worth it.
I also used FNB - I rather pay the R150 extra and let them do it for me.
Yeah, I’ve used FNB too but sadly I have far gone the period that FNB deems allowable in order to renew.
Yeah, I have no qualms paying the extra to avoid that kak, hence why my inquiry about Chat Back. Looks like I may have to wait for my annual bonus to be able to afford it in any event.
I can send you details of someone who did my parents ones, I think it was R150 as well she is a private person and you pay her only when she is done
That’d be swell, please do send that to me, I would appreciate it.
To add to that, I got a “free” speed upgrade on my VDSL to 40mb a couple weeks ago.
Very helpful as now noone wants to bring me fibre since Link Africa started running into trouble.
Different day, same tweet: