The 10,000 Best Forum Posts on the Internet Right Now! (Part 1)

It’s taken 10 months to get almost two thirds of the way, so I guess another 5-6 months to kill it?

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Its a lovely slow job :smiley:

It is! And it just became quite cold all of a sudden… Don’t know why. Like in seconds, I could almost feel the temperature drop by a couple of degrees.

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Its the cloudlessness
That is a Cape thing, also still no snow on the mountains

I sneeze ecstasy.

Hey, how’s it going? Y’all good? Good.

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Hey, folks. It has been far too long since I posted.

Things are quite hectic at the moment but I am still checking in when I can :smiley:





Morning peoples.

I can believe that you are very busy with the new job @SIGSTART !

And guys, after looking at so many houses, we finally saw one we like a lot yesterday! And it’s quite cheap. The only problem is that it doesn’t have a garage but apparently it already has approved plans for one. Will find out more today and will have to go for a second viewing because we realised this morning that we don’t see a place for a fridge in the photos which is really weird.



Send me pictures!

Also morning people of the palace, Im seriously considering getting back in bed



I am currently have one of the worst autoimmune flare ups I have ever had and I can’t get an appointment with a rheumatologist until end of August!
Going to the gp is not an option as the gp just wants to prescribe steroids and I believe this flare up is as a rest of the last cortisone injection I had, which I had to have because it was that or get pneumonia…


Lol, I once looked at a place where they had their fridge outside on the patio.

Good morning everyone.


Ai wenz ek dink aan jou - skree as ek kan help met iets :smiley:

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Maybe one of those “fridge door made to look like the rest of the kitchen cupboards” things?

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Thanks Wyvs.
I’m trying not to move around to much because moving=extreme itching and burning plus it feels like some has beat me black and blue where it itches.

Suprisingly the rash on my hand hurts the most… However the rash on my neck and chest is a close second.


shame man ek wens ek kon help regtig! Ek kan net dink hoe ongemalik en seer jy is!

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Oh no, that’s sucky. Hope you manage to get some relief somehow Wenz.

Late December last year I developed the most ridiculously painful and irritating skin rash over 80% of my body. There were a few days early in the new year that I felt like my skin was on fire.

Took 3 GP visits, a cortisone injection, 4 weeks of cortisone antihistamines, 3 visits to a specialist allergy doctor, a battery of allergy tests, and months of using allergex creams only to eventually have it diagnosed as stress induced late onset eczema.

Turns out 2020 was a pretty shitty year for some or other reason :neutral_face: and all I needed to do was chill the heck out. :grinning:


Geezus I leave you people for a couple of weeks to fend for yourselves and you go and lose the MOST


bwahahaha we missed you!

I’ve been struggling with this for 6years…and it just keeps getting worse. The worst part is it looks like lupus because I have all the symptoms but when I have the blood test I am ANA negative.
I just want something that can bring relief or not make me feel like a crazy person. Stress obviously triggers me as well but I just cannot stop stressing.