The 10,000 Best Forum Posts on the Internet Right Now! (Part 1)

yeah I also got random invites from two people like that once, just block them, one was obviously one of those troll “cam girl” things.



Ok Capies, stay home, stay safe, and for fooks sake, stay off the N1, R300, N2 and basically all major roads - there is a HUGE taxi war and they are blocking roads etc apparently





Thursday mood:

Good morning. :+1::wave::grinning:


Good morning everyone.

MEWME today:


Morning people of the palace

I can second that MEH mood @GregRedd

Got woken up by the doggo at about 2am went looking for the reason she barked, found 4 men standing by our fence, but the moment they heard her barking get closer they moved on. Phoned our NHW and they found the guys and politely escorted them out of the area


Sheesh that’s messed up.

I’m glad that you are all alright. Thank goodness for dogs!

We are just not coming right with the house hunting. All the nice looking houses either cost a fortune or they sell super quickly.


The market is very volatile at the moment it is def a buyers market looking at how prices have changed in the area.

Don’t stress about it - when it is meant to be yours, it will all fall in place.

Im glad the doggos are around, it is why we keep them supposedly (1 was snoring while this was all happening, our Becky seems to be more on guard than Mika these days)


How honest do you suppose you should be in a 1-on-1 meeting with your boss/manager?

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I am full on honest, that is the only way they know what is going on and can offer support


Depends on the nature of the 1-on-1… And how badly the boss/manager screwed up…

Honesty is the best policy though.


So, I’ve always seen and approached 1:1’s at an employee first approach, meaning that the agenda and topics should be defined by that of the lesser role (e.g. subordanate > manager). It should be an oppertunity for said person to voice their concerns and pain points, not just from a professional perspective but also personal.

Two days ago I received an invite for a “1-on-1 catch-up” for today and I have literally been losing sleep over. Though I do have a tendancy to over analyse and think too much on things.

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You’re losing sleep but just post about making lists the other day. Tssk.

Prep for the meeting that you envision taking place.
Sounds like it should be something like:

  • Make a list of pain points you’re experiencing. What are your roadblocks, and how can your manager help you by removing those roadblocks? I’ve gone to the point of listing items that I know for a fact can’t be changed, like that I need another resource in my team. It might not bring resolution to my issue, but at least my manager can take note.
  • Make a list of things that is working well for you. How can your manager replicate that in other teams?
  • Make a list of things you want from the company at large? Is the promotion you want available or going to be available? Is filing in timesheets a waste of time? Do you want extra teatime or a diploma? Do you want to be your own boss or micromanaged more?
  • Try to put yourself in your manager shoes as well. What are their concerns and KPI’s that they need to tackle. Make a list of those, and try to address them one by one. Who is going to fill your role when go to another company with longer teatime and less timesheets? Is there anything that you can do to help other teams without placing your work in jeopardy? Are you being utilized well, ie. are you using all of your strengths in your day to day? How? Why not?
  • Talk to your manager about whether you are engaged at work or not. Being engaged doesn’t mean you live and breath to get to work every day, but rather that you enjoy your work and giving your all at work. Part of good engagement is a good work-life balance and the ability and opportunity to switch off at the end of the day and over weekends.
  • Review your KPI’s. Which targets did you do well in, where did you struggle? Why did you struggle? How can you and your manager do things differently to avoid struggle?

This is 90% from my company Excel doc that we fill in with our bi-annual check ins, and it might seems like a lot of business speak and management jargon, but it really does work.

Btw, our company has an opening in Cpt in UX/UI right now. It might be a bit too junior a role for you, but I can PM you the link if you are interested or know of someone who might be?


Thanks, that’s quite helpful, I appreciate it. The structure I believe of 1on1’s also very relies on the ability for both parties to be receptive to constructuve feedback, it is ultimately about about moving forward and improving.

Yeah, might be worth a look. I would appreciate the link, could at least take a look. I also know a few junior designers and who know, it may be a fit for them.

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PM Sent.


@Avatar, that is an awesome summary - I wish more people would do that kind of thinking when doing a one on one



Happy Friday folks! :wave::grinning::+1:


Good morning everyone.