The Official Xbox Thread

So I woke up this morning to find everything on my Xbox missing, everything but locally installed games.

Had to format my external again, tried another external (lost all my anime), tried installing games again but it starts downloading and then just… stops. For no apparent reason. Just sits there in the que saying “installing”.

Tried setting games to install to local storage by default and the same applies.


That all sounds a bit odd. Account issues of some sort maybe? Or is everything that’s missing Game Pass or XB Live stuff and maybe there’s something wrong with that side of your account?

Still doesn’t explain how or why stuff that was there had now disappeared though. Weird all round. Hope you get it sorted.

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Yeah damnit, don’t think I’ll make those monthly games as I really don’t feel like downloading all that stuff again…

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I’ve been having some internet woes over the weeked, but that doesn’t explain why stuff would have been removed from storage, in the past it just hasn’t allowed me in should it not have access to internet or be able to verify my Game Pass subscription.

Very strange indeed.

Can anyone that has me as friend possibly verify if I have been going on and off line?

I only played on Sunday but I don’t think the XBox shows friends going online and offline. if it does then mine isn’t set like that.

Doesn’t tell me that detail, just shows “Recent Activity” and that you were last online 2 hours ago:

But, there is also this profile showing now, which I don’t think I’ve noticed before that is also in my friends list with zero games, zero gamerscore and no activity:

Are you sure you’re logged in with the correct account?

In hindsight, even if you are logged in with the other account, on the same console you should still see all the games installed, so that doesn’t really help either. Sorry.

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Hmm… thought I remember @Hiro highlighting it at some point.

Yeah, that first screen is the correct one and the only profile of mine onthe Xbox. The latter is also mine, but hasn’t been set up on the console nor being used.

Thanks anyway.


@Beo dude, your name fills up my notification area via my Xbox App. Shows you going on and offline like 10 times in the space of 2 mins

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Has this stopped? I think I changed my wifi over yesterday as I could clearly see it dropping connection.

:video_game: Xbox Games Showcase
:spiral_calendar: July 23rd = Thursday
:alarm_clock: 9am PT = 6PM SAST

Will set up a standalone topic for the event closer to the time.


Oooooo looking forward to the next Forza Motorsport. It’s going to be so pretty on the next gen consoles!


Xbox Reportedly Interested in Acquiring WB Interactive

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Has anyone here experienced any kind of spin up sound with their Xbox (OG Xbox in my case)?

I was playing some F1 last night and suddenly heard my console, sounded like a Boeing for a short time.

Now now Gabe, dont be starting a console war


Forza Horizon 3 is being delisted; currently on sale is the ultimate edition




Not a bad price, I would prefer it to be cheaper still for a 4 year old title.


thats the ultimate edition that includes everything even the hotwheels addon and blizzard mountain. i think its worth it. i just want the hot wheels addon so hopefully it will be 95% discounted during the last week like they did with the forza motorsport 6 addons.

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Yeah ditto.

/sets a reminder

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crysis remastered Runs with raytracing on the xbox one X and PS4 PRO (yes you’ve read that right)