The VR Thread

I forgot about Superhot! Must play! Fairly short, like most VR games, but then also not AAA pricing to begin with.

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Which router / access point are you using for Airlink and how are you finding the experience? I’m currently running a Netgear D7000 and considering either a new wifi 6 router, or just adding a ubiquiti 6 lite to my current setup.

I have an Asus AI mesh system (main router + 3 nodes) running at home. I have a mesh node dedicated to serving my desktop PC with the only wireless devices allowed to connect to it begin the Quest 2. It works quite nicely for me. The main router and other 2 mesh nodes in the house serve the rest of the wireless devices in the house. It’s not a Wifi 6 setup, but works perfectly fine on 5Ghz.

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Could you share what your settings are for Airlink?

I’ve been playing around to get the most optimized setup. I ended up getting the Unifi 6 AP

Currently doing - 90hz @ max resolution slider, 150mb fixed wireless.

ODT - Encode Resolution Width - 3664
Link Sharpening - Enabled

What is your distortion curvature set to?

I honestly haven’t toyed with the settings in detail. I might actually head over to the detailed settings tonight and fiddle a bit. It will also depend on whether I “tether” to my desktop or gaming laptop.

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Just dropped a VR Bundle post into the Bundle Deals Topic that may interest Oculus owners.


I grabbed it yesterday. Some decent VR titles in that bundle. The thing with VR is that you’re more likely to try titles and genres that you’ll never touch otherwise, due to the immersive medium.

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So I tried out 2 of the games in the bundle this morning:

  • Zombieland: Headshot Fever: An on-rails shooter where you get some slo-mo time for performing double-tap headshots. The levels are short and the incentive is to climb the leaderboards with shorter times. Can easily play it seated (as I did) and the reload mechanic is easy enough. Good to kill a couple of minutes if you’re burned out of other VR titles. I’d rate it a 3/5.
  • Death Lap: Feels like a Mad Max style take on an old announcer-driven game Megarace. The controls suck, the graphics are terrible and the announcer is cringe level 11 (yes, 1 more than 10). I can’t believe this is an Oculus published title - their quality control is usually up to standard. I’d rate it a 1/5.

I have some high hopes for Ghost Giant and Gloomy Eyes - they both look like great narrative experiences (with Gloomy Eyes being a VR movie rather than a game). If I want some Rick & Morty comedy I’ll jump into Accounting+, but it can become a bit much in longer stints. Skyworld seems to have a dead community so is almost unplayable, SculptrVR seems like an art tool and Minecraft hybrid and Gadgeteer is good old “TIM” in VR with some good reviews. I’ll try them all within the next couple of days and weeks.

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So my 3 y/o son has discovered the wonders of VR. I showed him a little bit the one day and since then it’s ALL he wants to do each day. I limit his playtime to 30-45mins at a time, but he’s constantly talking about it. Even asking when it’s done charging about 10 times a day. I thought the novelty will wear out after a week, but it hasn’t…


I think it might be a good idea to leave random VR mini reviews here.

I’ve been playing Into the Radius (STALKER VR) and Walkabout Mini Golf.
Both on completely opposite sides of the gameplay spectrum.

Into the Radius

I’ve only played the intro/tutorial section and it looks quite promising. The visuals are really good and overall it nails the desolate STALKER vibe quite well. The controls can feel a bit clunky in places, but it just takes a bit of getting used to.
The game tries very hard to be realistic in that you have carry weight, you refill your empty mags from ammo boxes you keep in your backpack, the backpack itself is like a 3D Tetris puzzle, things don’t just disappear into a void called “backpack”, you have to place them deliberately.
I’ve not read much into the gameplay or story or if there even is one, I like going in blind and being pleasantly surprised, or in this case I’m more likely to be unpleasantly spooked.

Walkabout Mini Golf

I don’t quite know what it is, but this is way more fun than what it sounds like on paper.
The environments are really awesome, it feels very carnival’ish. Even though they are mostly flat-shaded polygons, it makes you feel like you are in a real place.
The physics are spot on, from perfectly sinking long putts, to yeeting the ball off a high platform, it feels satisfying.
The environments themselves can be used to shortcut many of the holes if you are skillful enough. There are various ways to tackle each hole other than the obvious path, making it quite replayable.
As I said, it has no right being as fun as it is. The developers clearly know what they are doing, there’s something special about a well executed VR title.
Oh and multiplayer works pretty well up to a max of 5, for when you want to drink beer and knock some balls around with your mates.


I’ve also played Walkabout Mini Golf quite extensively, albeit the Quest 2 native version. It looks phenomenal for a Quest 2 title. I also got Golf+ recently, which is also incredibly good. Golf games in any form feel like a perfect fit for VR - especially untethered like the Quest 2!

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PlayStation VR 2 looks very good. I wonder if people are going to be able to make it work on PC.

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There is always a way! It is often just about 200 hoops to jump through!

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Well there was a way with the OG PSVR.
Also I’ve never been so excited for something I’ll never touch or care to touch haha. just means VR will get more exposure due to dirty console peasants being the masses :stuck_out_tongue:, and that the first PSVR wasn’t a once off.

I think the Quest 2 will outsell the PSVR by quite a bit… This past holiday season had a huge number of sales. In my little network alone there were 2 purchases.

Flippen Microsoft needs to push WMR again man. Only HP and Samsung decided to push the boundaries of the original WMR.

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Meta Quest 2 VR headset price jumps $100 to $399, gets zero new features

Bucks usual trend of 2-year-old hardware dropping in price, blames “rising costs.”


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more like, rising popularity.


Which Quest 2 VR Covers are you guys using? Are there any local sellers that you would recommend?

Referring to this: Meta/Oculus Quest 2 - VR Cover

My silicone cover seems worn and no long sits nicely and looking into a replacement.

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