It is Wednesday, 29 September 2021
(W39 | D272 | 93 rem)
Today is: World Heart Day
This one is dedicated to @Shrike, with positive vibes and wishes!
World Heart Day is part of an international campaign to spread awareness about heart disease and stroke prevention. This is the perfect day to quit smoking, get exercising and start eating healthy – all in the name of keeping your ticker in good working order, and improving the health and well being of people the world over.
The World Heart Federation have found that heart disease and strokes are the world’s leading cause of death, killing 17.1 million people every year – that’s more than victims of cancer, HIV and AIDS and malaria.
Overeating, lack of exercise, unhealthy diets and high blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels are all factors which can trigger heart disease and threaten our own lives, and those of loved ones. Heart Day was set up to drive home the message that heart problems can be prevented.
The aim is to improve health globally by encouraging people to make lifestyle changes and promoting education internationally about ways to be good to your heart. This lesson is becoming increasingly relevant as reports of obesity, poor diet and physical inactivity in children and young people become more and more common.
Events take place to promote healthy hearts. Charities and other organisations coordinate walks and runs, health checks, public talks, shows and exhibitions to name a few of the interesting and informative events which mark the day. So on Heart Day, get involved, eat your fruit and veg and get outside; both you and your heart will feel the benefits.
World Heart Day is celebrated every year. It was created by the World Heart Federation. The first World Heart Day took place back in 2000. Since then, in 2012, leaders from around the globe committed to the reduction of worldwide mortality from non-communicable diseases by 25 percent by 2025.
As World Heart Day is all about drawing people’s attention to heart diseases and illnesses, as well as the range of health issues that are associated with this, it makes sense to raise awareness and also improve your own understanding. We would recommend taking some time to do a bit of research about heart conditions and risk factors. You can then use your online platforms and your social groups in order to raise awareness.
There are both non-governmental and governmental organizations that take part in this date around the world. They do this through the organization of science fairs, exhibitions, fitness sessions, public talks, walks, and marathons. Some famous buildings, monuments, and landmarks opt to go red on this date so that they can show their support for cardiovascular disease awareness.
If you are opting to observe this day, it is important to try and be more attentive to your own heart health. There are a number of different ways that you can do this. This includes following a healthy diet, quitting alcohol, stopping smoking, and getting involved in physical exercises. It is also important to have your cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart checked on a regular basis.
Have a heart! Take care of yours, help take care of others.
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