Today Is... 📆

:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Wednesday, 29 September 2021
(W39 | D272 | 93 rem)

Today is: :star: World Heart Day :heart:

This one is dedicated to @Shrike, with positive vibes and wishes!

World Heart Day is part of an international campaign to spread awareness about heart disease and stroke prevention. This is the perfect day to quit smoking, get exercising and start eating healthy – all in the name of keeping your ticker in good working order, and improving the health and well being of people the world over.

The World Heart Federation have found that heart disease and strokes are the world’s leading cause of death, killing 17.1 million people every year – that’s more than victims of cancer, HIV and AIDS and malaria.


Overeating, lack of exercise, unhealthy diets and high blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels are all factors which can trigger heart disease and threaten our own lives, and those of loved ones. Heart Day was set up to drive home the message that heart problems can be prevented.

The aim is to improve health globally by encouraging people to make lifestyle changes and promoting education internationally about ways to be good to your heart. This lesson is becoming increasingly relevant as reports of obesity, poor diet and physical inactivity in children and young people become more and more common.

Events take place to promote healthy hearts. Charities and other organisations coordinate walks and runs, health checks, public talks, shows and exhibitions to name a few of the interesting and informative events which mark the day. So on Heart Day, get involved, eat your fruit and veg and get outside; both you and your heart will feel the benefits.

World Heart Day is celebrated every year. It was created by the World Heart Federation. The first World Heart Day took place back in 2000. Since then, in 2012, leaders from around the globe committed to the reduction of worldwide mortality from non-communicable diseases by 25 percent by 2025.


As World Heart Day is all about drawing people’s attention to heart diseases and illnesses, as well as the range of health issues that are associated with this, it makes sense to raise awareness and also improve your own understanding. We would recommend taking some time to do a bit of research about heart conditions and risk factors. You can then use your online platforms and your social groups in order to raise awareness.

There are both non-governmental and governmental organizations that take part in this date around the world. They do this through the organization of science fairs, exhibitions, fitness sessions, public talks, walks, and marathons. Some famous buildings, monuments, and landmarks opt to go red on this date so that they can show their support for cardiovascular disease awareness.

If you are opting to observe this day, it is important to try and be more attentive to your own heart health. There are a number of different ways that you can do this. This includes following a healthy diet, quitting alcohol, stopping smoking, and getting involved in physical exercises. It is also important to have your cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart checked on a regular basis.

Have a heart! Take care of yours, help take care of others. :heart::+1::grinning:

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uh oh


Exactly!! Get your stuff sorted! Do it sooner, not later.


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Thursday, 30 September 2021
(W39 | D273 | 92 rem)

Today is: :star: International Thunderbirds Day

Every year, on 30th September, International Thunderbirds Day marks the anniversary of the first date that Thunderbirds aired in the UK in 1965. It is a day to celebrate the classic Thunderbirds series and its new-generation revival Thunderbirds Are Go.

Thunderbirds Are Go! Yes, most every British person of a certain age (who had a television at the time!) will have known and loved the Thunderbirds.

From the groundbreaking puppet work to the stunning backdrop designs of Gerry Anderson, the Thunderbirds was a unique science fiction television series that aired in the 1960s. But the show was set 100 years in the future–in the 2060s!

Perhaps most of all, fans of the show love the selfless heroism and team-oriented bravery of International Rescue. Now, everyone can relive their favorite moments and focus on what made (and continues to make), the Thunderbirds such a beloved institution.

Generations of fans have fallen in love with the Thunderbirds. The show began over 50 years ago, but the most recent rebirth of the show occurred in 2015 (called Thunderbirds Are Go) and continued at least through 2020. Thunderbirds Day aims to bring all those fans of the show together to celebrate the legacy and continuation of the show.

Fans all over the world come together on this one day of the year to celebrate what the Thunderbirds have to offer. The show is a truly international phenomenon; Thunderbirds Are Go, the new version of the show, is broadcast in over 40 countries, and the original was shown in an impressive 66 countries.


That’s why Thunderbirds Day is thriving in the digital era, as people from all over the world come together online to discuss, share and celebrate their love of this pioneering sci-fi series.

Thunderbirds Day takes place on the date in September when the original Thunderbirds made its debut on British TV. It’s obviously an important date for all Thunderbirds enthusiasts and it means a lot to the people who want to recall the legacy of the show and what it means today!

The first episode was aired back in 1965 and it has reached all corners of the globe since that time. The values of bravery, selflessness and teamwork resonate with successive generations and that’s something that doesn’t show any sign of stopping thanks to the success of Thunderbirds Are Go. More people join together to celebrate the show on Thunderbirds Day with each passing year.

It’s Thursday. Which is irrelevant because Thunderbirds are ready to go any day and everyday! :+1::grinning:

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Heck yeah!

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:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Friday, 1 October 2021
(W39 | D274 | 91 rem)

Today is: :star: International Coffee Day :coffee:

Coffee lovers are plentiful in MEWland, so this one’s for all of you!

International Coffee Day is an occasion that is used to promote and celebrate coffee as a beverage, with events now occurring in places across the world. The first official date was 1 October 2015, as agreed by then International Coffee Organization and was launched in Milan.

Coffee in the morning; coffee and a catch up with old friends; going for coffee with your new hot date – we drink coffee morning, day and night with friends, business associates and lovers. You have only to walk down the nearest high street and note the number of coffee chains to realise the extent of our love affair with our favourite caffeinated beverage.

Whether you favour espresso, americanos, lattes or cappuccinos; iced, decaf, instant or filter – Coffee Day is the day to savour and appreciate your beverage, and maybe even pick one up for free at certain chains in the USA.

We all know that coffee tastes amazing. Plus, many of us are aware of the fact that it can give us a much-needed energy boost. After all, this is why we tend to have a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, right? However, did you know that the benefits of coffee extend a lot further than this?

Coffee can help to burn fat, as it can increase your metabolic rate by as much as 11 percent. Coffee also contains a number of essential nutrients, including niacin, magnesium (vitamin B3), potassium, manganese, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Coffee has also been shown to enhance physical performance drastically!

If that was not enough, coffee is the greatest antioxidant source in the Western Diet. Coffee can also help you to live longer according to a number of different studies, as well as helping to fight depression and making you feel happier. This is something that has been noted in a study that was published by Havard.

Coffee Day also marks the long history of the drink: the properties of coffee beans are thought to have first been discovered in Ethiopia. The beans are actually the pits found in the coffee berry or cherry. The story goes that a 9th century goat herder noticed their stimulating effects on his goats and began experimenting.

Coffee drinking was originally popularised in the Arab world from around the 15th century spreading across Asia then to Italy and across Europe and to the Americas – and finally to your coffee cup.

Today, coffee is one of the world’s biggest crops so buying ethically grown coffee is all the more important – be sure to be selective in buying your cup of coffee and supporting ethical trade.

So when you drink your cup of coffee today, inhale its aroma, taste it’s dark and full-bodied flavour, think about its story – but most of all enjoy.

Coffee. Yes please. Quick. :coffee::+1::grinning:

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I don’t follow star sign stuff, but as far as my sign goes, it has my preferred method!

Maybe I should go play the lotto today.


See ironically for my sign its the same…


This is not my day!

1 Like

Ironically for me too.


Not a coffee fan? Why not? Do you have a different hot beverage you prefer? Or just nah to the lot of them in general?

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I drink tea. My mom claims its a legacy of my pouring coffee down my nose when I was three.


I’ve never tried snorting coffee before, but I have tried smoking it


very rarely drink coffee, mostly drink Milo or tea, coffee makes my anxiety symptoms surface


hahaha we’re in the same boat then. For the record, I haven’t tried a coffee enema either.


Took the Cape Town team for a coffee tasting at Koffieman in Durbanville this morning before work started. Was quite nice!


:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_rain:

It is Saturday, 2 October 2021
(W39 | D275 | 90 rem)

Today is: :star: International Name Your Car Day :blue_car:

Name Your Car Day has been set aside especially for those of you who may have forgotten this little ritual.

It’s very common for people to name their boats so why is it that some people forget to name their car? Let’s face it, our cars do a lot for us and many of us would be lost without them so why not take the time to think of a good name for your daily companion. If it weren’t for him/her how would you get to work? How would you go shopping? How would you take the kids to soccer practice?

Yes, they are always there for us whenever we need them. Who could ask for more dependability than this.

On Name Your Car Day take the time to choose a name that your car will be proud of.

Name Your Car Day is celebrated in many different places all over the world. If you think about it, a lot of us spend more time with our cars than we do most humans. They take us to and from work. They are there for us when we need to get somewhere in an emergency. They never let us down, and so it is only right that we at least award them with a name, right?


Naming our cars makes them seem human! We can remember all of the famous cars in films, especially from the latest Disney and Pixar Cars films. Not only this, but naming our cars can make them seem more intelligent while also helping us to feel safer in the process too. Some people even enjoy talking to their cars while they are on the road, especially when taking a long drive. After all, it can get a bit lonely right? When you consider this, it is not difficult to see why naming your car is a good idea!

Needless to say, the best way to celebrate Name Your Car Day is by naming your car! Shock! But how do you go about naming your vehicle? There are a number of different approaches and strategies that you can use in order to come up with the best name for your car, so we are going to take a look at some suggestions to give you a helping hand.


Firstly, if you do a quick search online, you will see that there are a lot of auto websites that have even set-up Name Your Car generators. All you need to do is input a few details and they will come up with a name suggestion for you, so you could try one of these.

If you want to come up with a name yourself, there are a number of different things that you should think about. The first thing you need to do is consider the personality of your car. What does your vehicle look like? Is it a young car or an old one? Does it look like a girl or a boy? Is it a classic car? Perhaps it is a sports vehicle?

These are all the sort of things that you should consider when trying to figure out what sort of personality your car has. If you are someone who likes puns and rhymes, you may want to use this when thinking of a name, for example, Rhonda the Honda.

Not only do you need to think about the sort of personality your car has, but you need to consider your own personality as well. After all, there is no point calling your car Speedy, Dash, or Lighting, if you’re someone who is constantly ridiculed for driving slow. Well, you could choose that sort of name out of irony, but it is best to go for something that is in line with your personality too. For example, you can opt for a quirky name if you are a bit of an extrovert. You can also use your loves and interests to think of a name as well. For example, if you are a big fan of a sports team or a lover of music, you can try and tie this into the name you give your vehicle.


You can also use the letters that are in your number plate in order to give you a bit of direction regarding what sort of name you should give your vehicle.

How about using the color of your vehicle in order to choose the right name for your car? For example, if your car is white, you may decide to call it something like White Rabbit, Marshmallow, Jon Snow, or Frost. If your vehicle is black, some options include Night, Crow, and Black Cat.

If you are a massive fan of video games, books, or movies, you could opt for a fictional character name. This is also a choice to consider if you are someone who is interested in myths and legends.

So, do you have a name for your car? Share it, and the reasons behind it. If you haven’t named your car, it’s time you did! :blue_car::+1::grinning:

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I’ll name mine Deurme.

Yup. It’s my Deurme Car.


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Sunday, 3 October 2021
(W39 | D276 | 89 rem)

Today is: :star: Techies Day

Is it possible that you have been having a certain issue with that darn computer lately? Some strange sound coming from within the case? Is your laptop freezing? Or getting too hot while sitting on your lap?

Do you have an important web presentation later but you can’t seem to get your webcam working? Is the network running incredibly slow and you can’t quite figure out why? Trying to print a document and your laptop just won’t talk to the printer?

If any of these scenarios sounds at all familiar, you probably need a techie in your life! Techies are those wonderful people who know their way around the technology that is inseparable from our daily lives. And as time passes, they become more and more vital to survival in this modern age.

Techies Day celebrates these talented folks and everything they do to keep computers and other technical gadgets working every day.


Techies Day was originally developed for the purpose of helping high school students become educated about careers in technology. It was first established in 1998 by with the support of CNET Networks.

With the awareness that the world of the future will see ever greater integrations of technology into our day-to-day lives, there is the knowledge that with those innovations will come the need for the truly technologically savvy. The world is in dire need of those men and women, boys and girls, who know their way around this technology-driven world and can help those who are perhaps less knowledgeable find their way.


The bane and balm of a techie is obsolescence, the unavoidable process by which current technology becomes obsolete as new tech gets developed and integrated into our lives. But, no matter how long their inventions last, techies certainly deserve to be appreciated for everything that they have done–and for what they will do in the future!

Thanks for keeping us up and running techies! Have a great Sunday!:+1::grinning:
