Today Is... 📆

I did that once, never again, it was an orange, caramel foamy mess.

I prefer a plain cappuccino.


What? I read your post again, 3 times now and I don’t see that.


It’s right at the top:


:wave: Good morning! :sun_behind_large_cloud:

It’s Tuesday, 2 March 2021 (W9/D61/304 rem)

Today is:

:star: Dr. Seuss Day

We love him in the morning,
We love him in the night!
When we read the words of Seuss,
We really feel alright!

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
Dr. Seuss

Theodor Seuss Geisel, commonly known by his pen name Dr. Seuss, was a writer, poet and cartoonist. Though best known as a children’s author (he released a whopping forty-six books for tykes), his career also saw him work as an illustrator for advertising campaigns and a political cartoonist during the Second World War.

He was also a true perfectionist, known to discard 95% of his material before settling on a theme for a new book, sometimes spending up to a year writing a single story, and preferring payment upon completion, rather than in advance.

Born on this day in 1904, today is a celebration of his life and works. His many bizarre, colourful and zany tales are still cherished by young and old alike, and are read all across the world every single day.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
Dr. Seuss

Celebrating Seuss Day is as easy as reading. With so many books to choose from, you could spend hours going through the collected works of Dr. Seuss, whether alone or with others. Read to your children. Better yet, get them to read to you.

There’s also a large number of Seuss stories that have been made into film, which is a fun way to spend the evening.

And for the more adventurous, or those with children who are keen, have a Dr. Seuss costume day. And then write and illustrate your own version of a Seuss book. Try using something like Green Eggs and Ham as a template.

I am Greg, Greg I am.
I like redd eggs and ham.
I can eat them in a box,
I can eat them with an ox.
I can eat them in my car,
I can eat them in the bar.
I can eat them with a spoon,
One day I’ll eat them on the moon.


You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…
Dr. Seuss

Have a super Seussical Tuesday! :+1:


I remember my friend bought a copy of Green Eggs and Ham in Hebrew. The best part was they were in a tunnel, and Sam I Am tried to get the other guy to eat ham, “Don’t worry, no one will see”


Good morning!

A hale and hearty Happy New Year to all and everyone. May the year ahead bring you, and those close to you, all that is good: good health, good fortune, good wealth, good food, good wine.


:wave: Good morning! :cloud:

It’s Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 (W53/D2)*.

Today is both Science Fiction Day and World Introvert Day. Coincidence?

Happy SFD and WID, ya bunch of nerds and geeks!

* According to ISO-8601, weeks start on Mondays. Technically we’re currently still in 2020s leap year created Week 53)


:wave: Good morning! :partly_sunny:

It’s Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 (W53/D3)

Today is:

  • Drinking Straw Day, which commemorates the day this humble little tool was patented in 1888.

  • Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day, introduced in 1929 by Cella’s Confections in New York, where the gooey liquid-centered confection became famous.

Have a great day! :+1:


Good Morning everyone.

I wonder if this will disappear once they eliminate straws.

The Blue Marlin Hotel had a straw in a frame with the title “The Last Straw”. Which was meant to signify the last straw they had ever served and wouldn’t be serving any more.


In… in English?!



Si, que what!


:wave: Good morning! :partly_sunny:

It’s Monday, January 4th, 2021

Today is:

  • World Braille Day, a UN sanctioned day of observance to raise awareness of the importance of Braille as a means of communication for blind and partially sighted people.

  • Trivia Day, so break out and dust off the old Trivial Pursuit box from the back of the cupboard and get to slamming the family with factoids.

Go top up your trivia tank with facts about Braille and have a wonderful day! :+1:


Maybe you should make a dedicated thread for these?

I love them! :smiley:


Worth a thought. I shall have it.


:wave: Good morning! :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

It’s Thursday, January 7th, 2021

Today is:

:star: Bobblehead Day - Head bobblers unite! Yip, there’s a day for celebrating all things bobbly. The first bobbleheads appeared over 100 years ago, and were not much more than simple doll with its head attached by a spring. Head bobblers unite! :metal:

:star: Old Rock Day - Despite its name, Old Rock Day is not a day of celebrating classic Rock ‘n’ Roll. It is, in fact, a day that geologists and amateur rock enthusiasts get to show their appreciation of all things fossilised and stony. It’s also the day when young children are encouraged to go out and discover their first “pet rock.” A day that they can use to bond with their pet and solidify (:grinning:) the beginning of a long friendship - unlike with other pets, pet rocks never ever grow old or die.

Bobble your head and get your rocks on then, and have a great day! :+1:


:wave: Good morning! :sun_with_face:

It’s Saturday, January 9th, 2021

Today is:

:star: Play God Day - And no, not in a malevolent, evil genius way! If you had the place of a higher being and you could set all the wrongs you see in the world right, what would you do? The purpose of Play God Day is to perform acts of kindness for others, or to just generally make an effort to contribute to the well-being of the world as a whole. If you had the powers of a god how would you change the world?

:star: Apricot Day - Yes, the humble little apricot has its own day. Ever since it was first domesticated by the Chinese over 4,000 years ago, the apricot has been giving us its delicious and healthy benefits. Celebrate the fruit today with jams, desserts, whole fruit, dried fruit, apricot brandy, and even apricot cocktails.

Or maybe even combine the two by baking a decadent apricot pie and taking it to your local orphanage or homeless shelter! Either way, have a stupendous Saturday! :+1:


:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_rain:

It’s Monday, 11 January 2021 (W2/D11)

Today is:

:star: Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day - It’s the perfect day for it weather-wise (at least in Joburg). Go out when there’s a break in the rain - with a mask :mask: of course! - step in a puddle and splash your friends (or family as the case may be). First mentioned by author Anita Silvey in 2011, the day aims to celebrate being frivolous, friendship, and just being a little silly every now and then. :cloud_with_rain:

:star: Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day - The first public demonstration of the electric telegraph, which used Morse code, was done on 11 January 1838, by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail. Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day takes place on the anniversary of that day. Devised as a way to help keep the slowly fading system of dots and dashes alive, you can participate in Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day by doing exactly what its name suggests. Try here: Morse Code Translator. And tell ‘em --. .-. . --. / .-. . -… -… sent ya!

Have a magnificent Monday! :+1:


Thanks, “Greg Rett”.


I blame my fat fingers. Actually, scrap that. I blame the copy/paste thing. I had it correct in my note:

Something happened when pasting it here.