Today Is... 📆

Glad I stopped smoking.


I stopped with ciggies but I still vape. So yeah I am glad I’ve stopped with the ciggies tho


Ive been ciggie free for 6 years now, still vape but low nic and no chain vaping




Well that was easy. Made it the whole day without any tobacco :tongue:


I have never put my mouth around anything involving cigarettes,vape, hubbly, cigars etc. Never really saw the need or want


:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_rain:

It is Tuesday, 01 June 2021
(W22 | D152 | 213 rem)

Today is: :star: International Tabletop Day :game_die:

In 2012, Geek & Sundry launched a tabletop game show starring Wil Wheaton that no one could have imagined would become as popular as it did. Created by Wheaton and Felicia Day, Tabletop was broadcasted on Day’s Geek & Sundry YouTube channel and explored a wide variety of unique and interesting tabletop games. As host, Wheaton would explain game mechanics before diving into actual gameplay with celebrity guests and friends in the spirit of camaraderie and competition.

Tabletop was so popular that it, in 2013, it launched a yearly event that carries on to this day. Created by game designer Boyan Radakovich, International Tabletop Day encourages fans of tabletop gaming to gather and play.

The first International Tabletop Day was held on March 13, 2013, and the event was hosted by Wheaton and Day. It streamed live on the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel in two segments, and featured an extended wrap-up session that was later uploaded to the channel. Thousands of fans gathered to watch the stream of non-stop gameplay, which not only boosted the channel’s popularity, but game sales as well. They played games like Takenoko, Ticket to Ride and Star Trek Catan.

It sparked events in over 60 countries, and by the time the second annual event rolled around in 2014, that number grew to more than 80 countries. The event allowed players to set aside their troubles for a little while as they gathered with friends and family to indulge in a little competitive gameplay. Local brick and mortar game stores got involved, hosting events that drew in players to celebrate, forge new friendships and continue the effort to make tabletop gaming an unforgettable way for people from all walks of life to pass the time.

Unfortunately, the last major celebration of the event on Geek & Sundry took place in June 2019, as the following year saw unexpected challenges and setbacks on account of COVID-19’s social distancing guidelines. This year will see a similarly subdued official tabletop day event. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still celebrate the day with those close to you in the safety of your home.

Stay warm and stay dry! In fact, to be safe, just stay indoors and have a terrific tabletop gaming Tuesday! :game_die::grinning::+1:

Know more:


:wave: Good morning! :partly_sunny:

It is Wednesday, 02 June 2021
(W22 | D153 | 212 rem)

Today is: :star: Global Running Day :running_man:‍♂

Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages everyone to get moving. This day plays an important role, reminding us of the positives that running can offer and the power of unification. It’s mission seems more important than ever right now, as people everywhere attempt to stay active and healthy. During these challenging times, many people are turning to running as a solution to help release anxiety, gain perspective, cope with cabin fever, and keep up wellbeing.

The pavement under your feet, the crisp snap of early morning air, the pounding rhythm as you run the distance one long flowing stride at a time. Sweat trickling down your neck, the sun on your skin, your lungs burning with joyous exaltation as your heart beats a rapid but steady staccato in time with your running legs.

This is the joy of running, and every year millions of people all over the world find themselves out on the open road experiencing the joy, the thrill, and the pain, of recreational running.

Global Running Day celebrates these intrepid souls and their dedication to health and exercise, we should all join them.


This year, Global Running Day 2021 will be digitally uniting people across the world in a global effort to encourage physical wellness and strengthen community.

You can choose to just go for a quiet run, or join thousands of others around the world and officially pledge and dedicate your run today on the Global Running Day site:

Whether you do run or not, though, do have a fantastic Wednesday, my jogging Dudes! :running_man:‍♂:frog::grinning::+1:


Ugh, more reminders that I need to get back to running. Thanks @GregRedd !


This I can do, granted it’s not much but I have only just started out.


It’s enough to count!

1 Like

Lui gat! Go run! :running_man:


Tsek Greg, I blame Rona.


Ek weier! I don’t run :stuck_out_tongue: I can sprint for 10 secs at a time only


That’s fine. Just do that then.

But do it a little slower than at sprinting speed, and maybe try doing it 6 times per minute, for 5 minutes at a time. :grinning:


Ive never been a runner (the closest I ever got to it was sprints in hockey)


Forgot to mention yesterday that June is Pride Month.

Google dropping all the flags when searching for the term “pride month” at the moment:

2021-06-02 (2)

Which led me to wondering about the meaning of some that I don’t recognize (specifically the one with the circle on the yellow background.)
So, if you’re curious like me, and don’t mind an odd “This Month Is…” post in your Today Is… topic…

Known More:

Pride Month is also the reason that DontNod are giving away copies of Tell Me Why all through the month.


Me neither, until I tried, started with 700m on my first run(I lie, the first proper run was a 5km obstacle course with work, but that was more walking than running haha), then gradually went up and up, untill I could run 5km without stopping. kept going and starting doing park runs, timed my runs and got as low as 29:30 for a 5km. Ended up doing a 10km Obstacle course due to that practice.
But yeah, I stopped. I restarted and got back to that 29:30 about 2 years ago. Then stopped again lol. FML.


The last time I ran, was after the skelms, that grabbed my then girlfriends handbag.


Yoh, did you catch them? And were you swearing lielik while chasing?