Today Is... 📆

I believe there must be something out there.


Shh, they’re among us.

Zuckerberg looks pretty sus



Hey I am a big believer that there is something else out there


Yeah, they don’t call it the void for nothing.

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:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Saturday, 03 July 2021
(W26 | D184 | 181 rem)

Today is: :star: Compliment Your Mirror Day

Sometimes we just don’t feel at our best, and in fact for some of us that ‘sometimes’ is every day. When you’ve got a big day coming or a challenge ahead, or are just feeling down in the dumps, it may be time to Compliment Your Mirror.

Day after day we hear things that can tear down our personality and self-confidence, Compliment Your Mirror Day is your reminder to show yourself a little love and remind yourself just how awesome you are. Then keep doing it day after day!

We’re not talking egocentric narcissism here. We’re talking self-affirmation, self-respect, and boosting your self-esteem.


We all need to learn to love ourselves a bit more, and this is what Compliment Your Mirror Day is all about. We spend so much time sharing love with other people and complimenting them, but how much time do we spend making ourselves feel good? This is what Compliment Your Mirror Day is all about. It is about telling yourself how incredible and amazing you are, because YOU ARE!

We all have our down days, and we all have things we don’t like about ourselves. That’s normal. But instead of focusing on these things, focus on the great things about yourself and what makes you amazing, because there are so many things.


Depression and broken self-esteem are some of the most dangerous things to leave untreated and unacknowledged. Every year there are people who succumb to these horrible events, and while complimenting yourself in the mirror isn’t a panacea for these dangerous things, it can at least begin the process of building your feeling of self-worth through self-talk.

It’s important to know that Compliment Your Mirror Day doesn’t just have to do with your physical, outer beauty, such a thing is ephemeral and certainly won’t last into your old age. But the person you are and how you approach the world certainly will, in fact it’s the only thing you’ll keep until your last days. So Compliment Your Mirror Day means you need to recognize all of your inner strengths and inner beauties.

Mirrors have been around for a long time, time out of mind in fact, and the first ones were made of Obsidian, if you don’t count reflecting bowls as mirrors. They’ve always been recognized as having magical properties, and one of those magical properties involved making statements of intent into them and knowing they’d come true.

Compliment Your Mirror Day is your day to cast a spell over yourself by telling yourself how awesome you are.


It’s so easy to overlook one’s magnificence between schedules, work, and life responsibilities. So take a few minutes today, and every day for that matter, to celebrate your beauty with these simple tips.

  • Compliment yourself each time to walk past a mirror. What do you love about your physical self?
  • Write an inspiring quote on your mirror in washable window marker.
  • Wear your favorite colour and remind yourself how flattering the hue is on you.
  • Spend the day thinking positive thoughts about yourself, and continue this practice on a daily basis. You can start by thinking about your character traits.
  • Pamper yourself.
  • Wear something you typically reserve for special occasions - even if you’re not leaving the house. Be sure to smile at your reflection!


Everybody has their strengths and today is your opportunity to take some time to learn what they are, and then reaffirm them by pronouncing them clearly into the mirror. Smile, be proud and confident, and make sure to say it like you mean it on Compliment Your Mirror Day.

Hey you! Yes you reading this. Look in a mirror right now. (Or turn your mobile’s front-facing camera on.) Now compliment your reflection. Done? Good. You just made your Saturday better. :+1::grinning:


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Sunday, 04 July 2021

(W26 | D185 | 180 rem)

Today is: :star: Caesar Salad Day

Anyone who has ever had a traditional Italian meal or been to an Italian restaurant knows this delicious salad mix referred to as Caesar Salad.

Comprised of romaine lettuce and croutons with a delicious blend of parmesan cheese, egg, garlic, black pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and lemon juice (and, in some cases, anchovies) many people feel that this salad is something akin to heaven in a bowl.

The first thing to know about Caesar Salad is that it was not actually named for the ill-fated leader of Rome. At least not directly. No, the salad is instead credited to Caesar Cardini, an Italian Immigrant who got into the restaurant business in the US and Mexico in the early 20th century.

Like most of the great culinary inventions, the Caesar Salad wasn’t necessarily the result of a deliberate design or a stroke of genius. Instead, it came about in a moment of desperation. At one point in 1924 there was a bit of a rush on Caesar Cardini’s restaurant in Tijuana.


As the day happened to be the 4th of July, many merry-makers were celebrating American Independence Day and Cardini was stuck without enough food to feed them all. So the clever chef quickly got to work to keep the customers happy, throwing whatever he could into a bowl.

The result? This delicious combination of ingredients, delivered with a little ‘chef’s flair’, as Cardini tossed it right at the table.

From there, these American guests loved what they ate so much that they took the idea with them back to California. Then, it eventually made its way to New York City in the 1940s and many people there still love it today.


Like most food, the Caesar Salad has undergone multiple permutations throughout the history of its existence.

Originally, anchovies were not included as part of the salad, and that can still be commonplace today. In some restaurants that are fancier, however, patrons may occasionally find bits of actual anchovy in with the salad. In addition, as a complement to the natural anchovy flavor, comes the Worcestershire sauce.

Cardini would likely not be pleased by the common occurrence of using anchovies as he was decidedly opposed to placing anchovy directly in his salad. Of course, that’s not all that has been added over time! Many different versions of the salad exist today, including Steak Caesar Salad, Chicken Caesar Salad, even shrimp Caesar Salad. All of these have graced the menus of various restaurants throughout the world.

The best way to celebrate this day is to make sure to eat a traditional Caesar Salad, eaten in the traditional style! That’s right, most people have been eating Caesar Salad wrong all this time!

The correct way to eat this delicious salad is to have it prepared with whole romaine leaves. In fact, it is truly proper to consume the salad by lifting those leaves by the stem and eating them with the fingers. Cardini never intended for this to be a salad eaten with a fork!

But, even if it isn’t eaten as a finger food, enjoying one of these delicious salads is the perfect way to honour the day.

In today’s world, making such a salad is pretty easy because most grocery stores offer bottle versions of Caesar Dressing that are simple and delicious. Just toss some romaine lettuce, a bit of shaved romano or parmesan cheese and a few crunchy croutons into a bowl. Pour some bottled dressing over the mixture and, just to get fancy, squeeze a lemon on the top for fun. A tasty and (somewhat) healthy treat!


Of course, everyone now knows that Caesar the Roman ruler had nothing to do with the salad. But what other interesting facts remain unknown?

  • The Guinness World Record for the largest caesar salad was set in Tijuana, Mexico by Canirac restaurant in 2007. It weighed more than 3 tons and took more than 160 participants to make it!
  • As Caesar Salad popularity grew, so did the demand for Romaine Lettuce. Today there are nearly 80,000 acres of romaine lettuce farms and between 1990 and 2009, the per capita consumption of romaine in the US increased by more than 600%!
  • Some people are worried that the raw eggs in Caesar Salad dressing might create a problem with salmonella. However, the fact that it is combined with lemon juice means that any germs will be killed off by the citrus fruit acidity. So it’s safe to eat raw eggs in Caesar dressing!
  • The original Caesar salad made by Cardini didn’t contain anchovies and it also only had one large crouton–not several like it is served today.

Have the most delicious Caesar Salad Sunday!:+1::grinning:

Today is also :star: American Independence Day :us:

Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the United States, on July 4, 1776.

The Fourth of July—also known as Independence Day or July 4th—has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution.

On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.



:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Monday, 05 July 2021
(W27 | D186 | 179 rem)

Today is: :star: Mechanical Pencil Day

A little over half way through the year, and I’m still getting amused and intrigued by some of the odd things that we have annual celebration days for. Like today’s Mechanical Pencil Day.

That we had Pencil Day back at the end of March didn’t stop the originators of today’s Mechanical Pencil Day from having a separate day for it.

British online retailer Cult Pens, purveyors of fine writing tools, started Mechanical Pencil Day to celebrate their love for the ingenious, ever sharp pencil.

We love mechanical pencils, and we wanted a day to share that with everyone. The perfect date seemed clear to us - 05/07, the most popular lead sizes!

While much of the world has moved towards digital format, mechanical pencils make writing and design easier than ever before. Mechanical Pencil Day celebrates the history of these pencils and encourages people to celebrate mechanical pencils and their many uses in our daily lives.

Pencils were created around the time that graphite deposits were being discovered in Europe during the early 16th century. The first primitive design of the pencil was invented in 1565 by Conrad Gesner, a naturalist, and bibliographer from Switzerland. These pencils were graphite sticks wrapped in string and later were designed with wood so it could be sharpened.

The first mechanical pencil that had tools to move the lead instead of manually sharpening the lead was patented in 1822 by Sampson Mordan and John Isaac Hawkins in Britain. From there, multiple companies began to begin mass producing mechanical pencils.

Mechanical pencils now operate by three types of methods; rachet-based, clutch-based, and screw-based. Today, mechanical pencils have different varieties of lead width and have multiple frames, including plastic, metal, and wood. These pencils are used for writing, but can also be used for art and design.

Due to the slick nature of the mechanical pencil, people now have the ability to create fine details and don’t have to use a pencil sharper. Mechanical Pencil Day celebrates the history of mechanical pencils and how it is today used in workplaces and schools all over the world.

People celebrate the holiday by collecting antique mechanical pencils, reading up on the history of these pencils, and appreciating its uses in daily life.

It’s Monday. Deal with it! Write on! :+1::grinning:

Know More:


clicking intensifies


Just make sure to push the lead back in before it snaps.


:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_snow:

It is Tuesday, 06 July 2021
(W27 | D187 | 178 rem)

Today is: :star: International Fried Chicken Day :poultry_leg:

The bird gets the spotlight on Fried Chicken Day, and stomachs are rumbling already. Move over vegetarians, there’s a deep-fried chicken leg and breast coming this way!

Fried chicken, otherwise known as Southern fried chicken, is a dish that features different chicken pieces that have been coated in a seasoned batter. After which, they are either pressure fried, deep-fried, or pan-fried. The breading creates a crisp crust or coating to the exterior of the meat while ensuring the juices are kept inside. Broiler chickens are most commonly used.

There is no denying that fried chicken is one of the best and most popular types of comfort food enjoyed all around the world. It may be greasy, but it is indulgent and very tasty!

Today, we are able to enjoy this dish for a very cheap price, and it does not matter where in the world you go, you will be able to enjoy fried chicken on the menu! However, this was not always the case. In fact, fried chicken was deemed an expensive delicacy until the Second World War. However, thanks to mass production techniques, this is no longer the case!

There are a number of reasons why we all love Fried Chicken Day. Of course, the main reason is that we have the perfect excuse to eat as much fried chicken as we want and we don’t have to feel guilty about it! It is also a dish whereby your manners can go out of the window.

There is no need to use a knife and fork when you are tucking into fried chicken! You can also get many different varieties of fried chicken to select from today. This includes everything from extra crispy to spicy fried chicken. Friend chicken can also be cooked in many different varieties of oil. This includes peanut oil, lard, vegetable shortening, and much more!

There are a lot of different variants of fried chicken that have been released. This includes hot chicken, which is common in the Tennessee area of Nashville. This is a variant that is pan-fried and is coated with a cayenne pepper and lard paste. Popcorn chicken has also become very popular. This can also be referred to as chicken bits. These are small, ball-shaped pieces of boneless chicken. They are battered and fried, resulting in a dish that looks like popcorn, hence the name! Or, what about Barberton chicken? This was created by immigrants from Serbia in Barberton, Ohio. the dish is now very popular throughout the state and it is sometimes called Serbian Fried Chicken.

Another reason why it is important to pay tribute on Fried Chicken Day is that this dish had very humble beginnings. In fact, it acted as a way of empowering slaves. They were able to make their own independent flow of money by selling it. As chickens were the only animals that slaves were allowed to own and raise, this dish became very popular before the Civil War broke out.

A lot of people are surprised to learn that this is a type of food that can be dated as far back as Roman Times. This is because there was a recipe for deep-fried chicken in Apicius, which was a Roman cookbook from the 4th century. The dish was called Pullum Frontonianum.

In terms of the expression “fried chicken” itself, this has been traced back to the 1830s. You will see this term used regularly throughout the cookbooks that were released in America during the 1860as and the 1870s. In the southern states of the United States, this dish can be traced back to precedents in West African and Scottish cuisine.

The fried chicken from West Africa involved the chicken being seasoned, battered, and then cooked in palm oil. The Scottish version involved the chicken being cooked in fat, however, it was not seasoned. As mentioned earlier, it was also a way for segregated and enslaved people to make money independently.

Fried Chicken Day has been observed yearly for quite some time now. On this day, fried chicken is prepared and cooked in a number of different ways. Some fried chicken restaurants will have promotions running on this date. This includes the likes of KFC and Church’s Chicken. We have also seen that this date is celebrated across the world now as well.

For example, in Australia, in 2018, KFC gave people the chance to win free fried chicken for an entire year. In order to enter the contest, you were required to make a post on social media that stated the different reasons why you deserved to be the winner of this tasty prize! The person who won the prize was a 19-year-old who got the KFC logo tattooed on her foot.


Personally, I’m not a huge fan of KFC, but I know people who are. None big enough fans though to get the KFC logo permanently tattooed on themselves for only a chance at getting a years worth of fried chicken.

It’s going to be a great Tuesday. Unless you’re a chicken of course. If you are, today is probably going to be a bit kak for you. Deep fry a de-feathered bird today! :poultry_leg::+1::grinning:


Dang it! Finished off my chicken yesterday


You’re just ahead of the curve is all. Besides, there’s plenty chicken to go round. :poultry_leg:


Unfortunately, the curve is along my waistline :frowning:


Today’s celebration is probably not going to work for your waistline either

1 Like

:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Wednesday, 07 July 2021
(W27 | D188 | 177 rem)

Today is: :star: World Chocolate Day :chocolate_bar:

World Chocolate Day is nothing short of a special tribute to mankind’s greatest culinary invention. (Sorry Bread and Pizza!) Chocolate can enhance and help to create the most luxurious desserts and can even be enjoyed and indulged on its own. Some of the most popular chocolate bars are plain and simple. If this is the one for you, try going for a high cocoa percentage with low added sugar.

The history of chocolate goes back around 2,500 years. The Aztecs loved their newly discovered liquid chocolate to the extent that they believed the god of wisdom, Quetzalcoatl, literally bestowed it upon them. Cocoa seeds even acted as a form of currency. Could you imagine going shopping or buying a house will a huge pile of cocoa seeds?

Those days the chocolate was bitter as it was long before sugar was added. Once chocolate took a turn and went sweet in 16th century Europe, chocolate caught on to the masses and became one of many households favorite treats.

Many present-day chocolate companies began operations in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Cadbury began in England by 1868. And then 25 years later Milton S. Hershey, purchased chocolate processing equipment at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Hershey’s is now one of the biggest and world-known chocolate creators in the world. He began the company by producing chocolate-coated caramels. NestlĂ© began back in the 1860s and has grown into one of the largest food conglomerates in the world. You’re bound to of heard of one of these if not all of them. Perhaps you even enjoy a bar or two or their fine chocolate creations at home.

Many people are unaware that chocolate is a fermented food. You heard that right, once the cacao pods are picked, and then cleaned of pithy white material from the fruit, they are dried and then the cacao beans are fermented. The cacao nibs are revealed once the papery shell is removed. This is where the fun and creativity come in.

Chocolatiers then grind the nibs into cocoa mass, separating them into cocoa solids and cocoa butter, they then combine them with milk and sugar. If they’re creating white chocolate then it’s just the chocolate butter with milk and sugar. It’s definitely worth celebrating this process, especially considering how much thought goes into getting it just right. Every Chocolatier has different methods and ideas that are all popular across the world.

As time has gone on, we have moved towards the indulgence of dark chocolate. It contains far less sugar and holds a higher percentage of cocoa. If you’re looking for the best dark chocolate it’s worth checking out the ones you find from the Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Ecuador. They have ideal climates for cocoa trees and they are known for producing some of the best chocolate. When you purchase chocolate from these regions it’s always best to make sure it’s “fair trade chocolate,” this means you are helping to help make cocoa farming more sustainable. It’s certainly something to keep in mind!

Although some would love to celebrate this day every day, the chocolate day gives you the perfect opportunity to eat your favorites in ample portions. Do you really need any more of an excuse to over indulge? It’s probably okay once in a while.


The chocolate flavour is most definitely a favourite right throughout the world. It flavours cakes, breakfast cereal, toppings, desserts, candies, ice creams, and much more. Considering its popularity, it certainly deserves a day of honour.

Enjoy a chocolatly delicious Wednesday, my Dudes! :chocolate_bar::frog::+1::grinning:




My dudes
 What better to celebrate Chocolate Day falling on a Wednesday than with:


OH! Might have to creep out of lockdown in the house for the first time in 2 weeks to buy some of those