Today Is... 📆

:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Wednesday, 16 June 2021
(W24 | D167 | 198 rem)

Today is: :star: Fudge Day

Fudge Day is a day to enjoy the deliciousness of this decadent, sweet candy that is appreciated all over the world. It cannot be denied that celebrating this delicious, tasty treat is a great way to spend just about any day, especially on Fudge Day!

Fudge is a soft, smooth confectionary that is made by mixing and then heating milk, butter and sugar. A variety of other ingredients can then be added to create assorted varieties and flavors of fudge. Some of the most popular flavors include chocolate and peanut butter, but there’s a whole world out there of fudge flavors that are waiting to be explored.

Exploring new flavors of fudge and sharing them with loved ones is what Fudge Day is all about!

Fudge is thought to have been an American invention. The earliest documented mention of fudge can be found in a letter composed by Emelyn Hartridge, who was studying at the time at Vassar College, located in Poughkeepsie, New York. The letter detailed that fudge had been made and sold in a grocery store in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1886. At the time, the cost of 40 cents per pound of fudge. From here, word of chocolate fudge spread to other women’s colleges and eventually became very popular in the US.

In fact, many people believe that the first incidence of fudge may have been a mistake. It seems it could have been an intended batch of caramels that went awry, or “fudged”. That would make sense of the way we still use the term “fudging” something today.

I can’t find who originated it, or when Fudge Day even started. But you know what? I don’t care. I’m just happy that it’s a thing.

Be a sweetie to those in your world today - surprise them with a batch of delicious fudge! Your status as “The Best” will be cemented! :grinning::+1:

Here you go:

Today is also :star: Youth Day in South Africa


Youth Day commemorates a particularly bleak moment in South Africa’s history.

In 1975 protests started in African schools after a directive from the then Bantu Education Department that Afrikaans had to be used on an equal basis with English as a language of instruction in secondary schools. The issue, however, was not so much the Afrikaans as the whole system of Bantu education which was characterised by separate schools and universities, poor facilities, overcrowded classrooms and inadequately trained teachers.

On 16 June 1976 more than 20 000 pupils from Soweto began a protest march. In the wake of clashes with the police, and the violence that ensued during the next few weeks, approximately 700 hundred people, many of them youths, were killed and property destroyed.


Know more:


Ah man, those pictures of fudge have me drooling…


Go make some “for the family” :smiley: That Nestle SA recipe I’ve linked is pretty darn easy, and the results are delicious!


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Thursday, 17 June 2021
(W24 | D168 | 197 rem)

Today is: :star: Eat Your Vegetables Day


After the indulgence of Fudge Day yesterday (who had too much?!) there’s no excuses for anyone not to have their veggies today!

June 17th is Eat Your Vegetables Day. Strategically created in the middle of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, this day is the perfect opportunity to re-introduce a healthy portion of vegetables into your diet. On this day, you are encouraged to eat vegetables for every meal, and a snack.


Better still, try to be a vegetarian for the day. Short of that, any additional vegetables at mealtime today will honour the event, as well as make you a little healthier.

Health experts reveal that veggies help keep your digestive system healthy and functioning optimally, and in doing so, they counteract the bloating effect caused by less nutrient-dense food choices and excess sodium.

The healthy doses of potassium and water in vegetables also help flush out unwanted salt and toxins while restoring your body’s healthy fluid balance. The result? You’ll feel great, and you might even look and feel leaner!

The energy in vegetables is in the form of complex carbohydrates. These take some time to digest and don’t cause the blood sugar highs and lows that sugars do. An exception to this rule is the sugar in beetroot or corn. (These sugars have a high glycemic index and trigger the insulin cycle.)


Experts also reveal that vegetables contain phytonutrients, which restore the skin and make it look younger and healthier. They say vitamin C in veggies also facilitates collagen formation, which helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and also speeds up the healing of wounds, burns, and other skin problems.

The idea of this day is to have a vegetable with every meal, as well as having a vegetable for a snack each day as well.


Another great way to mark the day is something that I know a number of MEWbs already do - grow your own vegetables. This is one of the best things you can do throughout the year, and it is something that is going to pay dividends when it comes to turning Eat Your Vegetables Day into a more than once a year thing. You can source your veg from your own garden and use it in home cooking or snacking.

Eat. Your. Veggies! Or no dessert!

Have a totally tasty veggie day! :grinning::+1:


Ok so spinach in my breakfast smoothie is no 1.


do rice and pap classify as veggies? (please say yes)


No they don’t! That’s an extra serving of kale for you, young man! And still no dessert until you eat all your veggies!


Personally I love my veggies, not so much asparagus or egg plant. Now, where are my sprussel brouts bros at?


Make sure its not too much. The oxalates from raw veg bind to some minerals preventing you from absorbing them.

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I love those. Only really have them at Christmas though. :frowning:

Only 2 leaves, with mango and blueberries :smiley:
Lunch will be carrot sticks, cucumber, some ham, and cauliflower (raw)

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I’m having polenta (corn), so maybe this counts?

I also chopped up a habanero and a garlic clove. Sure, habaneros are fruit, but the pictures posted have peppers in the photos so I’m counting it.

I’ll probably have some carrots and home made hummus with lunch today.

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It is decided, we’re having pap for supper. It’s made from corn, so corn is a vegetable, innit?


Don’t forget the popcorn for dessert!


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Friday, 18 June 2021
(W24 | D169 | 196 rem)

Today is: :star: International Panic Day

International Panic Day, celebrated on June 18, is a day when people are required to panic. Basically, the day is a mock holiday aimed at spreading awareness for mental health issues. No matter how calm you are as an individual, International Panic Day is the day to let out your fears and panic about your worries. Why? International Panic Day rather asks, why not?

International Panic Day began as a kind of mock holiday with the intention of having a day when people could shake off their various reasons to panic. It is a day to sit back, calm down, and let the panic and stress flow through you.

Not to be confused with International Picnic Day – which albeit confusingly is celebrated on the same day – this is the one day of the year when it is (almost) considered okay to go postal on whatever it is that causes the most stress in life.


While it may sound funny, panic is a serious topic. Panic disorder is a mental health issue that affects 2% of the population in some countries. Apparently, women are more likely to suffer from panic than men. The condition is treatable, more so when the person is aware of various healthcare tactics and lives a healthy lifestyle.


International Panic Day is seen in many countries as a day to raise and spread awareness about the issue of mental illness. Today, more than ever, people are undergoing a lot of mental stress and the day is aimed to encourage people to slow down, relax, and reach out for help without any hesitation. There is nothing to be shy of and only by talking about our problems can we get rid of them. Panic management has important practical usages in the emergency services and the armed forces of the world.

International Panic Day is the perfect excuse to panic about everything there is to panic about and, in the process, reevaluate our priorities. Eliminate all the things that cause you stress and anxiety.

Celebrate International Panic Day by taking time to intentionally focus on reducing stress and taking some time off!


International Panic Day can be celebrated by enjoying some time alone (if that’s life-giving), calling a friend, or engaging in some of these activities that can help to reduce the panic and stress in life:

Practice Breathing and Mindfulness Techniques
Whether simply incorporating a few slow breathing exercises for a few minutes or engaging in an entire hour of full-blown mediation, these types of activities can have a huge impact on mental as well as physical health.

Taking time to be centered in the moment can help slow down racing thoughts that cause panic. Breathing deeply can help get the heart rate more regular and minimize the body’s response to stress. If it seems helpful, try taking a class at a community center or yoga studio that will provide techniques and tools for relaxation and stress reduction.

Take Some Time to Relax and Enjoy Life
Perhaps a good idea would be to celebrate the day by taking a step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Start by taking a deep breath and trying to relax the mind and body.

Taking the day off work is a great idea! Make up some waffles and refuse to share, retreat to a favorite coffee shop and spend the day with a long past due library book, lounge in a bath overflowing with bubbles, or spend quality time with a close friend.

How about heading out to a local nature spot and enjoying a picnic? Now that’s really confusing, but it does allow the celebration of both picnics and Panic Day all at once!

Get Help from a Professional
Those who are truly struggling with panic as a stress response would be wise to seek help before it gets worse. If calling a counselor seems like too big of a first step, check in with a trusted friend or family member first to see if they’ll help call a counselor or doctor.

It is important to remember that there is no shame attached to mental health issues, and getting help from a professional is the bravest thing a person can do on the road toward recovery!

Be kind to yourself today. Own your panic. Breathe. Be zen. And have a great Friday! :grinning::+1:


Get out of my head!!


Too late :crazy_face:


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Saturday, 19 June 2021
(W24 | D170 | 195 rem)

Today is: :star: Garfield The Cat Day

Garfield The Cat Day is celebrated annually on 19th June, commemorating the day, in 1978, that the first of Jim Davis’ Garfield cartoon strips was published.

This was the strip:

In the years since, Davis has used the date to celebrate Garfields’ birthday, with annual in character strips proclaiming the ginger feline’s birthday - something the now 43-year old cat does not relish.

Here’s this years Happy Birthday Garfield strip:

Basically, today is set aside to honour all things related to the lasagna-loving cat, whether he likes it or not.

Davis had tried to get an earlier strip, Gnorm Gnat syndicated, but was unsuccessful; he noted that one editor told him that his “art was good, his gags were great, [but] nobody can identify with bugs.”

Davis decided to peruse current comic strips to determine what species of animal characters might be more popular. He felt that dogs were doing well, but noticed no prominent cats. Davis figured he could create a cat star, having grown up on a farm with twenty-five cats. Thus was created the character of Garfield.

Garfield, the star, was based on the cats Davis grew up around; he took his name and personality from Davis’ grandfather, James A. Garfield Davis, whom he described as “a large, cantankerous man.” The name Jon Arbuckle came from a 1950s coffee commercial. Jon’s roommate Lyman, added to give Jon someone to talk with, carried on the name of an earlier Gnorm Gnat character. The final character was Lyman’s dog Spot, who was renamed Odie to avoid confusion with a dog also named Spot in the comic strip Boners Ark.


Within the comic strips, some of the topical subjects focussed on are obsessive eating, love for consuming food, and a distaste of Mondays (does anybody really enjoy Monday though?!). His absolute favorite food is lasagne and many people recognize this as his signature trait. He also regularly expresses his hatred for going on diets and getting up early. He is well known for his lazy attitude and is also a self-confessed coffee addict! Food and laziness definitely make Garfield distinctive compared to other famous cartoon cats over the world.


Did you know?

  • Other characters in the comic strip are Garfield’s owner, Jon Arbuckle and his dog Odie, as well as his vet, Dr. Liz Wilson.
  • The strip also regularly features two other cats: Nermal, “the world’s cutest kitten” (spoiler: not a kitten!) and Garfield’s nemesis; and Arlene, the sweet-natured stray that has an unreciprocated crush on him.
  • The comic strip was first published on 19 June 1978.
  • Garfield holds the Guinness World Record for the honour of being the most syndicated comic strip - at its peak in 2013 the strip was being seen in 2580 publications and journals worldwide.
  • Garfield is well known for being lazy, hating Monday’s (and diets) and loving lasagna and his stuffed beat, Pookie.
  • The book, Garfield at Large, made the NY Times best seller list.
  • Garfield has been translated over 40 languages.
  • The comic strip is set in Muncie, Indiana.
  • Garfield also has a few cookbooks, one of which is called Garfield - Recipes with Cattitude.

Give your cats (or any other pets you have) an extra helping of their favourite version of lasagne today, and bonus cuddles of course! Happy Saturday. :grinning::+1:




He is still my spirit animal