Today Is... 📆

Love tigers, really sucks how humans keep killing off my favorite animals, they literally just chill in the jungle then humans come along and kill them. And the thing is it is “civilized” people who kill them, natives who actually live near jungles actively avoid, and do not kill tigers.(based off a documentary i watched years ago)


:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Friday, 30 July 2021
(W30 | D211 | 154 rem)

Today is: :star: Cheesecake Day

Here’s one for @Beo’s Baking Pan … it’s Cheesecake Day!

Cheesecake Day is one of the creamiest days of the year! It’s a day to indulge in the decadence of this dessert, and sample some of the tastiest flavours. From the humble plain baked to the tangy key lime or maybe a chocolate one would hit the spot. Whatever grabs that sweet tooth, it is certain that today is the day for some cheesecake!


Although the original Cheesecake Day was conceived and first celebrated in 1985, it didn’t really take off until 2001 when the power of the internet helped its cause. It then gained traction and became a sensation that is now celebrated all over the world!

Dating back to its invention by the Ancient Greeks, probably around 200 A.D., cheesecake was believed to have been one of the first “sweet” desserts in the world. Or at least, it was one of the first to be written down! In its earlier time, this dish was originally made from a soft cheese but was probably very different from what we now know as cheesecake.


Over the centuries, cheesecake moved around the world and popped up as different expressions in different regions. For instance, cheesecake in Italy is traditionally made with their favorite, ricotta cheese. Cheesecakes in Germany and Poland are often made with a special kind of soft cheese called “quark”. And, of course, American cheesecake uses its own home invention: cream cheese.

But no matter the variation, cheesecake is a tasty invention that has developed and evolved over time into something that almost everyone in the world loves to eat!


The most obvious way to celebrate is to grab a piece to-go, pick up a whole cheesecake at a bakery and take it to the office to share, or even get a boxed mix and make an easy refrigerator cheesecake at home. No matter how it’s done the most important thing on this day is to somehow, some way, get cheesecake into that belly!

Depending on the recipe chosen, making cheesecake can either be simple or a little bit fussy. A true cheesecake recipe will be made from ingredients such as cream cheese, sour cream, and eggs, then baked in the oven for about an hour or more. It is important to bake it slowly on a low temperature to keep it from cracking. This is the way cheesecake is made at a bakery or at a specially themed restaurant such as The Cheesecake Factory.

Some simpler versions of cheesecake recipes are no-bake, which instead use the refrigerator to get cream cheese, whipping cream or other ingredients to set up into a dessert. These recipes typically do not include eggs as the cake is not baked. But they are still deliciously tasty!

Whether you make it or buy it on the way home, a deliciously decadent slice of cheesecake for Friday dinner dessert would be a great way to start the weekend! Do that thing! :+1::grinning:



Fine, if you insist…

It’s like a baked cheesecake meringue mix.


You jammy dodger!

:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Saturday, 31 July 2021
(W30 | D212 | 153 rem)

Today is: :star: World Ranger Day

Around the globe, park rangers are on the front line in the fight to protect our natural heritage. World Ranger Day offers a chance to support their vital work, which ranges from environmental campaigning to education. The day is also an opportunity to pay tribute to rangers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

It’s estimated there are more than 100,000 reserves, parks and protected areas around the world. World Ranger Day was created by the International Ranger Federation and was first held in 2007.

Many mistakenly think America’s Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the world, but there’s one that is over 100 years older. Established by the Mongolian government in 1778, the area surrounding Bogd Khan Uul Mountain is the oldest national park in the world.

Many events are staged around the world, including guided walks and screenings of the documentary The Thin Green Line. If there isn’t an event in your area, you could organize one – and help to raise awareness of the vital role performed by custodians of the world’s parks.

World Ranger Day is celebrated to commemorate Rangers that have been injured or killed in the line of duty. It also celebrates all of the work that Rangers do around the world to protect the cultural heritage and natural treasures of the planet.

Rangers need to have a lot of local knowledge of the history of the national park and the wildlife, as well as where to go and what to see. They help answer questions about the park from the public. However, their work goes a lot further than this. They also have to look out for any potential problems, and because they are dealing with live animals, it can be very risky.


To become a Ranger, practical skills and the right knowledge are needed. Aside from this, a degree in environmental management, conservation, or a similar subject is typically required.

You may think that the real danger of being a park ranger comes from the animals and the national landscape. In fact, you would be wrong! Statistics show that park rangers are facing more dangers than ever before. Assaults on park rangers are at an all-time high. In fact, park rangers are more likely to be assaulted than FBI agents and border patrol officers!

The first World Ranger Day took place in 2007, the date represented the 15th anniversary of when the IRF was founded. IRF stands for the International Ranger Federation. This organization was founded in 1992.

It was founded when the ANPR (U.S. Association of National Park Rangers), SCRA (Scottish Countryside Rangers Association), and the CMA (Countryside Management Association, which represents rangers in Wales and England), got together and signed a joint agreement.

So there you have it: an insight into World Ranger Day. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about all of the incredible work that Rangers do and the dangers that they put themselves in on a daily basis.

A lot of people do not stop and think about this, and so it is nice to be able to take the day and show Rangers just how much we appreciate them. As well as paying our respect to those that have lost their lives in this job.

Rangers assemble! And have an awesome Saturday! :+1::grinning:

Know More:


The complete The Thin Green Line documentary film is available for streaming on YouTube.


But what if you’re a galaxy ranger?


That counts too.

Thank you for your service.



:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Sunday, 01 August 2021
(W30 | D213 | 152 rem)

Today is: :star: World+Wide+Web+Day

There is no denying the importance of the World Wide Web. In fact, most people rely on the World Wide Web in order to find out information and carry out tasks online every day. It is integral to a lot of jobs as well.

Therefore, it is only right that we have a day to honor the World Wide Web, and that is what World Wide Web Day is all about.

Have you ever found yourself saying “where would I be without the Internet?” – This is something that a lot of people remark all of the time! This is especially the case when you have an unexpected Internet outage, and you can’t get online. You don’t know what to do with yourself.

The World Wide Web has made it possible to do so many things that were simply not achievable before. This includes catching up with friends and family members that live on the other side of the world, as well as finding out information about virtually any topic! It really is quite remarkable to think about the power that the Internet has today and how it has enriched our lives in so many different ways.


If you do some digging online, you will see that there are some really interesting facts about the World Wide Web, and you can spend some of your day finding out more about these. It is incredibly insightful! For example, you can take a look at the first-ever image that was posted on the World Wide Web. This was uploaded in 1992 by Berners-Lee. It was a photo of Les Horribles Cernettes, which is a parody pop band that was founded by employees at CERN.

You have also probably used the term “surfing the net” a lot. Did you know that this was created by a librarian called Jean Armour Polly? She is credited with coining the term. This was as a consequence of an article she published called “Surfing the Internet” in March of 1992. This article was published in the Wilson Library Bulletin at the University of Minnesota.

Here are some other facts that you may not know about the World Wide Web…

  • The first computer used by Sir Tim Berners-Lee as a web server was a NeXT computer.
  • This computer was also used to write the first web browser, WorldWideWeb.
  • It was announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone in 1993.
  • The launch of the Mosaic web browser in 1993 was a major turning point for the World Wide Web. It is credited with popularizing the World Wide Web.
  • While the first popular search engine is known as Yahoo! Search, it is believed that Archie was the first of its kind. This was the first tool for FTP archive indexing, enabling people to locate specific files.

A lot of people think that the World Wide Web and the Internet are the same things, and so they use the terms interchangeably. However, this is not actually the case. The history of the Internet goes back a lot further than that of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is actually a worldwide information medium whereby people can access it using their computers when they are connected to the Internet.

The World Wide Web was conceived by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 at the CERN center in Geneva, Switzerland, as a way for him to communicate with co-workers via hyperlinks. A quarter of a century later, WWW has become the main means of interaction, transaction and communication among humans, opening the door of opportunity for people in ways that would have been unimaginable to previous generations.

It is certainly interesting to look back at the history of the World Wide Web, as it has grown significantly over the years. There was significant growth in 1993. At the start of the year, there were only 50 servers around the world. However, this number had grown to more than 500 servers being online by October of the same year. Two of the earliest webcomics also started during this period as well: NetBoy and Doctor Fun.

Advances in data compression made it possible for practical media distribution and media streaming to happen over the web. This is because of the impracticality of the high bandwidth requirements for uncompressed media.

The number of websites that were live at this point were still very small in comparison to the number of sites that are live today. However, there were some notable websites that started during this period. For example, Yahoo! Directory was launched in January of 1994, and this was then followed by the search engine – Yahoo! Search – in 1995. It was, therefore, the first popular search engine on the World Wide Web. We also saw the start of web commerce in 1995, as Amazon and eBay were both founded.


We celebrate World Wide Web Day by getting online, taking hasty selfies to post on social platforms, arguing with trolls on blogs, taking notes from podcasts, holding VoIP conferences to discuss the weather, backing up our data to servers across the world, syncing photos for the whole family to see, booking our doctor’s appointments online and generally expressing our opinions in discussions which are oftentimes much ado about nothing.

Internet! :+1::grinning:

Today is also one of those days with a whole bunch of other “celebrations”…

  • Sisters Day
  • Girl Friends Day
  • Planner Day
  • Respect for Parents Day
  • Yorkshire Day
  • Doll Day
  • World Lung Cancer Day
  • Psychic Day
  • Rounds Resounding Day
  • International Childfree Day
  • Raspberry Cream Pie Day
  • World Scout Scarf Day

Sir Tim Berners-Lee sold an NFT the other day of the Source Code for the WWW for 5,434,500 USD.


Why someone would buy that I don’t know. It doesn’t have any useful or practical value. Its not beautiful to look at.


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Monday, 02 August 2021
(W31 | D214 | 151 rem)

Today is: :star: Colouring Book Day :crayon:

There is magic between the covers of a colouring book, a type of magic that can take us away and walk us into a million worlds. Further, colouring books make artists of us all, whether we decide to be Rembrandt with his realistic colours and patterns, or Picasso with his odd cubist designs and surreal colors. Colouring Book Day encourages us to get back to the days of our youth, and dive between the pages of a colouring book.

The first colouring book was created in the late 1800’s by the McLoughlin Brothers when they first released ‘The Little Folks Painting Book’. From that point forward they continued to produce books of this sort right up until the 1920’s, when they joined forced with the Milton Bradley Company.

Colouring Book Day encourages the recognition of this long history of colouring books and the joy they can bring to children and adults alike.
That’s right, adults can colour too!

There are highly detailed books specifically designed to be used by adults. No, these books aren’t pornographic in nature (well, not all of them), but they are definitely intricate and beautiful, and that’s before you start applying colour to the page.


Colouring books have been used for everything from educational purposes (colouring books are in every school), to aiding in therapy and health. There are even special colouring books intended to help a child understand what is going to happen to them during surgery.

How to celebrate Colouring Book Day? Bust out the crayons and coloured pencils and start colouring! It’s as simple as that. There are hundreds of colouring books for children of all ages out there, and you can certainly find one or more that suits your family. While you’re at it stock up on new colouring supplies, and start looking for those adult colouring books mentioned above, they come in easily as many varieties as the children’s books do.

Are you a fan of Doctor Who? Game of Thrones? Star Trek? Star Wars? Cars? Movie Stars? Mandalas? If the answer to any of these is yes, there are adult colouring books out there for you! And a lot more besides.

And, while it is Colouring Book Day, as a special allowance during these social distancing days, electronic versions are good too this year.

Relax and ease into the new week with a calming colouring session. It may be Monday but it doesn’t have to be a manic one. :crayon::+1::grinning:


Know More & Some Resources:


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Tuesday, 03 August 2021
(W31 | D215 | 150 rem)

Just 150 days left in the year.

Today is: :star: Clean Your Floors Day :broom:

Don’t say I don’t bring the unusual to your daily calendar… it’s Clean Your Floors Day!

Mopping and sweeping are often put off even when all the other cleaning is done. For that matter, we’re not terribly good at vacuuming either. That’s why Clean Your Floors Day exists: to remind us that getting down and scrubbing that floor clean is just as important a part of your household cleaning ritual as the counters and dishes.

Throughout history keeping the house clean has always been a bit of an important chore, but the methods by which you’d clean it were sometimes difficult to fathom.

In some years entire floors were covered with ‘rushes’, a type of plant that would make the floor easier to walk on, help prevent making the bottoms of your feet filthy, and generally making the home more pleasant. Every year all of the rushes would be hauled out of the home to be replaced by fresh new rushes.

At various points in various cultures rugs became popular, rugs were intended to keep ones feet off the dirt and filth of the floor, or in castles to keep one from walking on the hard, cold, unforgiving stones of the castle.


Thankfully, things have advanced since then. Brooms were always nice (once called besoms), but now we have vacuum cleaners and steam cleaners, rubber gloves and scrubbing pads, and of course mops, all perfectly designed to clean various kinds of floors.

You celebrate Clean Your Floors Day by finally getting down and cleaning your floor, of course! Whether it’s a rug that needs taken out and being beaten to get all the dust and grime out, or a carpet that needs to be steam-cleaned and well-vacuumed, Clean Your Floors Day is the day to make it happen.


Make sure if you have a tile floor or a hardwood floor that you use a cleaner that works for it, some cleaners will rip the finish right off a hardwood floor, and you’ll have to rewax as well as clean it. Clean Your Floors Day isn’t about making more work for yourself after all!

Get to sweeping and scrubbing already - those floors ain’t going to clean themselves. Clean Your Floors Day. Also know as Tuesday. :broom::+1::grinning:



Yes. On your knees boy! Get to scrubbing!


I wish I’d only have to clean the floors once a year… Maybe to celebrate I’ll do the opposite and for once not clean the floors today.


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Wednesday, 04 August 2021, my dudes! :frog:
(W31 | D216 | 149 rem)

Today is: :star: International Clouded Leopard Day :leopard:

Last weeks Tiger Day is followed up with today’s International Clouded Leopard Day, an awareness day to bring attention to another large cat species under threat.

Although the clouded leopard is officially protected in most countries, it is estimated that fewer than 10,000 mature individuals remain in the wild and no single population includes more than 1,000 animals.


International Clouded Leopard Day (ICLD) is a day of international awareness and an attempt to increase the profile of Clouded leopards both in captivity and in the wild. Organizers of ICLD are Lauren Amos and Dan Kemp, two carnivore keepers from Howletts Wild Animal Park in Kent, who work with this shy and elusive species on a daily basis.

ICLD at the park included talks, tours, and activities for all ages but the day didn’t just exist in Kent, this day of celebration reached zoos in the USA and Asia.


The objective is to raise awareness and unite conservation thinking amongst zoological collections, charities, NGO’s, businesses and all those with an interest in one of the world`s most beautiful and iconic cats, the Clouded leopard. Every species on earth has its own unique role to play in maintaining an over-arching ecological balance both in life and in nature.

Whether this is through managing prey based animal numbers, ensuring seed dispersal, looking after grasslands or simply by maintaining a healthy genetic diversity that ensures the survival of any given species. Everything has a purpose.

The juggernaut that is humankind continues to overwhelm and overpower nature at a pace that is both relentless and insatiable. We become immune to the warnings of those who foretell us of the loss of species, forests and ocean life.

The hope is that in some small way raising the awareness of the plight of the Clouded leopard may somehow help this most beautiful of cats in the wild and provide us with a greater understanding of its needs.

Clouded leopards dwell in the cloud forests of Southeast Asia and are one of the most ancient cat species.


However, they are neither a true great cat nor a true small cat, because they cannot roar or purr. Poaching and habitat loss threaten this vulnerable species.

Clouded leopards can open their mouths to an impressive 100-degree angle!

Clouded leopards are one of the few animals—and one of only two cat species—that can climb down trees headfirst.


Be lekker to the leopards (And all other animals too. Yes, even the humans.) Have a wicked good Wednesday, my dudes! :leopard::frog::+1::grinning:

Know More:


:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Thursday, 05 August 2021
(W31 | D217 | 148 rem)

Today is: :star: Underwear Day🩲

Some of you may be thinking that Underwear Day means it’s that time of the year to change your filthy jocks. Others may be thinking that it’s the day when you actually have to wear underwear. You’d be wrong on both counts. Underwear Day is a day to celebrate bodies of all shapes and sizes in a celebration of body positivity.

When it comes to understanding Underwear Day, it is not all about lace and leather. Cotton, Spandex, neoprene, polyester, velvet and so many more materials are used in many different types and styles of undergarments. From bras to panties, corsets to boxers, one can always find some sort of garment to go between their skin and the outer clothing layer.

This day is about celebrating those articles of clothing, and the body image we all attempt to cultivate with them. Revel in your undergarments, show them off and smile, for you should be happy with who you are, and embrace that body image!

Originally founded by the company Freshpair in 2003, National Underwear Day was focused more on emphasizing the woman’s body image. Although men gladly stood beside women, the aim was to promote body image in a society where it is sometimes difficult to embrace such a concept. This has continued and become Underwear Day, as the movement has gone viral, spreading worldwide rather quickly.

While underwear was originally meant to protect clothing from sweat stains, it is not always about just the bras and panties. Included in this celebration are the aforementioned corsets, as well as bustiers, boxers, sports bras, briefs and yes, even some swimsuits fit into Underwear Day. If you wear it under your clothing, it is an under garment to be proud of!


Some folks online post a picture or two with a hash tag in order to promote their acceptance of their body image, while others join flash mobs of underwear-clad individuals in major cities. Some just parade around their homes in their under garments, while others prove their courage and go out wearing them publicly.

Many individuals have been seen posing for photos or having friends take their photos at landmarks worldwide while in just their undergarments, posting them to embrace their own body image. Some have even posted group photos at such landmarks, turning this day into a group activity around locations worldwide.

No matter your preference, the embracing of your image is the important thing. Every body is beautiful, so celebrate that fact!

Maybe just stay in and watch movies in your underwear. Eat some finger foods, chill and embrace your own self image, maybe snap a few photos for yourself (or a friend!), and own this holiday for yourself.


So, clean underwear, body positivity, and a fantastic Thursday. You got this!:briefs::+1::grinning:


I think I misunderstood something… I’m being called into the HR office.


Day celebrating body positivity - only good looking models in the promotional material :smile: