Today Is... 📆

:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Friday, 03 December 2021
(W48 | D337 | 28 rem)

Today is: :star: Make A Gift Day :gift:

There’s just something amazing about the delightful process of unwrapping a gift, wondering what’s inside.

Underneath the wrapping paper could be anything, a CD from a favourite band, a new game for your console, any one of a million things from a million stores.

But what’s really special is when a person opens up that paper and what’s found inside is a tangible representation of the love and adoration that the gift giver felt for the receiver. Nothing says that like a hand-made gift, and on Make A Gift Day, everyone can have the fun of sharing that love with the people they care about.

There was time, not all that long ago, when a hand-made gift was the only sort of gift most people would give. There were no major manufacturing facilities churning out the latest tchotchke that every person (and every one of their friends) has,

Instead when a gift was given, the receiver knew that it was going to be something precious, and likely hand-made. Even more common was that a gift would be hand-made by the person presenting it, with time and care spent crafting it with you specifically in mind. And, it probably took them a great bit of planning and work as well.


It’s fun to imagine how important that would make every article received! Whether it was a simple ash-tray, a new shirt, or a crib for the baby that was on the way, each of them were hand made with attention and love.

So now it’s time to go back in time to the way things were before factories and electronics came into play. It’s time to carefully consider how to enjoy the process of giving by gifting items that are handmade. And Make A Gift Day is the ideal time!


Make A Gift Day encourages every person to try their hand at creating something that can be given as a gift, no matter what it is. Everyone probably has some sort of skill they can turn to producing something made with personal care and attention.

Whether creating an elaborate card with those little emblems and symbols that the recipient adores, or creating an entire outfit for that next big event, Make A Gift Day encourages people to really express themselves and their view of the recipient through arts and crafts.

The kinds of gifts a person can make are practically limitless. It doesn’t even need to be something fancy, just so it’s made from the heart.

Try out these ideas for making things to give as gifts for Make a Gift Day:

  • Draw Something
    Those artistic types might find that a simple handmade card or frameable drawing is the perfect little present to give on this day.
  • Create Photo Coasters
    Not so into drawing? That’s okay! Make up some quick and easy photo coasters that only take about an hour. Print some favourite photos on temporary tattoo paper, buy some cheap tiles at the hardware store, use Modge Podge to attach the photos and then glue a felt piece to the back of the tile. A perfect personalised gift!
  • Sew or Knit a Gift
    For those who are into textile arts, sewing a mini-quilt coaster, knitting a scarf, or cross-stitching a picture of the family are fabulous ways to celebrate the day.
  • Bake a Gift
    For something simple Start by making cupcakes for your family and friends, get some colored frosting and get a little creative. Who knows what ideas can be created?

Keep it personal! Happy Friday. :+1::grinning:


:wave: Good morning! :partly_sunny:

It is Saturday, 04 December 2021
(W48 | D338 | 27 rem)

Today is: :star: World Wildlife Conservation Day :panda_face:

The sad truth is that the world’s best loved, beautiful and fascinating species are being slaughtered by widespread and dangerous criminal networks that will stop at nothing to get what they want. And what they want are animal parts and products that for reasons no sane person really understands, are worth lots of money.

There are plenty of synthetic substitutes for things like ivory and fur that don’t require the brutal slaughter of an animal to obtain, not to mention how hard it actually is to tell the difference between high-quality synthetic substitutes and the real thing. And do you mean to tell me no other dish in the world tastes as good as shark fin soup, and that we really have to mutilate live sharks and then throw them back into the ocean to die? Long story short, there is simply no excuse for the amount of animals being poached every year to serve mankind’s self-indulgent whims.

In 2011 alone, for example, there were 13 large-scale seizures of ivory, and over 23 tons of ivory confiscated, which is equivalent to at least 2,500 elephants. A 2010 United Nations report suggests that gorillas could disappear altogether from large parts of the Congo Basin by the mid-2020s.

And it is not just the animals that are suffering. Park rangers get killed on a regular basis by poachers they’re trying to stop, and the local economies of entire towns and villages suffer terrible damage once enough wildlife is wiped out to make them irrelevant as wildlife tourism destinations. Corruption and intimidation are weakening law enforcement efforts. Unscreened wildlife and wildlife parts increase the risk of human health pandemics such as bird flu.

A call to action was put out by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2012 to raise awareness and engage conservationists on Wildlife Conservation Day, December 4.

During the “Wildlife Trafficking and Conservation: A Call to Action” event held at the State Department on November 8th 2012, Secretary Clinton outlined the White House’s strategy to address the global problem of wildlife trafficking. These efforts are estimated to cost between $7 and $10 billion dollars a year.

“Wildlife cannot be manufactured. And once it’s gone, it cannot be replenished. Those who profit from it illegally are not just undermining our borders and our economies, they are truly stealing from the next generation,” she said.

This global occasion provides everyone with the opportunity to learn more about wildlife conservation and to be part of the solution to wildlife crime. Go online and join the thousands of other individuals who have taken the wildlife pledge.

Promise to learn more about wildlife conservation, to spread the word about the importance of protecting our planet’s most endangered species and the impact of poaching on our environment. Learn how to become a responsible consumer in order to stop illicit wildlife trade.

We should conserve our Saturdays too! After today there’s only three of them left for the year. :panda_face::+1::grinning:

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:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_rain:

It is Sunday, 05 December 2021
(W48 | D339 | 26 rem)

Today is: :star: International Ninja Day đŸ„·

Espionage, assassination, infiltration, guerrilla warfare and sabotage: these are some of the skills that are inherent in being a ninja. Clad in their signature black garb from head to toe, ninja appear from the depths of the night like a hawk on stolen wings, striking their prey and disappearing again without leaving a trace.

Ninjas are rumored to be the masters of Kuji-Kiri, an eastern magical practice that made them capable of combining their natural ability to move like ghosts with supernatural powers. International Ninja Day is dedicated to remembering and honoring these ancient warriors of China and Japan.

So get ready to observe and enjoy International Ninja Day, aka Day of the Ninja!

To truly understand the history of International Ninja Day, one must first understand the history of the Ninja. The original Ninja were warriors of the Iga Province of Japan during the Sengoku period.

These warriors were raised up from the basic people of the countryside, without access to proper armor, weapons, or training to use them. They had very little to rely on other than their own skills and abilities. And a few key weapons that were small enough to tuck into a large sleeve or a belt.

Perhaps this is why so many of the weapons of the ninja are drawn from agricultural roots, such as the Kunai and sickles, because they were also weapons that disguised themselves. This allows them to make it seem that it was just a humble farmer working in his field, instead of the true infiltration-focused assassin.

The “traditional” black clothing of the ninja actually came about as a result of how ninja were represented in theater. Being the everyday people of their province, they were invisible to the ruling class. They could not be identified by their clothing or weapons, banner or nationality, they were simply the average people of their country and, therefore, basically invisible.

This is a day that can be taken rather seriously by ninja gurus, or made into some silliness. Either way, it can be a whole lot of fun.

Stealthy. Stealthy. Ninja!! đŸ„·:+1::grinning:

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:wave: Good morning! :cloud:

It is Monday, 06 December 2021
(W49 | D340 | 25 rem)

Today is: :star: Put On Your Own Shoes Day :athletic_shoe:

Sounds simple enough – and surely plenty of us do it every day, unless you really feel like braving the walk to work in your socks – but it seems this day might be more to do with shoes themselves and a way of encouraging children to put on and tie their own shoes.

There is very little information available about this day that we could get our hands on, and the jury’s out on exactly what it means. It could be a metaphor for walking your own way in life, being independent and being an individual. It could be a day to encourage children to tie up their own laces, or it could just be a day meant to observe the benefits, and the style iconography, of the humble shoe.

Strange as it sounds, the history of footwear itself is exceptionally varied and colorful. The first shoes were probably worn around 40,000 years ago, in the Middle Paleolithic period. They weren’t as stylish as the ones you can get hold of today, made from leather and wrapped around the foot. In a pinch, bark and big leaves were probably used, making a rudimentary sandal.

Sandals became popular during the time of the Ancient Romans, whom history recalls using the now recognizable style. Roman sandals were a bit of a game changer at the time due to their lightweight, sturdy and breathable nature which made marching and pillaging a bit easier for their footsoldiers.


Footwear wouldn’t start truly being something fashionable until around the Baroque period, when the design of your shoe was a key indicator of your social class. The higher your heels, the higher your class. Walk around without any shoes on at all and you probably weren’t doing so well.

If you are a parent of small children, honour the day by allowing them to tie their own laces and put on their own shoes in time for school today.

Although we take it for granted, simply putting on shoes can be a little daunting for a toddler, and today is the perfect time for your little one to take the plunge! How great would it be if after this day, they keep putting them on themselves? Not that it will make the school run any quicker

As for you grown ass adults
 put your own shoes on! :+1::grinning:


I am gonna be late for work if I have to put on my own shoes.


Velcro shoes ftw


:wave: Good morning! :cloud:

It is Tuesday, 07 December 2021
(W49 | D341 | 24 rem)

Today is: :star: International Civil Aviation Day :airplane:

Aviation is proof that given, the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible. ~Eddie Rickenbacker~

In 1901 something was accomplished that hadn’t happened in the history of mankind, a man flew upon a glider and covered a respectable distance in a manmade device that was not held aloft by lighter-than-air gas.

The skepticism that greeted this event was profound, with people all over the world saying the Wright Brothers were more liars than fliers, a claim that would be refuted by a demonstration of what would be the most important aeronautics event in the world.

International Civil Aviation Day celebrates the science, art, and sport of aviation that grew out of this initial glide, and the men and women who push the frontiers of it today.

Civil Aviation is incredibly important to the world we know and love today, and touches all of us in ways we can’t realise.

When you order a package overnight from Amazon, odds are good that it’s being transported from their warehouse to your front door in the hold of a cargo plane. When you travel across the country or even around the world to join friends and relatives for vacation or holiday celebrations, you’re traveling on a craft that got its start in the minds of Orville & Wilbur Wright.

But air transport can be perilous, and the International Civil Aviation Organization focuses on the safety, efficiency, and regulations that surround the entire industry. ICAO organized International Civil Aviation Day in 1944 and began a campaign to have it become an officially recognized UN holiday, a campaign that would finally see it’s fruition in 1996.


Civil Aviation includes everything from sports fliers to large commercial aircraft traversing the sky with the essentials of daily living.

Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away! :airplane::+1::grinning:

Know More:


Today, December 7th 1941, a day which will live in infamy, Pearl Harbour was attacked.


On 15th January 2009, Captain Chesley Sullenberger landed US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River in New York City after both engines of the plane were struck by birds.

Seven years later, they made a film about it, with none other than Tom Hanks in the lead role.

8 out of 10 - worth a watch


:wave: Good morning! :cloud:

It is Wednesday, 08 December 2021
(W49 | D342 | 23 rem)

Today is: :star: Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day

Being able to travel through time to a different age or era is the dream of many scientists, sci-fi enthusiasts, and even historians. After all, we spend so much of our lives hearing about what happened in the past, be it one hundred, one thousand, or one million years ago, that many of us would give anything to see the things that were happening then with our own eyes.

But have you ever thought that one day there will be people who will look back and wish they could travel to our times? Or how many people there were living in the 18th century that would have loved to see what life would look like in 2022?

If you’ve never thought about it that way, it’s time you did, as that attitude will allow you to see the world in a whole new light and enjoy Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day to the fullest.

Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day was created in 2007 by the Koala Wallop online community, but the dream of the human race one day being able to travel through time is much older than that.


The first known mention of such a concept is in ancient Hindu mythology. In one of the stories, the King Revaita travels far away to met the creator, Brahma. Upon his return to his kingdom, he is shocked to find that many ages have passed during his relatively short absence. Time travel has also been brought up in the Talmud and early Japanese tales.

A bit more recently, Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” tells us about how the main character, Ebeneezer Scrooge, is transported back and forth through time to witness various events, leading to his eventual change of heart towards mankind.

And even more recently, the cult classic Back to the Future Trilogy depicts the adventures of American teen Marty McFly, as he travels both into the future and the past to right wrongs.

And there are many more examples of time travel in cinema, television, literature, and games.

This day is an annual event which combines elements of performance art, humour and plain old fun to give an overall unforgettable experience.

As the name itself suggests, the basic premise of the day is to pretend to be a time traveler, either from the past or from the future, who has somehow ended up in the present day.


For maximum effect, this role play should involve a group of friends and should take place in public places and should involve conversations with complete strangers. So get a group of friends together, and hit the town!

Be sure to do everything a time traveler from the past or future might do: ask strangers what year it is and respond in horror, regard everything you see with curious fascination and a touch of skittishness for good measure.


The possibilities are almost endless, so take this day to allow yourself to be astonished anew by all of the things you presently take for granted every day. Besides being great fun, Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day will help you appreciate what you have in life. What more could a weary time traveler want?

Let’s say you don’t have to pretend to be a time traveler. You have the ability to travel through time to any date, any place, past or present. Where, when, and why are you going? :+1::grinning:

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I am a time traveler. Unfortunately it is in a straight line like everyone else


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:wave: Good morning! :cloud:

It is Thursday, 09 December 2021
(W49 | D343 | 22 rem)

Today is: :star: World Techno Day

From its creation in the melting pot of Detroit’s musical scene in the 1980s, to exploding across the world, this fascinating music and dance style has quickly moved into the limelight as one of the most popular forms of music ever.

There is just something so compelling about the driving rhythm that reaches right down into the depths of the soul, and brings out that base animal nature. For some, techno is just music that gets their heart rate up. For others it’s a shamanistic dive into the psychedelic lights and writhing bodies that brings about an altered state, irrespective of any chemical influence.

World Techno Day is dedicated to bringing more people into the world of techno music, to discover this music and the places deep within them that can be touched and brought to life by embracing its vibrant nature. It’s time to celebrate World Techno Day!


World Techno Day is a celebration of all the uhn-tis and doof doof a person can handle, and the date was selected to honour the creation of this driving musical form: it I s the birthday of Juan Atkins, one of the founders of the genre.

Atkins was born on 9 December 1962 and was part of the Belleville Three, so named because of their time together in Belleville, Michigan, which is a western suburb of Detroit. Along with being one of the major vehicle manufacturers in the world, this area is also recognized as the birthplace of techno. Many people attribute the start and growing popularity of this genre of music to the black neighborhoods of America.

Since its inception, techno has grown from a single musical style into an expansive category covering variations that, frankly, couldn’t have been conceived of at its creation!

Older musical styles have been rebirthed through sampling and mixing into configurations that make them relevant in today’s musical theater while remaining nostalgic. A couple of decades later, techno is still considered a music genre that is cerebral and intellectual, sometimes known as “intelligent dance music”. Some people even prefer to use techno in their music therapy regime! No matter where it comes from or the niche form it takes, techno music is alive and relevant.

Wondering how to celebrate World Techno Day?

Well, the obvious way is to just listen to as much techno as you can. And naturally, as you listen you’ll want to dance. So dance! Get out there and get that dance on! That’s the first and best way to celebrate this revolutionary musical style. There is a huge spectrum of electronic dance music available for anyone to explore, all underneath the Techno umbrella – and all of it will get those feet moving.

New to the genre? Not sure where to start? Want to start near the early days of the movement? Try out some of these albums wherever you get your online music from:

  • James Pennington, Suburban Knights (1990)
    This album, released by Detroit artist James Pennington, came very early in the techno movement.
  • Moritz Von Oswald (as 3MB), 3MB Featuring Magic Juan Atkins (1992)
    Made by German artist Moritz Von Oswald, a musician and entrepreneur based in Berlin, a collaboration with Juan Atkinson
  • British Murder Boys (2003)
    Released by a group of musicians from Birmingham, UK, this album is the first the band had to offer, but many still think it’s their best.
  • Underground Resistance, Seawolf (1993)
    This super-aggressive record is considered by some to be a cult classic with an acidic vibe.


Feeling inspired after listening to some grassroots techno? For those who have a creative inclination, get in there and maybe make your own techno music! The concept behind techno is fairly simple, but from simplicity has come infinite complexity. There are tutorials and programs that can make the creation of techno an absolute cinch. And while it may start off with the ‘chopsticks’ equivalent, with practice and inspiration it may just be possible to create amazing works of heart-pounding art.

Complete your immersion into the world of techno by adding visuals to the music. Whether its a documentary, a live recording from a techno festival or artist performance, or even a fiction film with a techno heavy soundtrack, there’s a lot of options for you to consider:

  • Trainspotting, by Irvine Welsh (1996).
  • Modulations: A Cinema for the Ear, by Laura Lee (1998).
  • Berlin Calling, by Hannes Stöhr (2008).
  • Any of the many Tomorrowland live sets, many of which are available in video format (Videos :: Media :: Tomorrowland Media)

Dance on, doof-doof! :grinning::wave:

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Nice. I’ll have to check out those artists. I’ve never heard of 'em before.


:wave: Good morning! :cloud:

It is Friday, 10 December 2021
(W49 | D344 | 21 rem)

Today is: :star: Human Rights Day

Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home — so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. -Eleanor Roosevelt-

Every so often, a situation comes to pass that is of such astounding importance that humans all over the globe should stand up and recognize it. People must place this situation on the pedestal that it deserves. In doing so, people will ensure that the precepts and policies put in place by it are adhered to, appreciated, and spread as far as the human voice will carry.

Such is the sort of message sent by Human Rights Day.

Human Rights Day was established to commemorate The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) that was created in 1948.

The creation of this document was a shout across the world by the leading countries in the world, stating loud and clear that no matter where we live, what we believe, or how we love, we are each individually deserving of the most basic fundamentals of human needs.

The UDHR proclaims the inalienable rights every human being is entitled to, exclusive of race, gender, color, language, religious beliefs, political (or other) opinion, national origin, property ownership, birth, or any other status. This is the most translated document in the world, made available in more than 500 languages.


Since that auspicious day the UDHR has stood as the first major stride forward in ensuring that the rights of every human across the globe are protected. From the most basic human needs such as food, shelter and water, all the way up to access to free and uncensored information, these items have been the goals and ambitions laid out for that day.

Each year, Human Rights Day marks events, gatherings and conferences around the world that are dedicated to ensuring these ideals are pursued. And to make sure that the basic Human Rights of every human being are made a priority in the global theatre.

Those who are looking for ideas of how to observe Human Rights Day should look no further! Here are some ideas for getting started making a small but important difference in the world on this day:


One important way to celebrate Human Rights Day is to take some time to appreciate the effect that this resolution has had on the world, society and each person’s individual life. Look around the neighborhood and see the effects on a local scale, the charitable works being done to promote the health and well-being of those who are less fortunate.

Many people aren’t aware that Human Rights Day is even a thing, so helping to raise awareness is a great way to start. Students can make posters and have a small event at school. Office workers or warehouse workers can post notices in the breakroom or send out a company email reminding people to observe the day in support of the rights of all humans. Others might want to make a video about Human Rights Day, share it with friends, and hope that it goes viral!

Take this day as a reminder to get out there and make a difference in the world. Whether it’s simply making a donation to one of the dozens of organizations that work towards this global purpose, or organizing a donation drive of your own to help out those organizations who are fighting the good fight.

Not sure how to find an organization to get involved with? Try out some of these international recognized ones to get started:

  • Amnesty International
    This global movement of over 10 million people takes justice seriously. Independent of politics or religion, this organization mobilizes people to make the world a place where human rights are enjoyed by everyone.
  • Human Rights Watch
    Working to investigate and then report abuses of human rights, this group includes more than 450 people from approximately 70 different nations, helping with law, business, policy, and more.
  • Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
    Pursuing equality, this organization is made up of professional volunteers whose aim it is to respect, protect, and promote human rights all over the world.
  • United Nations Foundation
    Building awareness and support of the UN’s network so that some of the most vulnerable people on earth can be helped.

Be human! It’s the right thing to do! :grinning::wave:

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:wave: Good morning! :sunny:

It is Saturday, 11 December 2021
(W49 | D345 | 20 rem)

Today is: :star: Gingerbread Decorating Day

It’s getting closer to Christmas, a holiday associated with many traditions. One of those traditions is the baking of gingerbread. What child hasn’t dreamed of baking, building and decorating an entire gingerbread house, that could then be inhabited by a colourful little gingerbread family?

Gingerbread Decorating Day is here to help all kids, from ages 1 to 92, get as much fun out of the season as possible!

“Run, run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”

Gingerbread Decorating Day has been created so that we all have the perfect opportunity to practice the fun festive past-time of decorating a gingerbread house. Of course, you don’t have to create a gingerbread house or man for that matter. You may want to make gingerbread in the shape of Santa or a reindeer or a Christmas tree and decorate those instead. The choice is yours!

After all, does anything give you more of a festive feeling than the smell of freshly baked gingerbread? It is quite divine!

However, a lot of people do not realize that gingerbread has a pretty interesting history. In fact, did you know that baking gingerbread was deemed a specific profession? Yes, back in the 17th century, you could only make gingerbread if you were a professional gingerbread baker, unless it was Easter or Christmas when the rest of the population could partake in the fun! We don’t know about you, but that seems like a pretty awesome job, right?

In Europe, gingerbread was deemed a form of popular art. To be honest, it’s still art in our eyes! Have you seen some of those incredible gingerbread houses on Instagram? Nevertheless, it was a pretty big deal back in the day. Molds of gingerbread were used to display actual happenings through the portrayal of new rulers, as well as their parties, spouses, and their children! There are museums around the world that house substantial mold collections. Two of the most famous are the Bread Museum in Ulm, Germany and the Ethnographic Museum in ToruƄ, Poland.

Gingerbread is though to have been brought to Europe by an Armenian monk named Gregory of Nicopolis in the 10th century who had brought the necessary spices back from the Middle East, and then taught the art of gingerbread making, what with the spices and the molasses, to French Christians until his death. Gingerbread then made its way around Europe–in the 13th century, it made its way to Sweden, where it was baked by nuns to help soothe indigestion.

There, it slowly became popular to paint the cookies and use them as window decorations as well. The 13th century also saw gingerbread make its debut in the city of ToruƄ in Poland, where the honey supplied by the local villages made the cookies especially delicious. To this day Pierniki ToruƄskie, as they are known in Poland, is an icon of Poland’s national cuisine.


From the 17th century onwards, gingerbread was sold in monasteries and pharmacies in England, where it was thought to have medicinal properties, and gingerbread became the symbol of the town of Market Drayton, which was particularly known for it. In the play, “Love’s Labour’s Lost”, Shakespeare himself wrote, “And I had but one penny in the world, thou should’ st have it to buy gingerbread.”

In 1875, the gingerbread man was first introduced to holiday traditions through a fairytale published in St. Nicholas magazine, where he was depicted as a holiday treat that was eventually eaten by a hungry fox.


Needless to say, the best way to celebrate Gingerbread Decorating Day is to make your very own gingerbread cookies - in whatever shapes you want - and then proceed to decorate them. This allows lots of room for creativity, and can be fun for the whole family! It can be the most fun when each member of the family makes, bakes and decorates his or her own gingerbread man.

After you’ve made and decorated your gingerbread, members of the family can exchange cookies, and the cookies can then be eaten or hung up on the Christmas tree as decorations. Gingerbread tends to keep for long periods of time, so there is no need to worry that the cookies will start to rot or crumble.

Run, run as fast as you can! And get that gingerbread cookie mix and icing into the shopping basket! Have a great Saturday. :grinning::wave:


I’ll celebrate by making a dirt gingerbread house in Minecraft for ya and decorate that :stuck_out_tongue:


:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_rain:

It is Sunday, 12 December 2021
(W49 | D346 | 19 rem)

Today is: :star: World Choral Day

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and everything. -Plato-

If there is one thing that has the ability to unify the world, it is music. Throughout the centuries music has had the power to bring people together from many different cultural backgrounds and geographies all over the world, enhancing peace and social togetherness with the strum of a chord or hum of a note.

Music helps people to bond in many different ways, from making friends at different musical concerts to allowing adults and children to dance and have fun together in their own homes. If there is an aspect of talent that can be said to be universally wonderful, it must be to be musically inclined.

There are no words that can describe how powerful music can really be when shared in the cause of peace and togetherness. World Choral Day is dedicated to those very principles: a world-wide goal to bring peace and harmony through the musical arts.

World Choral Day was established in Helsinki in 1990 by Alberto Grau, a composer, a teacher, and a choral director from Venezuela. The day was created within the framework of the 2nd World Symposium on Choral Music.

Alberto Grau is also the founder of the Schola Cantorum de Caracas, a Venezuelan choral group with which he has achieved quite a few major victories. In fact, this choral group was the basis for the creation of numerous development projects of musical art such as, among others, the Schola Cantorum Foundation of Caracas and Foundation Coral Cantemos movement.

Now, a few decades later, World Choral Day has become a global phenomenon and helps bring people together in peace and harmony through music. Since the day’s creation, thousands of choirs have joined in from at least 50 countries all over the world to participate in this unique opportunity. This day overcomes differences based on politics, religion, background, race, ideology and anything else that could separate and divide humans and, instead, brings everyone together to sing with one voice.

Through music, it is possible to break down barriers between genders and cultures, and help to bring people together in social harmony. Everyone can celebrate this holiday and can give joy to the world with the sound of a world of seven billion voices gathered together in rapturous song!

Celebrating World Choral Day with the rest of the world can be something very simple or a bit more involved. Whatever the way, getting involved is the most important part.

Choral groups from around the world raise their voices in united song, and World Choral Day is the opportunity to join voices with them. Events, festivals, sing-alongs, seminars, Days of Friendship and many other events have been organized over the past few years to help people get connected for World Choral Day.

Whether simply attending an event sponsored by this holiday or organizing one of your own in the community, music is a great way to celebrate the unity of mankind through the common tongue that is singing!

Another way to get connected is to head over to a concert and listen to some choral music. However, if that’s not possible, don’t despair. Choral music can always be listened to from recordings. So cue up Spotify or another music platform and get to listening to some choral music. Joining in and singing with your virtual choir makes you a World Choral Day 2021 participant! Well done!

Have a wonderful sing-song-along Sunday! :grinning::wave:

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:wave: Good morning! :cloud_with_rain:

It is Monday, 13 December 2021
(W50 | D347 | 18 rem)

Today is: :star: National Violin Day :violin:

The violin is easily the most well-known bowed string instrument across the world, and it is really not all that surprising to see that the violin does in fact have a day dedicated to its existence! After all, everything from Western and Indian classical music to bluegrass and jazz would be unimaginable today without the violin.

It is quite possibly the most versatile instrument in the world in terms of repertoire–and that must be why there is a special day all its own to celebrate the violin.

The violin itself seems to have evolved from medieval instruments that were like fiddles. It came into its own distinct form by the 15th century, becoming the most popular virtuoso instrument in Europe by the 1660s.

Most violins made today are copies after either Stradivarius or Amati, the latter being active as a violin maker in the 16th century.


Today, the violin not only remains an indispensable feature of western classical music, but has found its way into various forms of classical and folk music around the world as well as various other genres. There are a lot of violinists and fiddle players throughout the world today, so it is easy to see why National Violin Day has caught on!

In fact, the violin is present in the most prestigious musical groups in the world. Imagine an instrument with such humble beginnings becoming such an important mainstay of modern classical music.


Now it’s time to celebrate the day revolving around this humble instrument!

Tune that old-timey shoulder guitar, ek se! :violin::grinning::wave:

“It’s the season to be jolly violin fans!”