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Project Hail Mary
by Andy Weir
On Audible

Soooo good!

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I’m busy with your audiobooks’ script :grinning:


I finished it last week - absolutely brilliant. One of my all time favourite books now.


I’d read or listen to the one on the bottom left, but…


It’s a good read.





If you like this then you should totally listen to “We are legion, we are Bob”! Same narrator, but SUCH a great series!


I also really like the first few books of the Magic 2.0 series:


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I finished the Bobiverse ages ago, and loved it. The last book was a bit of a let down, moving more to the action adventure and culture stuff than the engineering and sci-fi.

I’ll definitely wishlist the Magic book, but I’ve got a backlog of about 4 books right now!

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Yeah, the last book was a let down. Similar with the Magic 2.0 series, the stories marginally get worse and worse.

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So, be careful. This is a series of 12 books…

I’m on book 4 now, and its still decent. The first book take a while to get into the meat of the story, but once it does, it’s brilliant. If you ever wondered why the one faction in Bobiverse called themselves Skippies, this is where it comes from.

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I had this song stuck in my head all day and had to wait to get home before I could share it with everyone!


One of the best gaming songs ever


Have it on the car audio memory stick for those ‘street cred’ moments…

Self-promotion incoming:

I made a lyric video for the title track of our EP that we will be releasing on th 16th of this month. Please have a listen if you enjoyed the previous song I shared / like heavy music.

EDIT. Here is the track on bancamp if you wish to listen to it there or perhaps even download it: Humanity | Soul's Darkness



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I can’t get enough of the Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta at 20s haha.

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Ah hell yeah WBTBWB is back baby! So glad it’s back to just the two of them and their older style of music.’

EDIT: Did some reading and now I know why i liked their older stuff so much more than the recent stuff (before this video). They were originally just 2 guys (as they are now), but the vocalist left in 2010 and then they were like a “full band” for a couple of years and now it’s just the original 2 guys again.

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