What are you playing now?

I tried it, felt the BotW vibe, enjoyed the role-switching mechanic and didn’t touch it again after an hour. Dunno why, just not my type of game.


The Walking Dead: The Final Season - XBox One X
Shadowrun Hong Kong - PC


Death Stranding

Days Gone

Ni No Kuni


Lord of the Rings online. For anyone who enjoys Lord of the Rings, you must try this game out. It is F2P.

Torchlight 3. Getting a bit bored with the “end game”. I never last long in games with an “end game”. It is usually, literally, the end game for me.

I am hoping @Wyvern does not get bored before then so I can join her and her bro in it. Soloing is very monotonous.


We are no where near bored just yet, real life just sucks away gaming time

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My current games:

Mafia: Definitive Edition - it’s been a great nostalgia trip
A little bit of Apex Legends - will play more when the new season drops this week
And then the usual racing: AC, ACC, Dirt Rally 2.0

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Fired up my Switch again for the first time in months and got back into Breath of the Wild. Finished the camel divine beast after begin stuck with it the last time. Now I’m enjoying the game again.

Also bought Ni No Kuni for dirt cheap on Switch. I generally don’t like JRPGs, but it seems like a story and Studio Ghibli aesthetic that I’ll enjoy.


A tip for No No Kuni, do side quests as you get them and make sure to grind, grind and grind some more. I have realised that while normal enemies can be easy to deal with bosses will stomp you. I’ve started grinding exp until the creatures in an area run away from me and that seems to be working.


Enjoy Ni no kuni guys! I platinum’d it on the PS3. I actually bought the system specifically for that game. I love the battle system.

And for some reason, that trumpeter duck thing you can catch is permanently etched into my memory.


Thanks! Still not sure if I’ll enjoy it, but it was cheap enough to take the gamble. I’ll install it tonight and see if it tickles my fancy.


I’ve never heard of this game before, but I thought I’d try it out. Really enjoying it so far. Thanks for the recommendation!

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No Mans Sky.

It’s horrible, more work than anything else.

mining crap to build crap that mines crap to build more crap.

Same issue I had with Ark, so tedious.


Play creative mode with No Man’s Sky if you don’t want the grind. You can just do whatever you want with unlimited resources.


I think that goes for most (if not all) survival / crafting games. No Man’s Sky is obviously both, with a healthy dose of exploration thrown in. I honestly don’t enjoy the crafting / mining all that much either and only focus on getting credits to buy larger ships so I can hoard more stuff to sell with less trips to vendors. I’ve never progressed that far though…


Yes, the credits are central. In my last play through, some person traded an item to me in a hub and I accepted. I then sold this item to the trade AI and suddenly I had 350 million credits. Suddenly I had no material reason to play anymore.

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Finally started Control on PC after buying it in the Christmas sale last year… When the game started I thought I missed the first chaoter somehow as it opens with a lot of story.


The difficulty spikes in Ni No Kuni are getting to me. In the one area I’m in the enemies run away from me then the next story area the first group of enemies wipes my entire party.

It probably comes down to grinding levels for my familiars, I just wished it showed enemy levels so I know what my grinding target is.

I checked a guide to find out who are the best familiars for each party member but no I have to catch them and then start grinding from square one again.


Ya, the grind is real with this one… I remember how much post-game grinding I had to do to platinum the game. It was… time consuming.


Yeah I can see it’s gonna be a long grind. You get your familiar to a lekker level and then it evolves and you have to start grinding again. Eish.

That’s why I’m glad I’ve got it on a handheld system. I just put Netflix on and then I mindlessly grind while watching stuff. Two birds with one stone.


Nice :slight_smile:

I’m sure you’ve gotten the idea about feeding your familiars things they like? It’s been a long time since I played, I can’t recall much about the levelling system tbh