What's for dinner

Even the bun?


Yup. Power went off half way into baking them. Had to wait until the next day to finish. Seems to turned out good regardless


Sheeps butt
Fried potato wedges

Ice cream
Guava cream tart, thing
Carmel baked tart, thing
With custard.


Last night was wraps
Today we did Xmas lunch since I tested negative.
Lamb roast, roast potatoes, rice, gravy, spinach and cheese and roasted butternut


Sadly don’t have a braai yet so just fried up some wors and steaks…

Meat with a side order of meat :yum:

Not to mention the garlic bread and condensed milk potato salad.


That sounds great, you have like a recipe for that?

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Yeah of course, kinda. Will send it to ya (once I get it from the wife).

Honorable mention: we also occassionally make our potato salad with vanilla yoghurt if we don’t have condensed milk.


Our standard sides as well. Love it!

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So I thought I would post this here if anyone else was interested.

Obviously you need the following:
Potatoes, eggs, mayonnaise and condensed milk as a minimum.

We don’t like our potato salad too dry so we generally use a bit of mayo, we also prefer the Cross & Blackwell brand for it being more tangy.

First boil the 'taters and eggs and chop that up once done. I like to make bigger chunks of eggs than being fine with cubes of potatoes. Ya know, make it bite size.

While that’s going make the Mayo and condensed milk mix using half a tin of condensed milk to half bottle of mayo. Approx a 2:1 ratio.

Once the chopped potatoes and eggs are cooled, mix it through. Then fridge it and leave to cool to desired temp. I don’t like it warm, but don’t like it ice cold either due to my sensitive teeth.

That’s the gist and basic version. Can add some extras if you desire like chives, spring onion, diced bacon or little cubes of cheddar cheese. If you like you can also replace the condensed milk with plain or vanilla yoghurt, depending on your preference.

We do the same recipe for our coleslaw as well but add some peanuts and raises to it. It’s a real banger.

I think that’s it, lemme know what ya think if you try it :slight_smile:


Will do thanks for the recipe, next time we make potato salad, gonna give it a try

I do the same without the condensed milk never had that version

Struggling to find a combination of spices/herbs that can make my meals palatable. I am cooking two meals every time, normal one for my family and one for me that has no salt. Tried potassium salt but it leaves a disgusting aftertaste, so not using that again.

Tried lots of garlic, its ok, but you get tired of it. Going to try oregano/cayene pepper next and after that try some masala.

Anyone have some more ideas for me to make chicken/pork tasty without salt?


Thanks! Will give it a go

Thyme, lemon works great with chicken, basil for both, oregano, allspice. Send me your email address I have a book

But pork is naturally quite salty.

I consume a lot of salt and I love it, I shiver at the idea of doing without it.

Unprocessed pork has about 60mg of sodium in it per 100g. Chicken is actually a little higher at 80mg per 100g. Compare that to 1 717 mg per 100g in bacon and then you can see that chicken/pork is not that high. As for the taste, I used cayene pepper and oreganum tonight and it was not bad at all. I was a little enthusiastic with the pepper but still, a nice flavour.

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So I couldn’t go International Spicy Food day without eating at least one whole superhot.

That’s 2 chicken breasts and a whole yellow 7-pot chilli. I saved the seeds, but I kept the placenta in the cooking.



Brioche buns
Honey mustard mayo sauce
Eggs, sunny side up


That sounds amazing!

Home made buns?