Anthem (2019)

Yay thank you!

I are eternally grateful

I just want to know if the flying controls are better than the alpha

Also if the sticks had been removed from peoples asses

Also I didnt have origin access


OK confirmed that I have access to the Anthem demo preload after signing up for Origin Access Basic.

I had to kill my Origin client and relaunch it for it to appear, though. Before that it was just trying to upsell me on Origin Access Premium.

@GregRedd: Thank you very much, but I won’t need the invite. (If @CrONus was right it might not have worked anyway — I signed up for the free month(s) of Origin Access awhile back.)

The reason I was was asking for one initially was because I thought the only way to get access to the VIP Demo this weekend (and friend codes) was through a pre-order. Then I went on my fact-checking expedition.

Plus this way there are more invites to hand out in our community :slight_smile:.


Schweet. So I have more Invite to give out to whoever wants it…

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Some questions:

  1. Anyone know how big the demo download is? I need to figure out if it will take me the whole weekend to download the demo that I can only play on the weekend.

44GB I read, answered my own question. No demo for me then, I can download tops about 8gb a day

  1. Will you have to redownload the entire game again for early access?

And no, will have to download the full game for launch


May i have one if you do not mind.

No problem…

This you on Origin?

Done. That’s my 3 invites gone. Anyone else needs to speak to @SIGSTART :slight_smile:

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Ok this shit is convoluted. Someone give me a TLDR. I have origin access premier. The demo is currently downloading. When can i play it?


thanks. But what is VIP? is that for pre orders?

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sorry im stupid and my brain is not yet on

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No, the VIP part is for those with Origin Access Premier, like you…

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amazing. Wife is going away for the weekend as well. So this is a lovely surprise


Enjoy! Remember to come back here and tell everyone how it is such a rip-off of Destiny and how Bungie’s new independence will ensure we get a better game in the future…


Ha ha. will do man.

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Remember that this is a demo, from what I read, any progression will be whiped before launch. You start at level 10, approximately half way through the story.

Don’t get too attached to anything you do.


I just want to see the controls

That and the flight mechanics is what is putting me off the game, plus a fair few issues I saw from the cutscenes

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I spent far too much time making a silly video. Warframe versus Anthem: Shots Fired! :smiley:


The comparisons are pretty huge. Will have to see how the game loops work and if they are the same as WF. At least you can swim in Anthem :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You can swim in Warframe! (On the Grineer Sealab tileset.)

As much as Anthem has in common with Warframe and Destiny, it does a bunch of stuff differently too based on the gameplay videos.

Not long now, though, then we can see for ourselves.

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Agreed, I will be getting premier on the 14th of Feb to play it for a month and see.

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