Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

Ooof man, that sucks. Hope to see you back soon.

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As the poll currently stands, the most voted format changes is to hold the races every 2 weeks and to set the grid in reverse championship order :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I’ll close the poll tonight, but I think everybody that would’ve voted, has already.

Let see how the season goes with these changes…

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I didn’t vote but I’m totally fine with that.

I will join ya’ll as soon as I have a wheel again


Did you order something fancy?

Not yet :joy: Had some finacial things to sort out so I had to sell my wheel

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Hope you come right soon - this feckin pandemic has stressed a lot of us financially (and still is!!)

No chance of plugging an old controller in and joining in that way? Game pad is still useful for something casual like Corona Cup.


I want to see more liveries from people! Get to it folks!

I would say, make me one, but you’ll probably copy a damn F1 cars livery :fu:


Great idea, actually!

Or give me some other ideas and I can slap one together.

Can I still sign up?

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I suck at liveries, and what’s more, I suck at ideas.

Well, if you insist…

It’s not a F1 livery copy, so you have to use it! :smiley:

Kry vir jou:

ETA - Just realised the logo on the left-hand side spoiler endplate is upside down. Leaving it in case you land up on the roof and the camera cuts to your car - people will know where your true racing passion lies!


I’m signing up as soon as I’m home😂

Will be driving with a mouse🤣


“But Kelvin” xD


Hehehe! I was going to do the safety car for him but this is way better!

Almost a full house, 4 slots left

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Just a reminder to all, you will need Helicorsa and Real Penalty to be able to join the server. Links are in content manager on the server join page for MEW Racing League (the skins are there as well)

The final format will be (as voted on in the poll) 4x 15min races, with the 2nd at each track being reverse grid as usual. Only the first round will have a qualifying session, thereafter, it will be practice and then race #1 with the grid order being the reverse championship standing order at the time of the race.

1st (and only) qualifying session to begin at 8pm sharp.

We will have round 2 in 2 weeks time, I’ll host something random on the off-weeks, go-karts, lawnmowers, vans, supercar races, etc. Or we can have another semi-serious championship in parallel, it’s up to you guys.

Since I’m having to manipulate the grid orders and stuff, the reverse grid race will no longer follow on from the 1st race session, you will need to leave the server and join the 2nd race.

Regarding penalties, it seems to work quite nicely so far in my testings, so you will get 3 warnings for track limits and then a drive through on the 4th. The warnings will then reset.
You will get the same treatment or car on car collisions, but since this is more of a subjective thing, the limit for collisions will be 6, with a drive through on the 7th.
Drive throughs might be a bit harsh, I might change it to 10 seconds added after the race.

I’m still thinking of a better way to do ballasts, the current way has to have everyone in the practice session before quali so that I can assign ballast, otherwise people can put in a quick lap before the ballast has been applied. This also means that any late-comers and rejoiners will not have any ballast applied… kind of a huge oversight.


Yoh suddenly a whole bunch of people. Thing gon ruk!

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