Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

For those still on the fence about adding AC to their libraries and joining the league…

At 75% off right now on the Steam Lunar Sale, picking up the base game for R32.50 is an absolute no-brainer!

Even better value to be had if you scroll down a little - Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition is at 87% off. The game + all 11 DLC for under R80!


Ugh maybe I should get it then and join you guys. I paid so much for iRacing and I’m not using it at all which is terrible.


Just to add to this. Buying the base game + all DLCs isn’t the end of your content. The modding community never sleeps, and are constantly churning out new cars, new tracks, apps, patches and system mods.

As of the time of this post in the mod section of race department website, there are 647 track downloads, and 282 cars (some of which are car packs containing a few cars eg. japanese car packs). To be clear, not every download’s quality is stellar, but you can sort by rating. Most downloads that have a rating of at least 4 stars, are fantastic. Personally, I try anything with 3 or more stars.

I think when you factor in the additional free content for Assetto Corsa, it takes the game way past the face value of R80 for a great racing simulator, to R80 for an obscene amount of content to enjoy on top of a very solid physics engine.

But aldyr, I don’t like mods, they’re a pain in my ass to install, configure and don’t call me lazy, but I’m lazy.
Enter . The name is self explanatory, it manages your content in Assetto Corsa. The free version, includes support for car and track download management. The paid version, gets you control over system patches and mods. Basically, the hardcore stuff, that most people might not be that interested in. It’s also donationware, I believe, so you paypal an amount that works for you, to the genius russian that wrote it, and he sends you a key.

I don’t have a wheel, I can’t race a sim with a gamepad.
Dragonic would beg to differ, he uses a gamepad. There are also a few posts floating around the internet on how to setup Assetto Corsa for a gamepad, that makes the game more forgiving.

Lastly, even as easy as it is to use, I’ll put my name forward to be a support line for Content Manager. Once it’s configured, it’s awesome, and you find yourself browsing and installing mods effortlessly.


I will be the first one: WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE DRIVING IN THE SNOW!?!?

Hehe :wink:


Hahahaha! I rather like that.

But there is a setting for matching the weather with the location? This could be it, I believe it’s a client side “decoration”.

Could also be SOL plugin?

Must be. Just adding my 2c, SOL isn’t enabled on the server and I haven’t touched any weather settings yet.

Yeah, it was SOL. Sorted it between practise and the race.

Okay, so I did a bit of an experiment. I went onto the practice server and put in 5 laps each with the Audi and the Porsche. I wanted to see what is the time difference between the cars.

With the Audi I had consistent times of mid to low 1:54, with the best time of 1:54:10.

With the Porsche I easily drove under 1:53, and recorded a best time of 1:52:74

So I’d like to request a new car for the season, as I am much faster in the Porsche.


You would be correct sir. I had a similar experience lapping both cars around Kyalami.
Aldyr and I have been chatting and testing in private, and I think the solution is to use the airflow restrictor setting. Tyre wear and ballast hardly makes a difference.
I haven’t been able to test thoroughly, but I’m pretty sure the airflow restrictor will work since it lowers bhp across the entire power curve.
I’ll report back with my findings later or tomorrow.
@DieGrootHammer you can still change cars if you want, I’m aiming to leave the Porsche with a sliiiiight power advantage since it is harder to drive.

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Super duper scientific (not) results as promised.

Keep in mind that the margin of error or margin of consistency is pretty wide.
The more I drove the better times I was getting, you can see by how my 75% time is faster than my 50% time in the Porsche.
I also went with theoretical best time as it adds up my best sectors throughout the session, saving me from have to spend all day doing this.

I think the sweet spot is probably somewhere around 50% while still leaving the Porsche with a slight advantage. A much needed advantage as found I was able to drive the Audi in all out attack mode, foot planted through most apexes without having to worry about over-steering. Meanwhile, pussyfooting the Porsche around still got me facing the wrong way a good handful of times.

“Audi delta” is the key stat here, negative means the Audi was faster that the Porsche for the given restriction value.

I’m going to do some more laps around Kayalami and Brands with 50% restrictor on the Porsche and see what happens.


FYI, if you ever want to check the schedule for upcoming races, calendar thingy! (just click on “list” to see everything.


So, Kyalami next week you say?


Kyalami Indeed


Has the track been updated or is it still the BETA?

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I’ve not even look into that to be honest. Track is still the same one I initially downloaded. I’ll check it out over the weekend.

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We are still good to go with the 0.8.3 beta version. 0.9 looks to still be in the works, but the modder says the track is pretty much done. Just a bunch of tweaking and cosmetic things left to be done.

So with loadshedding back on a regular schedule again, we are going to have to see who can make it before deciding if the race will go ahead.

If it stays stage 2 (which it’s looking like it will), who will be able to make the race tomorrow 8pm?

  • Will be able to make it for 8PM
  • Will be playing with myself in darkness
  • Will only be on later (9-10pm) and don’t mind a very late start.

0 voters

It might be a good idea to schedule AC and F1 according to loadshedding schedules, for example, I’m only off during racing time (8:30-10:00) on 11-Tue, 25-Tue, 27-Thurs.

On second though, that would be a nightmare to try and arrange on top of people being available to race in the first place. I’m willing though. Let’s first see who can make it tomorrow.

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Lol :joy: Good luck with that! We were scheduled for noon-4:30 today. Power went off at 9:00 for 45 mins. And then still as scheduled at 12. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Something is burning in Cape Town, and it’s definitely not the coal

I feel compelled to make a huge, convoluted excel sheet.

I didn’t have power all of Sunday, supposed to be shed right now, but the lights are on… shrug I’ll be on tomorrow night if power allows, but I’m not going to muddy the water with my vote!