Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]


He threw down the gauntlet, I picked it up, and now he’s scared I’m going to slap him across the face with it! :chicken:

(of course he’s not chicken, and of course I wouldn’t have even come close to challenging him again tonight - I had about 5 laps around the circuit the day after the mod was released, and nothing else since.)

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Well played sir, well played!
Perhaps I should organise with the wife that I go and visit @aldyr tonight XD

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Ha, I take that “he’s not a chicken” comment back! Who wears the racesuit in your house anyway? :smiley:

PS. Can I Whatsapp your wife and tell not to let you go please?

Wise man! Say something along the lines of “he is already ditching you for cricket on Thursday.” That should work.


I hope Hammer remembers the race is today :persevere: can someone ping him?

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Hey guys sorry. I’ve got a conference this week so I won’t be at my PC until Friday. So even though no load shedding for me, I am far away from my PC.


Ah okay, unfortunate. Just wanted to make sure you didn’t forget. In hindsight, I don’t know why I never included a “can’t make it” option to the poll. My bad.

In loadshedding hell. Not able to do anything.

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Man this sucks, so frustrating. I think we can make do with 5 or 6.
@Avatar @DarthMol if neither of you make it, I think I’ll have to postpone the race. No pressure!

Just a casual BTW. All Porsche’s now have a 40% airflow restrictor. It still has a bit more grunt than the Audi, but the Audi shouldn’t get comically outpaced on the straights.

(talent sold separately)

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Sorry I just realized the race starts at 8:35. That’s cutting it a bit fine.
Is everyone okay with giving DarthMol an extra 10 mins to get up and running and maybe enough time to put in a qualifying lap or 2? I can just lengthen the prac session to accommodate.

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Lol. Chop!

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Sounds swell. Definitely could do with every extra bit of practice myself.

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Its looking good for me - load shedding schedule has changed here, so I’m in the clear.


Sorry guys, I wont be available tonight…

… To stream :joy: the pc is acting up. But I will race!


My heart!

I’ll record the audio for highlight video purposes.
Speaking of which, oltman, I can’t get your last stream off YouTube, all the usual download methods are returning weird errors. I just need the audio, is there a way we can make this happen?
I mean if all else fails, I can record my screen playing the video, but who has time for that.


Practice session just started go go go! :checkered_flag:
Server is MEW Racing League - Season 1


But are you?

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I reckon @Dragonic jinxed me. Or his wife. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Nothing’s working, game keeps crashing, whether from CM or Steam. And now my mic stopped working too for good measure. I’m packing it in and will do a reinstall of everything tomorrow.

Hope you guys at least managed to get some racing in, even if it wasnt on the MEW server.