Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

We should totally do this one evening! Box cart race down hill!


In an effort to make things a bit more interesting and to provide a little more risk/reward when it comes to strategies, I’m making the following changes for Zandvoort and the races going forward.

  • Fuel usage: 125% > 150%
  • Tyre wear: 150% > 200%

The track temp is going to be in the region of 36-39C.

After some testing, I found that softs are way too fragile for these conditions, even a tiny bit of oversteer will heat them to 110C. You have been warned!
Mediums are good for about 14 laps (lap estimate is 33), any longer and you’ll start losing seconds per lap.


One with sound:

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So I’ve been trying to think of a way to run this.
I want to run a random fun race on the GT3 off-week since that’s probably going to run for a good while longer, and I miss the shenanigans of the corona cup.

We can try out random mods like @oltmans suggests and other random car/track combinations like @aldyr suggested previously.
It won’t be something you’ll need to commit a lot of time to, minimal qualifying if any, and a 30min race max, maybe even shorter races and a reverse grid one as well.

I’ll see if I can set something up for next week and we can see how many are interested.

edit: just passed 1k posts, that’s a lot of posts :dizzy_face:

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Thats because it are can laaik to be popular :wink:

I am all for a random car / track combo. But it must not be announced too far in advance Just enough time to make sure it is downloaded and tested, not practiced. Or we just stick to included cars and tracks and find out when the server goes live :smiley:


2 more AC videos. The mods really makes this game still look great!

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Besides the overly shiny tyres in AC, I prefer the sound and graphics (maybe not graphics, but definitely the colour palette) in AC to F1, which is saying something. Codies! get your shit together!

Speaking of, everyone ready for some Zandvoort?
Qualifying begins at 8PM as usual.

@aldyr @GregRedd @Dragonic @DarthMol @DieGrootHammer @Beemerstein @oltman

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Sorry guys I won’t be able to join tonight, it’s my anniversary and I forgot tonight is the race. Enjoy it everyone.


Last minute withdrawal for me too unfortunately. Sorry chaps, was hoping to make it happen - even started the game to check my wheel was working before :grinning: - but just been advised of a schedule change and I need to get a ton of prep stuff done for tomorrow.

Will try pop in to say howzit if I can. Is anyone streaming?

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My internet seems borked :thinking:

Ye… I think we’ll postpone the race, too few drivers atm. We’ll have a friendly race tonight and reschedule the race for later in the week I think.

Is discord working for anyone?

Good fun MX5 race on Silverstone International. With mr race director @SlinX sitting it out with a wheel issue that he can only blame himself for.
Best part of that race is @aldyr coming to lap me, but instead of lapping me, drives on my ass so much that I could see what he had for breakfast and judging my failure to take apexes for the next two laps. Well done to @DarthMol for the win.
After that we went for some drifting. My word, when I finally managed to pull one of, it felt amazing, especially with a car right next to me in tandum.
Also shoutouts for @Beemerstein for jumping on quickly and making us all look like a bunch of clowns :rofl:


So good news for anyone who couldn’t make it for last nights race. There were so many of you (us) that the race will be rescheduled for whichever day gets the most votes by the end of today (unless today gets a lot of votes)

  • Wednesday (today)
  • Thursday (some will be racing in ACC)
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters

You had me at drifting. It feel so rewarding if you get it right. Keep practising. You will get it.

Was a bummer that last night’s race didn’t take place.

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How about next week Tuesday?

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Shit, can’t edit the poll. Tuesday might actually be a good day to reschedule for as well.
Please comment if you’d also want it moved to next Tuesday. So far, Myself, Beemer, Greg, DGH, Dragonic, aldyr (6)

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I can do next week Tuesday as well, but I’m open to a weekend race as well

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Won’t be available for next week Tuesday unfortunately.

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+1 for next week Tuesday from me too.

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