Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

What happens when you enter but never race… Neg 205!!!


Well you can’t say it’s not for nothing…


Yeah, leaving his car on the track and causing an accident :eyes:


Still waiting for an F1 league :wink:

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But will you join? given your serious ACC commitments?

Last time I made a F1 test weekend, only @oltman showed up, so…


Don’t think I will join tonight :frowning:

Enjoy guys.

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I’m sure you have your reasons. All good.

Final 2 tracks for the season, something familiar.

  • Bridgehampton
  • Road Atlanta

@jaydogg86 @GregRedd @aldyr @Stromlo @Dragonic @DarthMol @GeezMo786

P.S. next event will be 3 hours of Sebring sometime in April.


Ek is daar… soos n blaar.
Makes no sense but it rhymes so I stick to it.

:smiley: Time for a beach braai?

I’m there… like a chair.


Got a meeting tonight, I might be done in time to join for Road Atlanta though :+1:

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Ek is daar soos De Aar


I distinctly remember driving around Catalunya with @Oltman and I think @Draconic… But that might be been another, non test weekend test.

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Ooooh! Burn @Dragonic! :wink:

Yeah, that was informal, mainly to test the DLC car and how that worked. Then we set up a proper test weekend around Suzuka (and some other track) and thats when the REAL testing took place.

The RSS cars are so good though! I love the 2020 car!

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Thanks for the league gents. Corona Cup S3 was fun. although we had some dwindling numbers. Will be keen to see how we can get numbers up again, we chatted about a few ideas last night and @SlinX will be dropping them soon.

This was a up and down league for me due to some daddy duties, but when I could race it was super fun and I felt like I am definitely improving in this whole sim race thingimabob.


The Corona Cup racing is always a good bit of fun, and a great stress reliever. (Anyone who takes the CC racing too seriously is a New Guy chop!)

That said, I love that we get to try out cars I’d otherwise probably never see, and race on some different circuits. (You can keep Bridgehampton though - that place sucks!)

Big thanks again to @Slinx for keeping us on time and racing for the past couple of months. Looking forward to whatever you think of next.


@aldyr must be lonely out in front ey? congrats on the championship win :clap:


And that brings Corona Cup Season 3 to a close. Who knew we’d come this far.

Final Championship Standings

# Driver Rating Points
:1st_place_medal: Kelvin Andrews A+ 2624 396
:2nd_place_medal: Brent Forbes A 2166 304
:3rd_place_medal: Deon van Schalkwyk B 1939 221
4 Dayaan De Villiers B 118 174
5 Exavia Gordon C 2295 164
6 Mogamat Jacobs C -329 147
7 Greg Redd D 1396 105
8 Ryan “THE NEW GUY” Pey B 1023 101.5
9 Ruan Greyling B 1019 73.5
10 Graham Mol B 1168 69
11 Cohen Sassman Provisional 48
12 Pieter Geldenhuys B 1748 37

We started with 14, ended with 6, but it was fun the whole way through. I know some people had other commitments and other people lost interest, so shout outs to the loyal few who took part in almost every race in the longest season so far, 14 tracks, 28 races :astonished:

I think there are a couple reasons why our grid kept shrinking, and as @Dragonic mentioned, we discussed a few ideas to change things up a bit, namely:

  • Reverting back to every 2nd Tuesday like we used to.
  • Having an alternate league every other Tuesday to spice things up, something more serious, a longer single race with pitstops, etc. maybe in ACC?
  • Cutting down on time required per event, this past season, we were racing for roughly 2 hours every Tuesday which is probably a bigger time commitment than some can afford.
  • Even though it was tons of fun to chuck around, definitely an easier car(s) to driver car

I’ll make a few polls in the next few days to get a better feeling. If you guys have any other ideas, or if I missed something, please do tell :point_down:

So, next on the calendar is endurance round 3 at Sebring, 3 hours as usual. Provisional date is set for Saturday, 17 April. I’ll aim to get a practice server going by the 10th.

There’ll be no Corona Cup 4 in the interim because I need to do major updates on all the servers.


Wow my safety rating went higher than yours :smiley: think Bridgehampton has something to do with that.
Thanks again for your commitments to this league @SlinX. and looking forward to whatever we decide in future.

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Even though I was not part of this league, the organisation was, as always, excellent! Especially when you consider this is a labour of love for @SlinX!

I would be interested in doing more leagues if the cars are easier… Ahem. Those Ausie’s suuuuucked!

So, I suggest:

  • Formula 1 (who saw this coming?)
  • Smaller open wheel cars (think Formula 2 and 3, Skip Barber etc)
  • Proper modern touring cars, replicating the WTCC

Not sure if we have enough ACC drivers to warrant our own server for this. We should maybe just all join in on the MNR server and take up the whole thing for ourselves :smiley:


MNR is good, but I feel it’s too serious and intimidating for a lot of us here, I want to have something like the 1-hour GT3 championship I hosted a while back. Small, local, bantery, not super serial, etc.

I’m already set on the Mini for Corona Cup 4, slower cars means closer racing and the ballast will have more of an effect.
The Aussie touring cars was a bit of a step outside the usual Corona Cup vibe of under-powered, controllable, easy to pick up and drive type car. I want to keep the Corona Cup in that lane as much as possible.