Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

I feel less special… simracing,gp is now in OPEN Beta :joy:

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Servers have been upgraded to the new flavour of Server Manager and Corona Cup Season 4 registration is officially open!


There are lots of skins to choose from, but as always, you are more than welcomed (encouraged even) to create your own unique Corona Cup skin.

If we get enough registrations, the first race will take place This coming Tuesday (20th), otherwise we’ll start the following Tuesday.

@GregRedd @oltman @Dragonic @Stromlo @jaydogg86 @GeezMo786 @GerhardNiemand @DarthMol @DieGrootHammer @Beemerstein

P.S. I’m testing some of the new features, namely, track limit penalties and enforcing Helicorsa as a mandatory app.


Will eleventy billion make a return, that’s the question :turtle:


Nyet, I have a better leader this time :ru:




You can now join races as a spectator by using the password “spectator” :+1:


Is there a way to get server recordings?

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So @oltman can be commentator without rekking races you say?


Server doesn’t record anything, just a bunch of JSON files

Indeed, no stationary cars on the grid :grimacing:


Yay! I will get my easel ready.

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I hope people know, discord is a must, and when the channel has gone quiet, make a dick joke


Bonus points if you start your dick joke with But Kelvin…


Time for some polls

Since we’ve completed 3 season of this cup now, I’m thinking of changing things up a bit. The new server manager has a ton of integration with other apps. We have have things like safety car (or VSC), rolling starts, realtime penalties, but lets first start with the overall format.
Are you guys happy with how it’s been running or would you like to see some changes as well?

Corona Cup format suggestions
  • Don’t dare change a damn thing!
  • Current format, but in parallel with another AC series on alternating weeks
  • 1 track per round, but lengthen the race time and add pitstop (~1h @ 20min/race incl quali)
  • keep it at 2 tracks, but shorten the time per race. (~1h20 @ 10min/race incl quali)
  • Remove qualifying and start in reverse championship order lol?

0 voters

Before I cast votes, and hopefully before others do, some things that we noted through the last season

  • not everyone could make the first race start time
  • even if you didn’t learn the track for race 1, by the reverse grid race start, people seemed to get comfortable with the track
  • shorter tracks became boring with too many laps in the normal time
  • sometimes you were just getting into the longer tracks, and the race would be over (though i think this happened much less)

You leave him out of this.

I’m happy to stick with the same format, although the every 2nd week part might be a good thing as I’d be more able to attend all the race nights

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Lets get real: no more commentating! I wanna race!

However, I can always commentate the Corona Cup and race alternate weeks if that is the format. However, my Ouma stopped watching my stream so now it’s just @GregRedd who has it open while he is racing…

Also, uhm… What cars are we actually racing? Did I miss it? It’s the F1 cars, right? RIGHT? RIGHT?!?!



Until after Ramadan, I’m out of the racing.
Will signup anyway so that when I am back, then I’m BAAACCCKKK!!!


Can’t find any MEW servers at the moment.

Did find “Michael Bolton and the no tallant ass clowns” though. Maybe I should apply to them?