Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

I can’t buy that version, because I already own the base game. The DLC alone is over R100. :frowning:

EDIT: Screw it. I added the season pass and the rest of the DLC items separately and managed to drop the price by R5! Got the price below the psychological barrier of R100 and bought it. Threw in Automobilista 2 for good measure as well. :sunglasses:


I was going to say there’s some trick to getting the ultimate edition while you already own the base game, but you are too fast. Save that speed for the track!

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I’ll be faster once my Quest 2 arrives… I can hold my own in PCars2 and ACC at the moment though. I even turned off racing line in ACC and reduced assists to fairly low.


@FarligOpptreden does this mean, you’re joining tonight?


To anyone who still wants to join for a bit of fun: (@FarligOpptreden @lazy5k8er :eyes:)
Registration and Car link in this post and tracks in this one.

Server name to search for is “MEW Racing League” it will have the championship name and track appended to it)

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Like @Slinx says, you acted way too fast for me, but for next time… You can permanently request that a game gets removed from your library. That then frees you up to repurchase the version that you want with all the DLC. The downside of course is that you lose the value of whatever you paid for the base game. But it does sometimes still work out cheaper overall, especially when the discounts are so deep, and regional prices are working.

We spoke about it a while ago when the Dirt Rally 2.0 GotY edition released:

Steam Support - Games and Applications (


I am hereby offering up 6th position in the races tonight. Have a project I need to finish and choosing my evenings carefully.

Have fun guys!


And me too again, sadly. Hopefully for the last time.


My dad and I are also sitting this one out guys. We have projects to finish


So only 4 of us pitched :rofl: Thanks to the dedicated few.
We did both races at Tsukuba, but it was very lonely apart from 1 or 2 laps of action.

Results will be wiped and Round 4 will be postponed until next Tuesday.


Hairpins slap hard


Pity that so many of us had to bail, but glad that enough of us bailed that I don’t lose points :stuck_out_tongue:
ugh, last night went on till just before 1am :yawning_face: so yeah, clearly was not even going to make the second race lol.


We had loads of fun on Nordscheilfe, though. For some reason my mic was muted when I got in the Porsche, I was happily chatting to everyone while you all sped off and I was crashing in that death machine :smiley:


Hahaha, every Porsche, ever

I was wondering why you were so quite in that Porsche :rofl:

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Looking forward to the next one guys :no_mouth:

This comment didn’t age well lol


I feel bad now… Sowwy!

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Last night was pre go live of one of my biggest projects for the year, so bar any personal stuff, I should be golden for next week. But I too feel bad that I’m one of the bad bunch that ruined last night’s race… well, ruined it or encouraged a nice track day…

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No sweat guys, the server isn’t going anywhere :upside_down_face:

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