Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

Wow my safety rating went higher than yours :smiley: think Bridgehampton has something to do with that.
Thanks again for your commitments to this league @SlinX. and looking forward to whatever we decide in future.

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Even though I was not part of this league, the organisation was, as always, excellent! Especially when you consider this is a labour of love for @SlinX!

I would be interested in doing more leagues if the cars are easier… Ahem. Those Ausie’s suuuuucked!

So, I suggest:

  • Formula 1 (who saw this coming?)
  • Smaller open wheel cars (think Formula 2 and 3, Skip Barber etc)
  • Proper modern touring cars, replicating the WTCC

Not sure if we have enough ACC drivers to warrant our own server for this. We should maybe just all join in on the MNR server and take up the whole thing for ourselves :smiley:


MNR is good, but I feel it’s too serious and intimidating for a lot of us here, I want to have something like the 1-hour GT3 championship I hosted a while back. Small, local, bantery, not super serial, etc.

I’m already set on the Mini for Corona Cup 4, slower cars means closer racing and the ballast will have more of an effect.
The Aussie touring cars was a bit of a step outside the usual Corona Cup vibe of under-powered, controllable, easy to pick up and drive type car. I want to keep the Corona Cup in that lane as much as possible.


I said it before and I’ll suggest it again: random cars, single model for an evening, maybe 2 tracks. Sort of an open fun evening where there’s a list of cars in a pool, and randomly select a car that day. Pool of cars can go from F1, to skippies, to supercar, to GT4, to a punterino shed. Vote on it. Different enough to be a unique experience, short enough not to throw people off their regular league cars’ feel. Discord is mandatory, bring 3 dad jokes.


Do it and stream!!!

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What a great season! Sorry (and very sad) I couldn’t join the final race. I am signing up a new client, and moving into a new office (luckily on the same floor of the building) so work has been all consuming. :frowning:

Congrats Aldyr, that was a very well deserved championship win! And 'grants to everybody else too!

I will be printing the trophies soon. Who should get the broken car trophy? :laughing:


My tuesdays are so quiet, and my wife hasn’t screamed at me for speaking loudly after she’s gone to sleep in ages. #feelsbad


Things are in motion, apologies for the delays.
I’m busy upgrading the various Server Managers and sorting out the next Endurance race.
My AC seems to be broken as well, which doesn’t help the situation.


We all know what @aldyr is really trying to tell us: “Please start a Formula 1 league in Assetto Corsa!”


Are you @#$^(&! mad


Test server is up. 3 flavors of Mini to try out, 2 old and 1 new.
Let’s get this thing going!

@jaydogg86 @GregRedd @aldyr @Stromlo @Dragonic @DarthMol @GeezMo786

Let’s get some more victims drivers on the grid as well.


My is AC is still broken, so you guys will have to let me know if things are not working and stuff.

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Is the server still up? Can’t see anything

I just checked myself, don’t see it.

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We going to do backflips?

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Had family over, and that’s the car he chooses. Terrible drive, stay away

Sorry, the power was being worked on today, everything had to be down. Then I played Valheim for 6 hours straight and forgot to turn them back on :grimacing:


I don’t know what Valheim is, but the fact that it kept you away form your server duties makes me hate Valheim…
Die you pesky Viking vermon…


My Assetto Corsa is fixed!

WTF even is this setting and why does enabling it after 5 years fix my game somehow? :expressionless:
