Chair Suggestions

Seating position, ergonomics and avoiding RSI, blood circulation and back problems. These are all the things anyone should be considering, if you plan on spending more than 2 hours in a chair. No fancy chair is going to cancel, bad posture and bad seating habits. On the flip side, a chair without much adjustment features, is probably going to enable some form of bad habit, posture or health issue long term, unless you’ve tested it, and done all the due diligence in figuring out, if it fits like a glove. /2c

That chair looks like it’s not going to handle 140-150kg forever. The back is most likely a little too inclined for your own good, and frankly, for R2k, I’m sure there are better chairs out there.

But hey, I don’t know what your use case is? Office chair? Work chair? Meeting clients? Going to game in it? Or you just looking for something to literally support that weight and fuck back support, like a talll tree stump? :thinking: How long do you sit at a time?


I basically sit in it from morning till night, gaming, and remote support, but mostly gaming, I am also 183cm tall so it needs to be on the higher side, I am already starting to get knee cramps due to sitting so low in my current chair. What makes it worse is my desk is against a wall so I can’t stretch out my legs easily, without moving my chair back.


We had similar ones at our office, THEY ARE THE WORST! even skinny people, the chair would sag backwards, one of the guys put a plank in to lift it - just no


ah yes, was afraid of that, the only reason why I look into one of these so favorably, is we had and old old one, that was like proper steel, that you could freaking jump up and down on and it would not sag, and it can almost be considered an heirloom at this point as it went through like my dad, and both my brothers, eventually giving out only a few years ago with my brother well in his late 20’s.

If I remember correctly the seat was even this carpet-like material XD


I’ve got a triple treat - my current chair is a cheap hand me down office chair that I have repaired once already. Now the repair failed, work from home hours increased, and I got a small overtime payout that I would like to apply towards a decent new chair. Since I’m in Witbank, I’m mostly reliant on delivery. We’ve got a Game and a Walton’s but no Makro or similar to go and test the chair out on.

Please, all, what office chair would you recommend that is comfortable for around R4 000 South African?


I use this one at the office: Ergonomic Office Swivel Chair | Ergotherapy
and it’s the best office chair I’ve ever had. Would like to get one at home at some stage too.


Have used their chairs at the one office I temp at, I want it


This is my current chair. I love it! I got this one as I needed some firmer support for my… ahem… bigger frame :wink:

Evetech has them on sale every now and then and I got mine for a great price :wink:

EDIT: Its the Noble Chairs Icon


Do they not ship Secret Lab chairs to SA?


They look like rubbish. We only want quality!

Actually, they look near identical to Noblechairs!


Can vouch for them. I have a NetOne highback at home. We got some crappy gaming chairs for the office in Cape Town, but I decided to buy 11x more NetOne highbacks for the office and donate the (2 month) old chairs. They really are supremely comfortable.


Thanks, all. Glad to see the consensus on the NetOne hasn’t changed since this thread started, that gives me the confidence to order one once the Minister of Finance approves! :smiley:


Another vouch for the NetOne. I’m currently use the Midback at home and it’s really comfortable.


Due to overwhelming peer pressure, I ordered a NetOne from Ergotherapy. Thanks for the link, @Solitude!

Quick question: How long did it take from ordering to shipping? Obviously the current state of the state will have an impact, but I just want to get a thumb suck estimate…


It’s a pleasure!

Unfortunately I have no idea how long shipping takes. I’ve only used the chair at work. Must still get one for personal use.


A while, sadly. Our order last year was delivered within around 4 days. Our order for the office took 3 weeks…


Thanks, guys. I’ll be a patient a little longer then!

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So with the whole of South Africa being on fire last week, I did give the Ergotherapy guys a bunch of leeway. I placed the order last weekend, and only this morning sent an email asking if there was any news about my order. Not 10 minutes later I have feedback that my chair is out for delivery today.

So I’m typing this from my hella comfy new NetOne midback chair. It’s easy to set up correctly with the included pamplet, and it is a massive improvement on my previous hand me down visitors chairs that I repaired twice already and was still splaying like a camelhorse drinking water. I can now repair it thoroughly and properly, taking my time.

Thanks for all the guidance in this thread!


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