Coffee Lovers Thread

Dunno bout dat, soz.

We just have a stove top kettle and a french press.

I wanna get myself a proper medium, be it a coffee machine, Nespresso machine or even a Mocha Pot. I’m not sure I’m sold on the whole pour-over methods.

Anyone elses experiences?


I wont lie, the ease of the nespresso makes it tempting, but give me a bean to cup machine any day

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Yeah, no.

The reason the simple methods work for me is that they are affordable. I think I proper mocha pot is sub R500. Even a simple coffee perculator is like R300.


I’ve also heard good things about Aeropress?


Bean to cup ftw. I got my wife one for our first Valentine’s day as a married couple. I checked late December, we’ve made more than something like 15 000 cups of coffee in 5 years and 10 months. The machine cost was 33c a cup. I’ll check the total again when I get home tonight. Worth every cent.


I love a classic french press and use one at my office, I havent tried the aeropress yet. I just want one of these:

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I love my french press. You get full control how you want it. If you like it bitter, pump it up and down like mad. I prefer a single slow press.

I found aeropress to be about the same. I never did a side-by-side comparison, so I can’t actually say if I prefer one over the other.


Yeah, I just bought a new one recently too. I also look a slow press. I pour hot water slowly in it too, give it a stir and let it brew for a few, then stir again and slowly press. Generally takes me around 20 seconds or so to press it down. Then also slowly pour into the cups, mine only makes 2 cups, we don’t need more.


Seeing as on budget and trying to keep my addictions I went with something on the cheaper side and a little less known.

This was a surprise, the aroma and taste is just wonderful.


Woolworths and Jacobs make some pretty decent pods.

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Yea we discovered the Jacobs and Spar ones. They are affordable and decent. For me they are to weak :stuck_out_tongue:


I drink a lot of coffee. Mostly just instant coffee and I’ve long wanted a nice filter coffee machine.

So I bought one as an early (very early) birthday present for myself. Got the Philips - Grind and Brew Coffee Machine that’s currently on special at Takealot. Will be delivered tomorrow.

Yay! I can’t wait.


I am green with envy - I want one of those again

Be good to it, maintain it, and clean it regularly :stuck_out_tongue:
Find anyone locally that stocks this:

I have now had all flavours, their plain coffee is amazing and the flavours are even better !

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Aw man. Takealot stocks that. I had to pick some coffee so I picked this:

Here’s the machine if anyone’s interested:

Currently on special for R2200.

I bought this coffee:
Currently on special for R210.

Um, I like my specials.

And thanks @Wyvern, added those of yours to my wishlist.


I only buy when on special :stuck_out_tongue: So nothing wrong with it.

You picked a bloody nice machine! It seems like a really good one!
That coffee also sounds good! Let me know how it is!

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Looks like a great machine! We have a decent machine using ground coffee and make 2 pots each day. The best coffee ever was Lavazza Oro, but sadly they don’t have it in the country anymore. I’m quite partial to Woolies’ breakfast blend these days.


There are two brewing methods we’ve been testing and both absolutely amazing; cold brew and French press.

For the French press I use Truth Resurrection coffee beans, and it makes my favorite cup of hot coffee I can possibly make. For cold brew I use roughly ground House Of Coffee espresso beans. After 18 hours in a Mason jar it makes one hellova glass of cold brew. Combine that with almond flavoring and a bit of milk it’s the perfect morning pick-me-up on a hot day


Could you elaborate on your process of cold brewing? Please? :slightly_smiling_face:


Cold brew is just one part ground beans to 3 parts waters. So take one cup ground beans and 3 cups water, and add it to a container. You then let it steep for anything between 12 to 18 hours. The longer it steeps the stronger it gets. When done, filter out the beans and you’re left with a strong coffee concentrate. It’ll be very bitter and strong but have incredible coffee flavors, so get good beans.

Then just make a cup or glass of coffee with whatever you want on ice. Just use an espresso or double espresso volume of cold brew when making tm your drink, and there you go.


Thanks for sharing. Does the same method apply if you’re buying Pre ground coffee?

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