So a few weeks back I started watching Prepare To Try again, and of course started where it began on Dark Souls 1 through to Dark Souls 3, including their respective DLC’s. This has since spurred me on to watching even more content from other creators, along with those I know and their playthroughs.
Dark Souls still remains my bae and the best of the franchise in my humble opinion. Only recently I have noticed this on thing and was wondering if anyone else had some thoughts on the matter.
Have you ever noticed that you will never find items in Dark Souls that are not attached to something? i.e. you will never find an item standing alone, it’s always attached to an enemy, hollow or dead body or something.
Sorry, I never noticed the item thing. Are you sure there aren’t items just lying around? I honestly can’t remember. Didn’t know about the music either.
I am just messing, I do understand the concept
I do agree, the game doesnt have “pickups” randomly placed. Everything has context. (ie the branches are under a tree, or the fire ring is on a charred corpse etc). Theres no “lore” reason for an item to just be somehwere…except rubbish. thats another one
theres sometimes rubbish just lying about. that and items in the swamp are usually just under a tree
Valid points… I found some rubbish in the Undead Burg (Berg?) which was attached to a corpse. I will have to check those White Branches, think they’re in Dark Root Basin (DS1) or Undead Settlement (DS3) but I’m sure they’re also attached to a corpse.
It makes sense that items are attached to something because that something had it equipped and died and dropped it there. The branches fell from the tree.
Like I said, I agree that lore-wise every item has a purpose and reason for being there. But if we’re looking simply at any items “attached” to a corpse or a something…there definitely are exceptions
This is exactly the point I’m trying to emphasise. We’re always too busy or too quick to go through the game and levels to notice these things. Slow down and look at the world and it’s intricacies, often there will be clear indication of things like traps and ambushes if we just take the time to look for them.