Destiny 2 — The Final Shape

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An amazing Destiny 2 gaming weekend, spend so much time with MEWsies playing it together. Thanks @1nF4m0u5 @wenzdayz and @Wyvern for the awesome fun :wink:


Glad you enjoyed it my dude. Was awesome gaming with everyone aswell. Anytime you need anything lemme know if I can’t help I’ll get someone to help


Im having fun again, still need to do shadow keep stories, but otherwise Im having fun.


Need to catchup on alot of content also but it’s awesome

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Need to buy all post-Forsaken expansions as well. Been enjoying Guardian Games though, I’m almost done with the Heir Apparent catalyst quest. The great thing about doing all the strikes is I’ve had FOUR exotic catalysts drop as well! So after the festivities I’ll start grinding those catalysts. I’m currently PL 1265 if I max out each gear piece and weapon, but on my build I’m averaging 1262 now. I’m addicted to the game again after a 2 year hiatus!


Its why I am scared to pay to much more for anything in the game

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Why don’t I have you on steam and why aren’t you on the MEW discord?

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Wow man, that is some insane luck right there, I did about 40 strikes over the long weekend and some nightfalls and got none :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I leave you all with this. Really excited for it to drop


Me too!


Please tell me you saw the baby fallen

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Cannot wait for this. Will do the season properly but still wont pay for it

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Not a fan of looking for fallen babies :wink:


It’s not that bad and you get alot of stuff aswell

Fair enough XD that Sidearm exotic looks weird. Wonder what’s the perks on it

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I just cant justify pay to play currently. I am too broke :smiley: Especially if you have to do it every 4 months or so

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6 man PVE activity, that is going to be fun!

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Fair enough. If we were more pc players I’d hold like a mini comp and the prize will be the silver to buy the season

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