Destiny 2 — The Final Shape

I’m really curious about this cause it’s going to be a new mode I think and it’s going to be on the moon by the looks of it. Still excited about this and then there’s the seasonal armor and hopefully the challenges aswell

Now the question is with me, you, Neo and mon that makes 4. We need 2 more to compete the dream team

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Also @Shrike did you end up getting witherhoard?

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Going to yes, farmed some glimmer, still need some planetary resources, which I will farm later today.


What do you need? Cause if you have combo detector on your ghost it shows you chest for glim and res and then standalone res aswell

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Yeah, going to use that and drive around europa for the resource I need.


See I wish I could offer to be there always - but I cant - my schedule doesn’t allow gaming at 8 - 10 every night anymore

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With the new season just a day away who is getting it and excited to see the new activities?

I’m excited for the raid. Played that way back in D1 and curious to see what they changed and kept


I would have loved to get it, but yea this month Is brokenness :smiley:
I was hoping to finish my heir apparent catalyst but It looks like I failed on step 3.

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Which step is that?

Im on step 3 - and only 23%

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Easiest way for farm that is either Strikes and Nightfall. Just make sure you play with friends and have heavy ammo finder mod on the will make it easier for you. If you kill dark orange and yellow enemies you’ll get more to drop. Think the most I’ve had was 5 to drop and I run 2 nightfalls and I was done

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Nope only when its the strike day that I can farm it in there, the rest of the time was gambit and crucible.

It was mental to try and farm it in there

Also tonight is the last night

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Yup, I just ran Strikes as part of the Guardian Games and quickly farmed the kills. Especially doing Nightfalls.


As Wyv said, you could only get credit if you were doing the playlist areas that was the focus for that day. I wonder if they will give it a more generic completion now or will she have to wait for the next guardian games.


Well, either Heir Apparent or Thunderlord racked up my kills quickly. I just saved the heavy ammo until I was in a known spawn area, like around the church in the EDZ when doing any of the EDZ strikes. I think I managed to finish that step in 3-4 strikes at most…

It’s also the area I visit frequently to do the catalyst kills for most exotics. I’m currently grinding my Graviton Lance’s catalyst - specifically the cosmology kills, which is a bitch to grind as you need a ton of multi-kills from a single precision kill. And it only really works if the creeps are clustered together.

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I tried the whole time, I seemed to have missed the few strike days last week thanks to work, so that is why I only got 23%

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You might have some time tonight, I guess. I think yesterday was Crucible, this morning was Gambit so I’m quite certain tonight will be Strikes. So maybe you have a change to do it tonight? Just repeat some EDZ strikes and make sure to use a heavy ammo finder gear augment. After farming enough heavy ammo, let loose with either Heir Apparent or Thunderlord. You’ll be done fairly quickly.

If you can round up a fire team to allow you to do the farming, you can even do one of the strikes in the open world areas (like Nessus) and wait for all the public events to farm the kills. Doing it with randoms will make it difficult, as they tend to rush to the end which will force you to respawn close to them.


That is the plan tonight, I hope I have heavy amo finder gear.

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If I am on, I will certainly join you. We need a third so we don’t have to rush through maps and you can get your kills.