Destiny 2 — The Final Shape

Really want to run all the raids over again hopefully getting the weapons I want from Last wish to DSC and I still need to learn Vault Of Glass aswell. Alot has changed since D1

@Shrike you wouldn’t guess you’ve only been playing a couple of weeks. Seems like you have more exotics than me at this point in time and can solo the new challenging lost sectors! I’ve been playing (on and off) for years now and have racked up at least 200 hours in the game by now.

What’s your PL currently? I’m at 1292+7, so scraping on that 1300 wall currently.


Currently on 1325, advancement has become very slow, it is about 1-3 points a week. I have put in 277 hours so far, pretty crazy actually but I really have enjoyed the ride! I am making something not often seen in groups: a healer! Must add though, a LOT of what I know and have I owe to @1nF4m0u5 and his friends. They have been super helpful!


277 hours in just over a MONTH?! Wow, that’s commitment! That’s easily a full-time job of just playing Destiny 2!


It’s what makes the game awesome dude is everyone will help with just about anything :mechanical_arm:

I’m guessing you played while it was still on blizzard aswell?

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Yep. Only rejoined recently after they moved over to Steam. I stopped playing around Black Armory.


Black Armory had an amazing raid tho. And the weapons just made me :drooling_face:

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Season of the Drifter (Jokers Wild) was very badly received and then from here on the seasons became much better

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This season’s weapons feel great though. I absolutely love my Chroma Rush. The whole Cyberpunky aesthetic also appeals to me.

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The heavy machine gun is also amazing. In truth this whole seasons weapons are basically pea shooters but boy do the feel awesome when you unload each bullet

I’m just glad there’s a focus away from hand cannons and sniper rifles for a change… Auto rifles, SMG’s and (auto) sidearms are a lot more fun in PvE. At least for me.


:scream:What are you talking about hand cannons are amazing well the exotic and Igneous hammer the rest not so much. But yeah it is awesome seeing them bringg new pve guns and the fact that you get the Eliksni themed guns as well as the FWC (Future War Cult) weapons. But on a side note Lakshmi can go suck a bullet

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For me as well, I absolutely SUCK at precision hits, which is why I am not a fan of PVP.

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I really like The Last Word and it’s recoil is alot when you ads so it’s easier to shoot from the hip. And scout rifles helps with precision

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@Shrike just heard you are going to do your first raid tomorrow :mechanical_arm:

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Crucible is dominated by 3 or 4 hand cannons, Felwinter’s Lie and Dead Man’s Tale. There is very little variety in the gameplay. I miss the days of pulse rilfes, ala Go Figure and Bygones.


Vigilance Wing still makes an appearance and yeah shotguns are pvp king now along with Stasis power. But hand cannons were for most of D2 a thing

Vigilance Wing is only there because of its team buff - on its own it feels underwhelming. And yeah, Statis in PvP sucks - once everyone’s powers are charged, the game becomes a statue simulator.

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Just be glad you started playing after they nerfed it in pvp. Most of the time it was just after you are frozen you’d lose alot of health and you stay frozen for a while