Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

Looking for some recommended spots to potentially go on holiday over Xmas period. Somewhere between George and Port Alfred. For affordability reason will likely use AirBnB.


Yup, SMILE is the newest method of laser eye surgery. Can be done on much thinner Corneas that don’t qualify for Lasik or PRK (as I did not). It’s a German technology/technique, and it uses a very tiny laser (sub-millimeter). Very cool tech, I have 120% vision now and it is expected to last 10 years before I need to get reading glasses for close up. I will never be as poorly sighted as I was before!


Dr Kristin Pretorius Optometrists, in Lyttelton. They are in the Lyttelton Shopping centre on the corner of Botha and Cantonments.


Yes? Hello? Someone say Botha?


Good morning Friday!



How much does that cost, if you don’t mind me asking?

I had lasik surgery about 20 years ago but now I’m wearing glasses again.

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Same, hello!


They could’ve figured out a better acronym, it sounds like a dental thing! :smiley:
That’s really awesome, thanks for educating us!

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Morning all everyone.

Does everyone have glasses here?

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Yeah, I think it’s called astigmatism, basically rugby ball-shaped eyeballs.

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I also have astigmatism. I wonder how common it is.

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Mine is old age, no surgery can fix that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Sounds very ra ra


I think it’s more common than we realise.

Also morning people of the palace. . . .

Funny story: when Afrikaans people see my surname, they start speaking Afrikaans to me. I then dutifully reply to them in Afrikaans (which is my mother tongue) only to find them swap back to English. I soon realised that my long term under exposure to Afrikaans ( I use it once a week when I phone my dad) has led to me having a ludicrously strong rooinek accent when I speak Afrikaans.


It’s because you live in the last bastion of the English.

Moving from Pta where my English was considered pretty-good-for-an-Afrikaans-kid to Pmb where I was positively uncultured, then to Witbank where they practically want me to lead the debate team because I actually understand tenses. My accent has deteriorated a bit here as well, but luckily regular gaming sessions with English friends help keep me in check.


Yup. Astigmatism over here as well. Been wearing specs for 15 odd years now. Also investigating some sort of eye surgery, but seems like astigmatism isn’t fixable by laser eye surgery.

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Sjoe eina, just got the quote, just over 11k, but then again, they will have blue light filters and anti-reflection lenses. The sunglasses will have to wait a few months, these will wipe out my savings.

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It’s cheaper to fly up to Lyttelton! 0.o


Yeah it’s the coating that make mine cost a fortune too. Just go for the anti-reflection or anti-glare.

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