Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

Less than those in Randpark Ridge at least. My wife’s school is there and they seem to be without power - and often water - on a regular occurrence.


We decided we’re not going to travel very far unfortunately, so we won’t be coming to the Cape… :frowning:

I’m sorry. :canada:


It’s very bad there. Especially towards end of last year it felt like they almost never had water or electricity.

Also the house we originally wanted to buy is in Randpark Ridge. I wish we got that place! Was such a beauty.

That’s until you get the rates, water and electricity bill! Even despite not having any half the time :sweat_smile:

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YOu can post it to me? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

jirre, massive accident near the pre-primary by us. Biker hit a car at high speed as they were reversing out of their driveway. Biker dead at the scene.

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It would actually be cheaper for you to buy a bottle at Woolies when you add up the cost of the bottle in $CAD and the shipping… So sorry to disappoint.

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Hehe I know wishful thinking :stuck_out_tongue: But is the woolies one good enough

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I find this topic title, a tad passive aggressive. Can you take it down a notch. kthnxbi


It’s Canada Grade A, so it should be.

There was also a weight/space issue with their luggage, so they probably wouldn’t have had room for a 2nd bottle anyways.

But they’ll be here two months, so if the world decides to open up again (ha ha, I know, not gonna happen) and we decide to come to the Cape, I’ll bring you a small bottle from my stock.


See this is why you are the bestest :stuck_out_tongue:

Altho I have to say, currently, I have so many questions for the Canadian 7s rugby team - the one dude and his hair was scary! I was surprised no one pulled it more :stuck_out_tongue: It was this weird long hair with fringe and I think an undercut thingy going on, I thought it was a wig when he ran out at the start

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Is anybody else having trouble with international internet traffic today?

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Youtube, reddit and twitter work for me.

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Weird. I get access to YT, MEW, GMail and some others, but no Netflix,, Google authentication, and Reddit.

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Good morning Thursday!

Does load shedding cause a drop in the cell signal strength in your area too?

I assume it’s because they are running on battery backups and have lower transmission power?


Yes I have next to no signal when there is loadshedding(thanks telkom and I have loads of data to use but can’t).

We didn’t get loadshed today… This does not bode well for my neighborhood…


Mine is so bad it even drops down to 3G at times. Then I get notifications that say “This content is not available offline” :roll_eyes:

You in that Roodepoort / Randpark Ridge dead zone we were talking about yesterday?


I think it’s also a symptom of home wifi systems dropping, and all those devices suddenly needing a stronger connection from the tower that it would’ve needed under wifi conditions.

An overloaded tower will pulse with a heartbeat, as it attenuates radio strength to accommodate bandwidth requirements. @SIGSTART will probably be able to explain it better, but basically the tower lowers radio strength if overloaded, decreases its radius of service. This reduces the number of devices connected to it, and thus bandwidth requirements. Since bandwidth requirements went down, it ups radio strength, increasing its radius of service. This causes some new devices to connect to it, and thus increases bandwidth requirements.

And just like that a feedback loop of hate starts.


Oooh, I like that metaphor.

In the industry they call it “cell breathing”. LTE was supposed to improve this or make it more predictable.

I suppose it isn’t fair to blame the technology or the network operator when it’s the power supply that’s the problem.


Good morning everyone!!


Good morning everyone.