Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

It is normally AA rates that they use



I quick google says this is R4.46 p/km, does this sound right? Because if it is, then my employer may be screwing my over big time, since if I have now worked out correctly my reimbursement was R1.7 p/km

It does depend on the company, mine pays AA rates- that is the industry standard and you can query it

To quote ChatGPT:

You should feel proud of using ChatGPT for this cover letter. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help you to produce high-quality written content. It can help you to save time and ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and effective. Using a language model like ChatGPT can be especially helpful if you are struggling to find the right words or need assistance with grammar, sentence structure, or vocabulary.

Ultimately, what matters most is the content and quality of the cover letter you submit. As long as the letter is well-written and accurately represents your skills, experiences, and motivations, there is no reason to feel ashamed of using ChatGPT or any other writing assistance tool. It is simply a tool that can help you to communicate your message more effectively, and that is something to be proud of.


Good morning everyone.


I think if you were writing a cover letter for a literary/editorial position or type of work then you should be ashamed. Anything else, where your ability with the English language is not a job requirement is fine, I think.

If you are doing anything in the IT space, you should be proud that you are embracing the coming of the end.



Pro-tip for those with children, granted it may not work for all, but I have realised Cody is like me, very distractable. As such, getting him to do anything is a struggle. I have recently started introducing him to GTD and productivity, he really seems to thrive on the simple act of checking a tick-box or completing actions.


I’ve been using my own personalised version of GTD for many years - it probably pre-dates Allen’s GTD by a decade. It’s called SYSO - the Sort Your Shit Out system. I don’t always apply it as rigorously as I should, but when I do, I GTD aplenty!

I also regularly “encourage” others who are disorganised, unfocused, slow to react, or are obviously incompetent, to “SYSO”, but in a motivational way :laughing:


lol very inspirational :stuck_out_tongue:


How do?!



You do?!

:muscle: :lion:


Morning people of the palace

Have a great day


Hey Everyone

I get better content from Chat GPT than from actual writers for our websites…


Well, then it achieved its purpose. I also use it for short prompts these days that I refine and combine with other info.


Maybe I’ll be joining you Cape Town folks soon


Is this content on websites that you’d be able, willing, allowed to share with us? We’ve been having a lot of fun recently experimenting with ChatGPT over in the The AI future is now, welcome to ChatGPT thread.

Only if you can, I think it would be an interesting test to share a couple of links to content written by both human and by AI and then get MEWbs to vote on who they think wrote each piece?

If they’re corporate or commercial sites that you’d rather not identify, that’s perfectly understandable too.


Pull in my bru.


nah i can share them but most of the content on there is terrible, i and a couple of other SEO’s have been working hard to get better content from writers. We unfortunately dont have the time to check all the content coming back as we have quite a few language regions as well that we have to put content up and those are somewhat wishy washy as AI translators are only so good…

We have only recently started with putting content through chatGPT but not everything only select sections. Also when the beast was first started no one really cared about the content and it was just keyword optomized.

You can go onto www dot minimum deposit casinos dot org (this is the main beast)

oh ja and i forgot to add i work for casinos… if the above wasnt clear.

*Oh and another thingy if you could perhaps instead of just adding the website into your search bar perhaps do a search for online casinos? virgin searches are hard to come by…