Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

I am getting so angry reading about your situation! I consider myself quite conservative in these sort of things, but I find this petty and idiotic. You have my full support, just not sure how that can help.


Fuck that noise.

I’d report them to the human rights commission.
I’d burn that place down.
I’d… definitely look for a different school for your daughter.

Well done for supporting your daughter. Tell her some internet stranger and his wife thinks she’s incredibly brave and deserves way better than this school offers her.


I’m so sorry your family is having to deal with this archaic, bigoted nonsense. All power to both your daughter and wife. Add another random internet stranger to their list of Allies. :smiley: :rainbow_flag:

I’m guessing the job options for your wife are limited in the area, so she needs to tread carefully. That she got a written warning for showing her support is ludicrous. The Dept of Labour’s Employment Equity Commission, Human Rights Commission, Teachers Union, and a bunch of media outlets, might need to get an anonymous email or social media post.


Hugs to you and the family. Stay strong. You know where to find us if you need us.


Exactly that yes, also there are no other decent schools within 75km, so we all will have to work with what we got.


Do people forget that rainbows are an actual phenomenon of physics? Of the EM spectrum of light? Of diffraction through a prism or through other matter? It’s colourful and beautiful and energising! I have a massive pack of rainbow masks that I wear everywhere, because I adore them.

I’m also bi, but that is totally beside the point. I’ve seen preschools paint entire walls of their premises with rainbows. Nobody automatically infers that it’s an LGBTQ+ preschool; they started this by making an assumption about what the mask is supposed to mean.

Get your daughter a black mask with an inverted red pentagram on it instead. It’s a symbol of protection from evil, and if she’s not allowed to wear that, they are infringing on her freedom of religion. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Isnt SA the Rainbow Nation?!


Happy Friday peeps!



Counting the minutes till 3pm :raised_hands: Considering I started work at 5:30, I may push that to 1pm :joy:


Morning people of the palace

Sadly I didn’t get the job, we suspect it was due to my honesty about dad’s situation. At least hopefully after tonight, we will have a plan with dad since he is not recovering at the rehab center.




Welcome home!

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Qualy is at 5pm…


Sorry about that! Good luck!


Hallo’s everyone!

These 4 day weeks are nice but also not nice…so much to do so little time to get everything done


There will always be something that needs to be done, best not to worry about it in your off time and focus on the things that matter.

I have taken off the 28 and 29 April so nice long weekend next.


I have been having such a fight with a builder at our complex…He has to rebuild a section of wall because when our complex was built they built a single brick layer wall that is 2.1m high (which is not SANS compliant) this particular section has cracked due to a tree growing into it. It has now taken this guy 14 days to build a 6m section of wall and he is still not done and refuses to work on a saturday.

Plus what grates me even more is the manner in which he is building the wall. It is a Double brick wall that he now has to build in order to be SANS compliant for the height of the wall but he insisted on building a single layer up to 2.1m and is now doing a 2nd single layer right next to the other one and just filling the gap with cement. This according to him is the correct way of building a wall.
But because im not a builder and female my opinion does not matter.


Ya no hey. Side by side, one layer at a time. Tell him, he’s fucking stupid.


Ja this is what the f-tard did:

He built a new layer against the crumbling wall…
and then now this week he broke done the crumbling wall on the otherside and has no proceeded to build a single layer against the wall from last week. On this photo that took his builder a Whole-ass day to build 10 layers high…a whole day


It seems like a week for school woes eh @Shrike

This evening Cody tells us that he doesn’t like the new mathematics teacher as she talks nicely to everyone but talks ugly to him. And when he put his hand up to ask a question she responded with “out of all the kids I hate you the most”.

I am shocked and will be consulting the principal regarding this.

Albeit, my woes seem to pale in comparison to yours bud.