So seeing that I offered to take the reigns of GameClub, for how long I don’t know, let’s get it going. It’s been a while and I’m keen.
GameClub is like BookClub but with games. Everyone suggests games and then we vote for which one to play during a specified time period. Everyone plays the game from start to finish, even if they’ve played it before. Sometimes there are awards given out for you to display on your profile when you finish. We use the official MEW Discord to chat or stream while playing. Buy the game if you are able to (If you don’t have it already), play it, join our chats in the evenings, be happy and content with the world. The chats are optional but post your progress, updates or screenshots here.
I am going to stretch the nominations and voting a bit as I started this very early but want it to start on the first of October. The timeline will be as follows:
2021-08-30 - 2021-09-19 (3 weeks) - Nominations
2021-09-20 - 2021-09-24 (5 days) - Voting
2021-09-25 - 2021-09-30 (5 days) - Extra time for voting if split votes happen.
2021-10-01 - 2021-11-30 (2 months) - GameClub 21
Start by nominating up to 3 games that you would like to play. You have to nominate 3 otherwise your nominations won’t count. I’ll collect all the nominations together and all the games with more than 1 nomination will go into a poll for voting.
Mickey Mousecapade
The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
Goofy’s Fun House
You can change your nominations as much as you want until the 19th of September but I’ll remind everyone as we go.
Currently all on Game Pass, Fallen Order through EA Play
Maybe a double / triple header to make up for some of the lost months? Longer game for the full 2 month period and then two short ones, one in each month?
It might well have been - the only time I ever tried to complete a Game Club was Mad Max. It might be worth tracking down the past games list and updating it. I’ll have a gander when I get a chance, unless someone else bored gets to it first.
Thanks to everyone who has nominated their games so far. There’s still 2 weeks left for nominations so for anyone still deciding… take your time
I’ve changed my first nomination seeing that I couldn’t wait and played Agent A, so I’ve replaced it with Quake. Thought it might be fun to play a revamped old school classic.
I’ve updated the list of current nominations so we can see who’s in the top spot/s.
2 weeks down, 1 to go for nominations for GameClub 21.I’ve updated the current nominations tally in the meantime. If you haven’t nominated anything then you still have some time. For those who have, you can still change your choices.