[GameClub] Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Also, I am falling in love all over again with the game. New Game Plus is just such a joy. There is so many new things I’m finding and exploring.

Finished with Golem City, so back in Prague right now. Got a fair few very fun and very interesting side missions to do right now.

Well, if they ever make a movie out of Deus Ex, then the lead actor is 100% confirmed then. He does indeed look like Adam Jensen.

I managed to get to the train station/my house last night.

I will have to take it slow - the game motion makes me a bit sick, I have adjusted all I could think of including mouse sensitivity.

is there head bobbing?

Cant remember for sure

I started the game on the first. I’ve gotten to used to the “follow the marker” style games, I got lost in the first 15 minutes :expressionless: I had a bit of a headache, so I didn’t play too long.

Hopefully I’ll get a chance to finish this one. Seems fun


So I started, did the recap. then another 5 minutes of intro before any gameplay. played about 5 minutes in the end, I reckon I’m still in the tutorial area and waiting to see how they “rid you of all your previous perks and start you over” as is custom in any rpg sequel :stuck_out_tongue:


Also did the 17 odd minutes of video and then felt the terrible mouse controls. Started reading up how to fix it and ended up just playing Far Cry 4.

On a side note, I got a new 21:9 monitor (2580x1080) and this game (and all others that support the aspect ratio) look and feel incredible. It’s an entry level “ultrawide” screen, but still. Playing on a normal 16:9 screen now feels so limiting…

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I tried tonite to get to the medic dude - aka first quest - feck me I kept on dying!

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medic dude? my first mission was in Dubai…

I’m in Prague now, apparently thats where I live, despite my Czech being terrible according to the cops.

Feel kinda bad, since I have robbed blind everyone in my apartment, and in the streets…wonder if there is some kind of consequence/nod later on like there is in Human Revolution when you go around stealing from the office.

I’ve been poking around the Palisade Bank. That entire building is the reason why the Deus Ex franchise is so damn fantastic. There are so many secrets and stuff to find. You can get anywhere in the bank through so many different ways it’s actually scary.

The mystery of the story is deepening and I’m working my way through a bunch of side missions in Prague at night.

Hmm, not sure if there is anything like that. I’ve never done that. But then again, I am not a kleptomaniac and a sycophant…

How am I a sycophant? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I never said you are. I just said I am not one. What you infer from my comment if completely up to you…

I don’t think it means what you think it means. I fully admit to being a klepto in game. MAN I struggled hard to get all the credit chips at the dodgy merchant’s house in my building. knocking the 2nd bodyguard out is tough! :smiley:

But I don’t think I’m a suck-up :smiley:

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I find the game to be a bit overwhelming after you complete the prologue. You start off in this apartment and then you head outside and there’s just so much going on.

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The medic dude = the guy who has to fix the augments

I got close to the building, I just cant figure out how to sneak into the back - I can snipe from the top floor - pity I only have a crappy machine gun and pistol…

I robbed everyone blind in the apartment building, but not the dodgy dealer - did you find that secret praxis kit?

I have no idea how you are robbing people in the streets tho

I started but my PC crashed on the way to the Singh dude.

You mean the one by the eviction guy? . I haven’t levelled up my hacking fully yet so haven’t gotten any others that may be hiding in the safes or from laptops

I just mean robbing all the places outside the apartment, there a few abandoned buildings, there was some dealer stash in a park that lead to a side quest etc etc. and a couple vents leading to secret areas on the rooftops :slight_smile:


Theres a rooftop area before it near the guy standing by the door. I got in that way after robbing a room blind (felt bad since they “hide” all their money behind the wall in the vent). from there i just dropped down, opened a window and slowly cleared out (going for non-lethal full ghost) the bookstore. ez peezy

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I dont do ghosting well - I dont have the patience. . . .

I am going to restart that whole section. Want to see what else I missed and maybe get rid of some of the crap I have in my bags.

there is an easy one in that room with the eviction game - its under a floorboard